Friday, September 6, 2024

Trudeau CONFRONTED By Angry Canadian!

from The Jimmy Dore Show:


The “Peace Plan” That Zelensky Presented at the WEF Is Bonkers


by Andrew Anglin, The Unz Review:

I’ve just realized we didn’t publish much about the World Economic Forum meeting that is presently ongoing. I suppose I think people hear enough about that from everyone else. It’s become the very center of the boomer’s worldview that Klaus Schwab is the head of the global conspiracy.

The boomers still don’t want to say “Jew” and many of them whining about the WEF actually support Israel.

You see a lot of this:

They’re HIDING THIS About Epstein! | Whitney Webb EXPLOSIVE Interview

from Russell Brand:


The FDA is a nightmare street gang in suits and ties; Beyond anything the public can imagine

by Jon Rappoport, Jon Rappoport:

The FDA had MUCH practice committing murder long before they “approved” the COVID vaccines; And yet it’s not a rogue agency

People started taking a hard look at the FDA after the agency “authorized and approved” the deadly COVID RNA vaccines.

I was putting out fliers exposing the FDA when I ran for a seat in Congress in 1994.

I haven’t stopped exposing them.

World Economic ForThem: Cocaine, Hookers, War, Disease X and the Great Robbery Reset

from DollarVigilante:


What we learned at Davos 2024: global aristocracy intends on ‘Rebuilding Trust’ through censorship and surveillance

by Jordan Schachtel, The Dossier:

A rundown of the annual World Economic Forum gathering in the Swiss Alps.

Another Gathering of the Ghouls is behind us, as the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) 2024 Davos confab has come to an end.

Here’s what we learned about the plans our technocratic tyrant overlords have for us, along with a series of highlights (the good, the bad, and the notable) from the annual Swiss mountain retreat.

GoldSeek Radio Nugget — Peter Schiff

from GoldSeek Radio:


REPORT: ‘Zuckbucks’ Group is Planning to Meddle in the 2024 Election

by Mike LaChance, The Gateway Pundit:

As you may recall, during the 2020 election, left wing groups used millions in ‘Zuckbucks’ to take control of local polling offices. Everyone concedes that this made a difference in the election, including people on the left. They admitted it in a Time Magazine article about how they ‘fortified’ the 2020 election.

Even though many states have taken steps to address this issue in order to keep these folks away from the 2024 election, they are now trying to do it again by going at it on the federal level by working with FEMA.

Nolte: Far-left L.A. Times, Washington Post Losing Ten$ of Million$ Annually

by John Nolte, Breitbart:

The far-left Washington Post and Los Angeles Times are losing tens of millions of dollars annually.

Tee hee.

After decades of spreading bias, lies, conspiracy theories, and political violence, the chickens have finally come to roost at these dreadful publications.

“A new report saying billionaire Patrick Soon-Shiong has sunk hundreds of millions of his own money into an unprofitable Los Angeles Times underscores how desperate the news industry is to chart a plan for survival in the digital era,” reports the equally dreadful Axios.

Episode 3331: The Comeback Of Trump: Three Years Later

from Bannons War Room:


‘I Just Don’t Know Where We Went Wrong,’ Contemplates Sports Illustrated Executive In Front Of Framed Covers Of Obese, Trans Swimsuit Models


from The Babylon Bee:

NEW YORK, NY — After sending a company-wide email to notify all of its staff that they were being laid off, a top executive at iconic publication Sports Illustrated contemplated how things turned out so wrong as he stood in front of framed covers of obese and trans swimsuit models.

“I just don’t know where things went south,” said Jack Weber. “Did we not get woke enough? Should we have featured trans models even earlier? Was the heavy woman we put on the cover not heavy enough? What was it? Maybe we should’ve given more consideration to plastering the Pride flag on our cover back in June. I was certain we signaled the appropriate amount of virtue for every possible cause and movement out there. It just makes no sense.”

NATO to Hold Its Largest Military Exercises Since the Cold War

by Dave DeCamp, Activist Post:

NATO will launch major war games next week with about 90,000 troops to prepare for a potential conflict with Russia that will mark the alliance’s largest military exercises since the end of the Cold War.

“Exercise Steadfast Defender 2024 will be the largest NATO exercise in decades, with participation from approximately 90,000 forces from all 31 Allies and our good partner Sweden,” Gen. Christopher Cavoli, NATO’s supreme allied commander in Europe, told reporters.


from Dr. Jane Ruby:


Cancer, cancer everywhere! “Our free press” IS reporting it—while blacking out the reason for it

by Mark Crispin Miller, News from Underground:

Can all these journalists AND doctors be too dumb to see what’s causing THIS pandemic? Or are they just too corrupt to mention it? Either way, we’re in big trouble—and ALL of them must GO!

2 Million People Will Be Diagnosed with Cancer This Year — the Most Ever — Due to Rising Cancer Rates in Those Under 50