Monday, October 28, 2024

J6 prisoner Ryan Samsel sounds ‘election fraud’ alarm in ‘D.C. gulag’

from WND:

Guards retaliate: ‘He took the mattress away and called me a cracker’

WASHINGTON – January 6 political prisoner Ryan Samsel has sounded an alarm via text message from his jail tablet to WorldNetDaily while detained in general population of the Washington, D.C. Correctional Treatment Facility.

The J6 defendant, who like other “J6ers” has been held in pretrial detention for an extraordinarily long period of time – almost four years – said in a text sent Wednesday that a jail guard took away his mattress while spewing racial epithets. Immediately after this, he asked his family and this reporter to call the jail’s command center to investigate the situation.

Where Do These Mobs Come From? We Have an Answer.

by Victoria Taft, PJ Media:

Kamala Harris bused in “supporters” to a rally in what looked like an obvious effort to make her campaign look bigger than it is. Women dressed in “Handmaid’s Tale” garb picketed in front of U.S. Supreme Court Justices’ homes to pressure justices into changing their minds, insurrection-style, after the Dobbs draft decision was leaked. Democrat operatives sent agents provocateurs to Trump rallies to try and start fights while in line and disrupt his speeches in 2016. In 2008, at a Hillary Clinton speech, a couple of guys heckled her with “Iron my shirts!”

“Our leaders are a bunch of lowlife scum, who screw little girls, so the jews can screw America.”

Is This The End Of The Dollar? BRICS Nations Set To Meet In Russia

from The Alex Jones Show:


How could anyone vote for the people driving/enabling this? “Human-trafficking tops America’s list of ‘fast-growing enterprises’ – American Thinker


BREAKING: Venezuelan ‘Evil Super Gangs’ Take Over San Antonio Apartment Complexes


NEW – Biden told Obama “she’s not as strong as me” and ex-president agrees “that’s true,” a lip reader hired by the NY Post says.

California Man Discovers Stack of Mail-In Ballots in Storm Drain

by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

Jay Senese of Sierra Madre, California uncovered nearly a dozen ballots stuffed in a storm drain while doing yard work last Saturday.

This incident, first reported by ABC 7, adds fuel to ongoing debates surrounding election security and potential fraud.

While landscaping near his property, Senese noticed unusual debris in the storm drain adjacent to his house.

Upon closer inspection, he discovered the ballots, which were addressed to residents in nearby Arcadia, California.

US treating European allies like ‘little dogs’ – Putin

from RT:

Washington is dragging its NATO partners in Europe towards a conflict with China, according to the Russian President

The US continuously interferes in Asian affairs and is dragging its European partners towards a conflict with China like “little dogs on a leash,” Russian President Vladimir Putin has said.

Speaking at a meeting of BRICS media chiefs on Friday, Putin noted that Russia’s unique relations with China and growing cooperation between Moscow and Beijing on the international arena have become one of the “key factors of strategic stability in the world.”

DoD shreds all remaining constitutional protections from Posse Comitatus Act in anticipation of post-election Civil War 2.0

by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

In anticipation of rioting or even a second civil war following the upcoming election, the Department of Defense (DoD) is preliminarily gutting the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 to allow for the U.S. military to execute law, i.e., martial law, on American soil.

As it was written, Posse Comitatus does not allow for any constitutional exceptions. The U.S. military is not supposed to be involved with law enforcement activities in any capacity whatsoever, and yet the Congress-passed bill has been so watered down over the past 50 years or so that armed soldiers could soon become commonplace on the streets of America.

Thinning the herd with Ozempic: Are weight loss injections the new covid injections?

by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

There has been a “Great Reveal” related to the harmful effects of covid injections, and now we’re even seeing corporate media starting to report on the catastrophic harm caused by the covid injections. 

Why this information is being revealed now? Miri Finch (“Miri AF”) believes that the recent revelation of the harms of the covid injections is a strategic move to shift the focus from covid “vaccines” to other injectables that can be used to “treat” social issues.

FBI Seize Diddy ‘Freak Off’ Tapes Featuring Prince Harry in Illegal Acts

from The People’s Voice:


1 in 6 Germans Experienced COVID Vaccine Side Effects, Survey Finds

by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., Childrens Health Defense:

Harald Walach, Ph.D., founder of Germany’s Change Health Science Institute and professional research fellow at Kazimieras Simonavicius University in Lithuania, told The Defender the survey results likely don’t show the full extent of COVID-19 vaccine-related injuries.

One in 6 respondents to a survey in Germany reported experiencing side effects after receiving a COVID-19 shot, German newspaper Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung reported.

Do You Know Why Mulberry Trees Were Banned?

by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola:

Story at-a-glance
  • Certain U.S. cities have banned mulberry trees due to the immense amount of pollen they produce
  • Mulberry trees are on nearly every continent and have a long history of food use, as well as preventing disease
  • Traditional medicinal uses for mulberries included treating diseases of the mouth, throat and lungs, strengthening bone tissue, protecting vision, improving metabolism, increasing blood circulation and acting as a treatment for dysentery and a digestive aid

BREAKING: Democrats Prep America For Martial Law

from The Alex Jones Show: