Monday, September 16, 2024

Conspiracy DEBUNKED: Elite Jewish Vacation Club For Pedo Politicians and Useful VIP Goys

from DollarVigilante:


Britain Ready to Send Troops to Die for Ukraine

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

I have been warning that the West desperately needs to create World War III as an excuse to cover up their fiscal mismanagement since World War II, which will inevitably result in the collapse of sovereign debt. British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has now gone to Kiev to sign a “defense agreement” committing British citizens to be drafted to go to Ukraine and die for our illustrious politicians who do not even have the dignity of a dog that never shits where it eats, unlike our world politicians.

Texas National Guard Seizes Eagle Pass Park to Stop Illegal Immigration

by Mish Shedlock, Mish Talk:

Over the objection of the Eagle Pass mayor, governor Abbott seized a public park that borders the Rio Grande river.

National Guard Showdown

In a first of a kind showdown, the New York Post reports Texas Gov. Abbott seizes Eagle Pass border park without warning to combat migrant crisis, mayor claims.

NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: Chemtrails And HAARP Now Control The Skies As Multiple End Times Events Are All Coming To A Head At The Same Time

by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

We are not even two weeks into the new year of 2024, and it’s already far exceeded whatever expectations and predictions we had made in 2023. Chemtrails, HAARP, WWIII? Yep.

Last night, the whole world was glued to social media watching as air strikes conducted by the United States and Britain pounded the Houthi rebels in Yemen, punishing them for their relentless missile attacks on international shipping in the Red Sea. As exciting as that is, and we will talk about that today, I want to tell you about an astonishing event that took place in the skies over our heads we witnessed a few days ago while driving home from New Jersey. Chemtrails like you’ve never seen before, and it’s all connected to everything happening all around us here on Day 1,397 of 15 Days To Flatten The Curve.

SEC Greenlights Bitcoin ETFs Amidst Social Media Whoopsie

by Peter Schiff, Schiff Gold:

On Wednesday, January 10th, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) made an interesting decision, voting to allow everyday folks to participate in spot bitcoin ETFs. This move marks an opening for a broader audience to delve into Bitcoin speculation.

The approved ETFs are set to be listed on various exchanges, including Nasdaq, the New York Stock Exchange, and the Chicago Board Options Exchange. This is supposed to provide an additional layer of oversight. But the announcement went terribly wrong, amplifying concerns about the ETFs.

Young Girl in Coffee Shop RECOILS After Biden Creeps on Her – Whispers in Her Ear (VIDEO)

by Cristina Laila, The Gateway Pundit:

Joe Biden on Friday traveled to Allentown, Pennsylvania to shuffle around for a couple hours.

After emerging from three days outside of public view, Joe Biden will not be delivering a speech during his visit to Allentown. He will only be visiting a few local businesses.

Biden visited Nowhere Coffee Company and spoke with workers at South Mountain Cycle on Main Street in Emmaus, according to WFMZ. Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, Senator Bob Casey and Allentown Mayor Matt Tuerk also joined Joe Biden.

Nolte: Disney’s Woke Pixar Unit to Slash Hundreds of Jobs

by John Nolte, Breitbart:

The Disney Grooming Syndicate’s primary grooming branch, Pixar, will reportedly slash up to 20 percent of its staff, which amounts to more than 300 lost jobs.

People who hate us and seek to queer and sexualize our small children are about to be unemployed. Every decent American should cheer this news.


from Infowars:


“A Declaration of War”: UK Plans To Put British Troops In Ukraine

by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

Former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev has warned that if the United Kingdom signs an imminent deal with Ukraine to put troops in the country, Moscow would consider it as a declaration of war. Medvedev was reacting to the imminent signing of a security agreement between London and Kiev.

Medvedev, who currently serves as deputy chair of the Russian Security Council, issued his warning in a social media post.

A visit to Kiev on Friday by UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, who is set to sign a security agreement with Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, would ensure British troops would be openly deployed to Ukraine.


from The Highwire with Del Bigtree:


The Oct. 7 False Flag and Biden’s March to WWIII

by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project:

Nick Koutsobinas — On October 6th, it was a Friday, and I was in Tampa. I hadn’t thought about the war in Ukraine in nearly a day, mostly because I had just been robbed. But on October 7th, all that changed.

A premonition struck me at that moment — a gut feeling — the same gut feeling I had writing about Ukraine and the COVID vaccines, about the social media censorship during lockdowns; I remember thinking — reflecting on the week prior how all the momentum of leaving Ukraine and finally rebuilding toward American prosperity, and putting our interests as a nation above all others had just vanished, poof.

Going for the Gold in Texas

by Adam Dick, Ron Paul Institute:

This March, voters in the Texas Republican primary election will see on their ballots a proposition calling for the state government, utilizing its Texas Bullion Depository that began operations in 2018, to advance the use of gold and silver as legal tender.

The proposition reads as follows: “The Texas Legislature should establish authority within the Texas State Comptroller’s office to administer access to gold and silver through the Texas Bullion Depository for use as legal tender.”

World Economic Forum Prepares For Meeting on “Disease X”

by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News:

Reps from pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca to attend confab about virus that could be 20 times deadlier than COVID.

The World Economic Forum will meet next week with representatives from pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca to prepare for “Disease X,” a hypothetical unknown threat that will require the mass deployment of new vaccines.

A False Pandemic and the Imposition of a False Vaccine

by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, Lew Rockwell:


Archbishop Vigano: Yes, thank you for giving me this opportunity to address you on this occasion.

And I share with you some matters regarding the present situation in the world and in the church.

For the past four years, we have been witnessing the implementation of a criminal plan of world depopulation, achieved through the creation of a false pandemic and imposition of her false vaccine, which you now know to be a biological weapon of mass destruction, designed with the aim of destroying the immune system of the entire population, causing sterility and the onset of deadly diseases.

Why did the U.S. State Department lease an upscale New York City apartment to disgraced pedophile Jeffrey Epstein?

by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

There is a strange overlap between the federal government of the United States and “seedy” parties from the billionaire class, the late pedophile Jeffrey Epstein being no exception.

During a recent appearance with Jack Posobiec of Human Events Daily, guest Mike Benz explained that Epstein long maintained ties to the Deep State, and was even leased an upscale apartment in New York City by the U.S. State Department.