Monday, September 16, 2024

Millions Protest in Yemen after U.S. and U.K. Bombing – Turkey President Warns that Red Sea will now Become a “Bloodbath”

by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

The UK and the U.S. fulfilled their threats to bomb Houthi positions inside Yemen last night, where 5 people were allegedly killed in Yemen. The Houthis, in response to the bombings, reportedly stated that their attacks on ships passing through the Red Sea were not going to stop.

Will the U.S. power grid function reliably during the coming arctic blast?

from Health Ranger Report:


The Invisible Threat: 240,000 Toxic Plastic Nano-Particles in Every Bottle of Water

by Sayer Ji, Green Med Info:

Using advanced microscopy, researchers detect over 240,000 plastic particles per liter in bottled water – mostly hazardous nanoplastics below 1 micron. This reveals far higher human exposure than presumed, warranting research on toxicity and regulation. Sweating therapies may help eliminate accrued microplastics.

A startling new study by researchers at Columbia University reveals extraordinarily high levels of micro and nanoplastics in commercial bottled water, with major implications for human health1. Using an advanced microscopy technique called stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) spectroscopy, the scientists achieved unprecedented detection sensitivity to spot individual plastic particles down to 60-100nm – smaller than the wavelength of light2.

This once-safe, picturesque, all-American Wisconsin town has turned into an unsafe sh*thole, thanks to illegals…

from Revolver News:

Another one bites the dust, and we’re not referencing the classic Queen song here. This time, it’s about yet another nostalgic, quintessentially American small town losing its charm. This time, illegals have taken over and destroyed the town of Whitewater, Wisconsin, a once lovely place to call home that has turned into a den of grime and inequity.

Look how beautiful and picturesque this town was:

The Stage Is Set For Unprecedented Chaos & The Total Breakdown Of Society As The Cabal’s Blitzkrieg Bloodbath Upon America Planned Out For Many Decades Plays Out Before Our Eyes

by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

The story Steve Quayle linked to on Wednesday from the NY Post was heartbreaking and shows the way America is steamrolling in 2024 while treasonous politicians in Washington DC and state capitols across the country put the wants and needs of illegal aliens above those of American citizens and taxpayers.

Reporting that a food pantry in the Bronx had to turn away hungry people for the first time in 10 years, this comes as ‘our replacements,’ who’ve been invited in by the ‘traitor in chief‘ in the White House, are treated better by our own govt than the American people who are keeping that govt open and running.

High Alert of a Surprise Attack Due to War Escalation

from The New American:


Migrant Crisis Motive Revealed

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

Democratic Rep. Yvette Clarke is running for re-election this year in New York’s 9th District to FINISH THE JOB of utterly destroying New York. To achieve her goal of ruining a once great city, Clarke is demanding MORE illegal migrants. Clarke actually admitted that the Democrats need more migrants to overrun their cities and states for “redistricting purposes.”

Episode 3311: US Bombs Yemen As Congress Goes Home For The Weekend

from Bannons War Room:


Hertz Is Selling 20,000 EVs Due to Lack of Customer Demand

by Mish Shedlock, Mish Talk:

Note to rental car agencies and auto manufacturers: Don’t do foolish things.

After Big Tesla Bet, Hertz Selling One-Third of EV Fleet

Hertz is selling a third of its EVs globally, with 20,000 in the US and will use some of the money to buy more Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) gasoline-powered cars.


by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

Those who know me well – including some of my friends who are pilots – know that I do not fly.  Period. End of discussion. I don’t fly.

When queried about why, I will respond with some variation on the theme “Because it’s just not safe,” whereupon my interlocutor will counter with the usual arguments about statistics and flying being the safest mode of travel, and yadda yadda yadda blah blah blah &c &c &c.  I get all that, and fully acknowledge my view is completely emotional and irrational. They made the same arguments about zeppelins and airships.  So I’m sticking to my emotional and irrational guns. After all, I grew up in an era when it seemed like every passing month, a DC-10 somewhere in the world managed to fly right into the ground with a planeload of passengers, or, as more recently, portions of aircraft fly apart at altitude, sucking the clothes clean off of a baby who, it turns out, was very lucky he didn’t get sucked away along with them.

WEF, WHO to Discuss ‘Disease X’ at Summit: “20 Times More Deadly than COVID-19”

from AlexandraBruce:


EXPLOSIVE REPORT: Army Official Says Mark Milley Delayed National Guard Response to Jan 6 ‘Then Lied About It’.

by Jack Montgomery, The National Pulse:

Colonel Earl G. Matthews, senior legal adviser to Major General William J. Walker, who commanded the Washington D.C. National Guard on January 6th, 2021, has blamed former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Mark Milley for letting the protest get out of hand. The colonel compared the now-retired Milley to the murderous Don Emilio Barzini, who served as Don Vito Corleone’s arch-nemesis in The Godfather.

“Milley controlled the Army,” Matthews told reporter Neil McCabe, arguing that while the Joint Chiefs boss lacked legal authority within the chain of command, he instead leveraged his profound influence and contacts in the Pentagon to delay the Guard’s response.

Yemen, Witch Hunt, MSM fear, USSF, WW3, Yemen, Shadow GAMES, 11.1, J6, KAT, Rogers, ESPN. Pray!

from And We Know:


Major Escalation: Biden Launches War On Yemen

by Mike Whitney, The Unz Review:

Wait, wait, wait….. the UN voted for a ceasefire in the Red Sea (where the Yemenis harmed 0 humans)…. But has yet to pass a cease fire vote after 30,000+ have been killed (in Gaza)??? Tony Montana @9mmScorpion

On Tuesday, the Houthis launched their largest attack on ships in the Red Sea to date. 21 missiles and drones –that were launched from positions on mainland Yemen– were shot-down by US and British warships patrolling the area. No casualties were reported.