Friday, March 28, 2025

Tag: You Might Just Get It: Sanctuary City Leaders Complain Loudly Now That They Actually Have To Provide Said Sanctuary

Be Careful What You Ask For, You Might Just Get It: Sanctuary City Leaders Complain Loudly Now That They Actually Have To Provide Said Sanctuary

by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:

For more than a decade I have written about illegal immigration, open borders and so-called “sanctuary cities,” and for the first time, we are witnessing a phenomena that is pitting a liberal-run cities against a Democrat president, and it is a sight to behold.

First off, what is a sanctuary city and/or state? It is a city or state that declares itself a haven for illegal immigrants. In most cases, the Democrat leaders of the city and/or state, forbid their law enforcement agencies from working with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents to enforce immigration laws and deport illegal aliens.

To understand how incredibly huge this problem is with cities/states refusing to abide by federal immigration law, there are 11 states that identify as sanctuary states and 181 cities and counties in 30 more states.

Be Careful What You Ask For, You Might Just Get It: Sanctuary City Leaders Complain Loudly Now That They Actually Have To Provide Said Sanctuary


by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:

For more than a decade I have written about illegal immigration, open borders and so-called “sanctuary cities,” and for the first time, we are witnessing a phenomena that is pitting a liberal-run cities against a Democrat president, and it is a sight to behold.

First off, what is a sanctuary city and/or state? It is a city or state that declares itself a haven for illegal immigrants. In most cases, the Democrat leaders of the city and/or state, forbid their law enforcement agencies from working with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents to enforce immigration laws and deport illegal aliens.