from Greg Reese:
from Greg Reese:
by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:
Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong says nothing is going to get better by the end of 2022, and he is still forecasting “chaos” coming in 2023. Armstrong says the plunge in the stock market last week is all because of “extreme uncertainty.” Armstrong predicted a stock market crash two months ago and contends, “It’s not over.”
Europe is in big financial trouble with Russian natural gas turned off as a retaliation from the sanctions. Armstrong explains, “In Europe, I believe they are actually deliberately doing this, and this is Klaus Schwab’s ‘Great Reset.’ They know they have a serious problem. They lowered rates to below 0% in 2014. They just started raising interest rates. Meanwhile, you ordered all the pension funds throughout Europe to have more than 70% in government bonds. Then they took it negative. All the pension funds are insolvent. Europe is fiscal mismanagement on a grand scale. There is no way it can sustain itself, and we are looking at Europe breaking apart.”
by Alasdair Macleod, GoldMoney:
Gold and silver consolidated this week against a background of a rising dollar on the foreign exchanges. In Europe this morning, gold traded at $1661, down $12 from last Friday’s close, and silver at $19.40 was down 14 cents on the week.
As our headline chart shows, silver is up 10% since 1 September. Silver is extremely oversold in illiquid conditions, illustrated by our next chart.
by Larry Romanoff, The Unz Review:
For background, the Boston school system had for many years grappled with the problem of how to assign students to Boston’s public schools that could both let children attend one of the few good schools in the system while also finding one close to their homes. They also wanted to ensure that students from poor neighborhoods had the same chance of attending good schools as those from more affluent neighborhoods. The school system was divided into zones where many students were bused far from home but still attended the lower-quality schools. A newly-appointed 27-member committee tried yet again to find a solution but after months of examination and debate became hopelessly entangled in what were largely irrelevancies, and again could find no solution. But a 24-year-old Chinese student named Peng Shi who was in a Ph.D. program at MIT and who was looking for a thesis topic, attended the meetings, asked a few questions and gave them the obvious solution of eliminating their school zones and applying a different model for selection. After some study, the committee voted overwhelmingly to adopt Shi’s model, calling it “a breakthrough moment” for Boston’s school system.
by Finian Cunningham, Strategic Culture:
Not content with committing its nation to economic suicide from deteriorating Russian relations, the German government now wants to bury the corpse by sabotaging trade relations with China.
Not content with committing its nation to economic suicide from deteriorating Russian relations, the German government now wants to bury the corpse by sabotaging trade relations with China.
Robert Habeck, Germany’s trade minister, has riled Beijing by telling a G7 summit last week that Berlin was aiming to adopt a new China policy to “reduce economic dependency”. Habeck said Germany would strive to take tougher controls over Chinese foreign investment and move away from German reliance on China for key commodities such as semiconductors, batteries and other electronics.
by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:
With global war rhetoric heating up to a fever pitch both here in America and around the world now that Vladimir Putin has announced a partial mobilization in the Ukraine war escalation; a retired US Army General has announced ‘America will hit Russia’s military with a devastating strike’ if Putin uses nukes in Ukraine; and, Russia has arrived at the point where they truly believe their very existence is at stake with one Russian warning, it’s “time to drop our illusions, the West is waging a war to destroy Russia,” we’ve got to take a look back at how Russia’s military capabilities have changed over the past decade+ compared to the US’s before looking at our possible futures.
by Peter Schiff, Schiff Gold:
September gold has been a very strong delivery month with 8,573 contracts being delivered plus an additional 718 in open interest that will be delivered over the next week (9,219 total). It is currently still below the July month but could exceed the total by the time the month completes due to mid-month activity.
from Sputnik News:
by Awr Hawkins, Breitbart:
During a speech to a teachers’ union Friday, President Joe Biden admitted that AR-15s, AK-47s, and other guns Democrats call “assault weapons” are designed “to defend people.”
The Post Millennial published video showing Biden launch into the topic by asking, “What in God’s name do you need an assault weapon for?”
by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:
A Swedish study has confirmed that Pfizer’s COVID-19 “vaccine” does alter your DNA. The mRNA in the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID injections infiltrates cells and transcribes its message onto human DNA within 6 hours.
A group of Swedish scientists from Lund University conducted a study to investigate the effect the Pfizer/BioNTech injection (BNT162b2) had on human liver cells and if Pfizer’s encoded spike protein RNA can be reverse transcribed into DNA. The study, ‘Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line’, was published on 25 February 2022.