Sunday, October 27, 2024

Episode 3988: Bannon DENIED Early Release; CCP Election Interference

from Bannons War Room:


Dems Buy Votes With Other People’s Money

from Moonbattery:

Desperate Democrats are falling back on tried and true tactics — like bribing voters with public funds.

Promising blacks cash for votes goes beyond “fully forgivable loans” to implied straightforward cash payments a.k.a. “reparations”:

The Supreme Court previously blocked Biden/Harris moves to force other people to pay off college loans in order to secure the loyalty of a favored voting block. Yet we read this:

There are over 800 FEMA camps across the United States, just waiting to be filled with Americans once martial law is implemented.

laying out the process how Dominion Rigging Machines ‘adjudicated’ the overthrow of the United States government in 2020,

Scientists Find No Change in Global Warming Rate Since 1970 Despite “Hottest Year Ever” in 2023

by Chris Morrison, Daily Sceptic:

A sensational science paper has blown holes in alarmist claims that global temperatures are surging. Just published results in Nature show “limited evidence” for a warming surge. “In most surface temperature time series, no change in the warming rate beyond the 1970s is detected despite the breaking record temperatures observed in 2023,” the paper says. Written by an international group of mathematicians and scientists, it is unlikely to be acknowledged in the mainstream media where general hysteria reigns over the anomalous 2023 experience. As we have seen, constant misinformation is published to scare the general public and this is exemplified by climate comedy-turn Jim ‘jail the deniers’ Dale forecasting almost daily Armageddon and exhorting people to “join up the dots”.

“This Is Illegal”: British Labour Party Sending Staff To Campaign For Kamala In Swing States

by Paul Joseph Watson, Modernity News:

The Head of Operations of the leftist British Labour Party, which is now in government after 14 years of being the opposition, declared in a LinkedIn post that she is organising a party of 100 staff members to be sent to swing states in the US to campaign for Kamala Harris, prompting charges of election interference.

“Israel has a right to target civilians.”


Voter Fraud: The Only Issue That Matters in 2024

by Joan Swirsky, American Thinker:

No, it’s not “the economy, stupid,” in spite of the schizophrenic stock market since our remarkably resilient capitalistic economy ran head-on into the socialist-cum-communist Biden-Harris regime, with its $1.8-trillion deficit.

And no, it’s not domestic policy, where we have had the luxury of being on the receiving end of these:

US Banks Suffer Biggest Weekly Deposit Outflow Since SVB Crisis

from ZeroHedge:

After the massive deposit inflows the prior week, US banks saw total deposits plunge in the week-ending 10/09 (latest data released today), down a stunning $69BN (on a seasonally-adjusted basis), erasing the prior two weeks deposit inflows…

Additionally, for the first time in four weeks, money market funds saw (admittedly small) outflows this week (-$6.5BN), taking them just off record highs…

Dr. Shiva UNLEASHES truth bombs on ZIONIST servants Trump, RFK Jr., Kamala, Biden and Stein

from Health Ranger Report:


British Gov’t Declare ‘Turbo Cancer Health Crisis’ As Thousands of Vaxxed Diagnosed Each Day

by Sean Adl-Tabatabai, The Peoples Voice:

The British government has declared a ‘turbo cancer health crisis’ in the country as thousands of vaccinated individuals are being diagnosed with rare and aggressive forms of cancer every 24 hours, according to new NHS figures.

There were 346,217 diagnoses in England throughout 2022 0 5 per cent higher than the 329,664 recorded in 2021.

“Collective Biden” — Blinken and BlackRock

by Harley Schlanger, LaRouche Organization:

Biden is in Berlin today to meet with allies to discuss the situation in Ukraine and the Middle East. He will likely say the west must continue the war against Russia and the “Iran proxies” in southwest Asia, and that means more funds and political cover. It is unlikely that he will call for negotiations to resolve the conflicts. Why?

We take a look at a section of Who’s Who in Collective Biden, by looking at long-time lobbyist and Deep State advisor Tom Donilon, who went from the Clinton and Obama administrations to Black Rock, then to a leading advisory role to Secretary of State Blinken.

DoD Authorizes Lethal Force Against Americans

from Reese Report: