Tuesday, March 11, 2025

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2022 WEC: In the Dollar We Trust


    by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

    At the World Economic Conference in 2021, the Armstrong Socrates model predicted that 2022 was going to be volatile and chaotic featuring a strong US dollar, a huge move in interest rates, a major bond market decline, fertilizer and food shortages, as well as escalating geopolitical tensions in Ukraine.

    What now? Socrates forecast that 2023 will be more volatile and chaotic, featuring violent moves across all markets as monetary and geopolitical tensions and debt problems intensify.

    TIGHT ELECTION security = DEM LOSSES, Putting an END to the ENDLESS! Taking CONTROL! PRAY!


      from And We Know:

      TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

      Optimal Investment Portfolio Should Include 4 to 6 Percent Silver and Other Silver News


        by Peter Schiff, Schiff Gold:

        Multi-asset portfolios would benefit by adding a 4 to 6 percent silver allocation, according to new research by Oxford Economics.

        This is one of several silver-related stories in the latest edition of Silver News published by the Silver Institute.

        According to the Oxford Economics study, most institutional and individual investors hold about 0.2% of their portfolios in silver.

        mRNA Vaccines in Our Foods & Health Canada the Big Pharma Shill -Dr. Byram Bridle, Vaccine Specialist


          from nonvaxer420:

          TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

          What Do You Run On…..


            by Karl Denninger, Market Ticker:

            … when you have nothing to run on?

            Let’s just be straight here, ok — neither party, when you get down to it, has anything to run on.

            But: When you’re in the left seat, and the plane crashes, its your fault.

            That’s just how the cookie crumbles.

            Just as an example the “authorities” won’t release the surveillance or body camera tapes from the Paul Pelosi assault.  Why not?  The only reason not to is that what’s there renders irrevocably false the story told thus far.

            The crisis in the West will steadily deepen


              by Veniamin Popov, New Eastern Outlook:

              Western civilization is facing more and more problems. Over the past few decades, there have been many symptoms of a de facto decline of Western powers.

              Perhaps most clearly, these crises were reflected in the latest report of the so-called Club of Rome. Its authors believe that today’s “crisis is not cyclical, but intensifying. It is not limited to the nature around us but includes a social, political, cultural, moral crisis, a crisis of democracy, ideologies, and capitalism.”

              Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo talks with Mike Adams about integrative HEALING and health freedom


                from Health Ranger Report:

                TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

                The DARK WINTER has only just begun: Prepare for YEARS of economic collapse, rigged elections, censorship and government tyranny


                  by Mike Adams, Natural News:

                  In the aftermath of yesterday’s mid-term elections, the only good news is that we have essentially paused some elements of the Democrats’ agenda of total destruction by taking control of the House (as is currently projected but not yet called). This alone will pause the Democrats’ legislative and executive monopoly over America, and it gives the American people a bit of breathing room to try to adjust to the disturbing reality of what’s coming next.

                  Fed Hikes Have Left Silver Like ‘A Beach Ball Under Water’


                    from Silver Doctors:

                    The Fed’s policy, along with the supply and demand fundamentals of the silver market, have left the…

                    by Chris Marcus of Arcadia Economics

                    It’s been an interesting year in the silver market, where demand for physical metal has grown throughout 2022, while the price has spent a lot of time below the $20 mark.

                    THEY’RE BACK!


                      from Paul Joseph Watson:

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                      The WEF’s Stakeholder Capitalism Is Just Global Fascism By Another Name


                        by Brandon Smith, Alt Market:

                        The concept of “fascism” was originally entered into the Encyclopedia Italiana by Italian philosopher Giovanni Gentile, who stated that “Fascism should more appropriately be called corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.” Benito Mussolini would later take credit for the quote as if he had written it himself, but it’s important to note because it outlines the primary purpose of the ideology rather than simply throwing the label around at people we don’t like as a dishonest means to undermine their legitimacy.

                        China Is “Preparing For War” – I Will Give You One Guess Who The Primary Opponent Will Be


                          by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

                          Chinese President Xi Jinping has just announced that China will be “preparing for war”, and that should deeply alarm all of us.  Needless to say, nobody is going to be attacking China any time soon.  So why would the Chinese need to prepare for war if there is zero chance that they will be attacked?  Unfortunately, the answer is obvious.  The only reason China would be engaged in a military conflict any time soon is if it chooses to invade Taiwan.  The moment such an invasion is launched, the United States and China will be at war.  The Chinese know this, but Chinese President Xi Jinping is going ahead with preparations for war anyway…



                            from World Alternative Media:

                            TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

                            Do Not Comply – No Matter What


                              by SaraSue, Survival Blog:

                              Articles in SurvivalBlog are generally, focused on practical “How To” survivalist topics. I’ve been concerned more about my mental and emotional state lately. With so much negative news as of late, I’ve been focused on the practicality of managing my spirit as I work on practical things. I thought I’d share – this is where I stand.

                              There comes a time when you realize that there is nothing left to do but face the Evil and stand firm. You’re done with trying to convince people, especially people you dearly love, that the Evil is here now.

                              ELECTION DAY 2022: The Fourth Turning Begins In Earnest


                                from State Of The Nation:

                                2022 has already played host to a variety of extraordinary celestial happenings and astrological events. When all of these dramatic heavenly signs is considered in the aggregate they point to a deafening crescendo that is about to take place beginning on Election Day—November 8th.
                                But why is November 8, 2022 the trigger point, as well as the point of no return, particularly for the United States of America.