Wednesday, September 18, 2024

China Is Experimenting With A New Virus That Has A 100% Mortality Rate

by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

Chinese researchers are now reportedly experimenting with a new COVID-like virus that has a “mortality rate of 100 percent.”

Doctors trained by the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) have made their version of “pangolin coronavirus” which has been found to have a 100 percent mortality in mice.

According to a report published in bioRxiv, a group of mice were administered with SARS-CoV-2-related pangolin coronavirus GX_P2V to test its effect. The shocking results indicate potential dangers and a risk of the virus spilling over onto humans.

A lab-made version of the pangolin coronavirus, called GX_P2V, was used in experiments on mice. The pangolin animal is known to carry a coronavirus variant, making it a subject of interest for the study. -First Post

They Are Doing Some Real “Island Of Dr. Moreau Level Stuff” In Secret Labs All Over The Planet

by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

Do you believe that scientists should be creating entities that are part-human and part-animal?  Do you believe that scientists should be creating lab-grown “synthetic” human embryos that that do not require eggs or sperm?  Do you believe that scientists should be performing “gain of function” research on the deadliest diseases ever known to humanity?  Unfortunately, all of these things are already happening in secret labs all over the planet.  Our world is filled with mad scientists that have absolutely no problem doing “Island of Dr. Moreau level stuff”, but of course they won’t want to take any accountability if the horrifying creatures and diseases they unleash upon the world end up causing enormous problems.

Defense Team To Prove Agents Planted Evidence on Jeremy Brown

from Reese Report:


Disease X: Governments Are Preparing for a Newer, Scarier Pandemic

by Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper:

Have you heard of the Disease X Act of 2023?  I hadn’t, until this week.

In June, a bipartisan bill was introduced to the House of Representatives to develop medical countermeasures for viruses with pandemic potential.  Later in June, when the bill was introduced to the Senate, a section had been added suggesting a budget of $40 million per year for 2024 through 2028.

This $40 million annually would be on top of the 5% of our healthcare budget we will be expected to pay the World Health Organization (WHO), assuming the Pandemic Accord passes.

How To Escape the Matrix

by John Leake, Lew Rockwell:

This morning a friend sent me a link to a long essay about our U.S. government’s ever-blundering Middle East policy, which included a citation of a 2019 Jerusalem Post report headlined: Netanyahu: Money to Hamas part of strategy to keep Palestinians divided. The report explains Netanyahu’s policy of supervising the transfer of funds from Qatar to Hamas:

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu defended Israel’s regular allowing of Qatari funds to be transferred into Gaza, saying it is part of a broader strategy to keep Hamas and the Palestinian Authority separate, a source in Monday’s Likud faction meeting said. …

WEF Insider Admits ‘Disease X’ Will Be Final Solution To Depopulate 6 Billion Souls

from The People’s Voice:


Doug Casey on How the Climate Hysteria Is Lowering Your Standard of Living

by Doug Casey, International Man:

One overlooked area is household appliances.

Politicians are implementing increasingly stringent regulations for dishwashers, washing machines, and other appliances. There have even been reports of a desire to phase out gas stoves.

What’s your take on all of this?

Our Practical Uses of Amateur Radio – Part 1

by Mr. & Mrs. Alaska, Survival Blog:

For nearly two decades, SurvivalBlog has featured many excellent articles about ham radio, written by authors who were very knowledgeable about the engineering of radio communication. The following article is far less technical. The intended audience is people who have not explored the value of radio communications because they are not sure why or how they should.  Maybe some old amateur radio equipment languishes, dusty and ignored, in a corner of the attic.

Ukrainian Whistleblower Reveals More Details of Biden Family Corruption

from 21st Century Wire:

Few will argue that justice in the United States today operates under a double standard – where politics and power often prevail over principle. Nothing demonstrates this institutional affection more that the Biden family corruption scandal. At nearly every turn in this investigation, the same pattern emerges, where both U.S. and Ukrainian authorities seek to persecute, and prosecute, anyone who dares expose Joe Biden and his son’s illicit activities in Ukraine.

Managing Expectations

by Craig Hemke, Sprott Money:

The year ahead will be volatile and, at times, quite frustrating for the precious metals. Already in the first two weeks, we’ve seen some significant down days as well as one very nice up day. Expect this type of trading to continue as January grinds toward February.

As the year begins, there’s really only one variable in play for COMEX gold. Namely, what is the likelihood that the Fed will cut the fed funds rate at the FOMC meeting in March? That March meeting is still eight weeks away, so it would seem to be somewhat impossible to accurately predict what the Fed will or will not do. But that doesn’t keep some of the big investment banks from trying.

Guest Post: “Are Powell and The Fed Politically Motivated or No?, by AGXIIK and Renozep

by Turd Ferguson, TF Metals Report:

Today is another market holiday in the U.S. As such, I’m taking the day off and savoring the 3-day weekend. Here’s something new from AGXIIK and Renozep to help you pass the time.

As usual, many thanks to the guys for providing these articles. Past contributions have been timely and thought-provoking and this latest article is no different.


from SGT Report:

Klaus Schwab’s evil side kick Yuval Noah Harari worries that if Trump is re-elected the globalist’s satanic “world order” will finally come to an end as we know it. Such a thing would literally help to save humanity as the pedo puppet-in-Chief along with the UK launches a new war in Yemen to cover up for the atrocities in Gaza. Harley Schlanger is back to help break down current events in a world gone mad.

RELATED mentions:

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Did Injured BioNTech-Pfizer Vaccine Creator Experimentally Inject mRNA?

by Robert Cogon, Daily Sceptic:

In my article last week on the partial facial paralysis from which Özlem Türeci, the co-creator of the BioNTech-Pfizer vaccine, clearly suffers, I noted that, although the disability is a known adverse reaction to the drug, Türeci was suffering from it, at least to some extent, before the product’s rollout. But she does not appear to have been suffering from it as a young woman in the 1990s.

Juxtaposing some of the visual materials cited in my article, as an intrepid X-user has done, makes the difference extremely obvious.



    from EarthNewspaper:

    TRUTH LIVES on at

    Civil Servants Told Not Just What to Say but What to Think

    from Moonbattery:

    It is not enough for them to dictate what you can say. Social engineers implementing the LGBT agenda intend to control what you think. From Airstrip One:

    Civil servants have been told to ‘think’ of transgender colleagues as women in new staff guidance…

    The diktat by bosses at data watchdog the Information Commissioner’s Office suggests that it is not enough to call employees by their chosen gender pronouns.

    The ostensible purpose of the ICO is to protect privacy. Yet it does not even respect the privacy of people’s thoughts: