from Jordan Sather:
by Anthony Scott, The Gateway Pundit:
Several recent pictures of Joe Biden’s hand, have many users on Twitter believing he has recently been administered an IV.
A picture of Joe Biden giving a speech at a campaign event for Democratic gubernatorial candidate of Florida Charlie Crist shows that Biden’s hand may have recently been punctured by an IV or is recovering from a punctual wounds.
from Amazing Polly:
by Allum Bokhari, Breitbart:
Elon Musk has limited Twitter employees’ access to content moderation tools in his first week of ownership, as he promises a radical change in course on censorship. The media, predictably, is claiming that the sky is falling.
Bloomberg reports that Elon Musk’s Twitter has frozen some employees’ access to tools designed to enforce the site’s content moderation policies, curtailing the power of employees to ban accounts, remove posts, and other acts of censorship, in what the outlet says “curb[s] the staff’s ability to clamp down on misinformation ahead of a major U.S. election.”
by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project:
We all know the story: The Pied Piper has a magic flute that, when played by the piper, saves the people of Hamelin from a rat epidemic. When the townspeople fail to pay him for his services, he uses the flute to attract their children away.
In modern nomenclature, a pied piper is described as “a metaphor for a person who attracts a following through charisma or false promises.”
by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:
Should we be alarmed that so much strangeness is happening in the skies above us right now? All throughout human history, people have considered great events that happen in the heavens to be extremely significant. And Jesus specifically warned us that there would be “signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars” during the times just before His return. That doesn’t mean that anything that we are witnessing right now has any sort of special meaning. Ultimately, it could just be a “coincidence” that so many weird things are starting to happen. But to me, it does seem quite odd that so much strangeness is taking place all at once.
from TheCrowhouse:
by John W. Whitehead, Rutherford Institute:
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned.
—William Butler Yeats, “The Second Coming”
Things are falling apart.
How much longer we can sustain the fiction that we live in a constitutional republic, I cannot say, but anarchy is being loosed upon the nation.
by Simon Black, Sovereign Man:
In the early spring of the year 1492, Lorenzo de’ Medici had just arrived to his family’s opulent villa in the hills nearby Florence when he began to experience severe stomach pains.
His pain quickly grew worse, and the finest physicians were summoned to heal him; Lorenzo was reportedly given a number of potions and treatments. But nothing worked.
Within a matter of days, the 43-year old Lorenzo had passed away. And all of Florence panicked at what might happen next.
by James Howard Kunstler, Kunstler:
All the narratives spun by the Party of Chaos are falling apart now, but this final fiasco, a mere week before the midterm election, is a humdinger with a cherry-on-top.
It’s been several days since San Francisco police interrupted a hammer fight between Paul Pelosi — husband of House Speaker Nancy — and his “friend… David,” in the Pelosis’ Pacific Heights home, and apparently the cops have not asked David DePape why he was there in the first place. Odd, a little bit. Is it possible that a whole chain of authorities from the SFPD clear up into the top of the US government and its Democratic Party sidekicks don’t want you to know what actually happened?
from Conversations That Matter:
from The Epoch Times:
The FBI is asking a U.S. court to reverse its order that it produce information from Seth Rich’s laptop computer.
If the court does not, the bureau wants 66 years to produce the information.
Rich was a Democratic National Committee staffer when he was killed on a street in Washington in mid-2016. No person has ever been arrested in connection to the murder.