Thursday, March 6, 2025

America’s First Thanksgiving


    by Trevor Thomas, American Thinker:

    On May 14, 1607, headed by a seven-man council that included John Smith, 144 men settled Jamestown. Because of their misguided efforts, it was a disaster from the beginning. These men battled the elements, disease, Indians, starvation, and one another. The lone minister on the adventure, Robert Hunt, did his best to keep the others focused on God. His sermons went mostly unheeded; however, he persevered. By February of 1608 only 38 of the 144 remained alive.

    Episode 2326: WarRoom: A Thanksgiving Special


      from Bannons War Room:

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      “Amnesty Begins Next Week”: Musk To Reinstate Suspended Twitter Accounts En Masse


        from ZeroHedge:

        Elon Musk has given politically divided families all the ammunition they need for an epic pie fight this Thanksgiving – announcing ‘general amnesty’ for suspended Twitter accounts as long as they haven’t broken the law or engaged in egregious spam.

        On Wednesday, Musk asked in a poll whether Twitter should offer “general amnesty to suspended accounts,” to which 72.4% voted “Yes”.

        Eric Trump/Clay Clark – This Is A Battle Between Good And Evil,The People Are Winning,Enjoy The Show


          from X22 Report:

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          Japan Kicks Off Central Bank Digital Currency Experiment


            by Mathew Di Salvo, Yahoo Finance:

            Japan’s central bank has started planning a central bank digital currency (CBDC) experiment with the country’s major financial players, according to a major newspaper report today.

            The Bank of Japan is working with three megabanks as well as regional banks in the Asian nation—and next year will trial a digital yen, Nikkei reported Wednesday.

            If all goes according to plan, the newspaper added, the BOJ may go ahead and release a CBDC in 2026.

            German official tells citizens: Stock up on bottled water and canned food before dark winter arrives


              by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

              Short-term power outages are just about sure to happen in Germany this winter. And Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief (BBK) head Ralph Tiesler is warning German citizens to stockpile bottled water, canned food, and other necessities in anticipation of this.

              In an interview with the news outlet Welt am Sonntag, Tiesler revealed what many had speculated would be the case: it is more than likely that Germany will see a very dark winter this year with intermittent energy availability.

              Is The American Pendulum Swinging Back To Reason? Maybe, But It Will Be A Long Fight


                by Brandon Smith, Alt Market:

                It should be considered an embarrassment for the states and districts involved, but the 2022 midterm elections are still being counted as I write this. In some cases, ballot drop boxes, mail-in ballots and “malfunctioning” voting machines have created a suspicious fog of uncertainty, and the uncertainty always seems to work in the favor of the political left.

                Needless to say, some kind of change needs to happen – The majority of Americans are aware that ongoing trends of national deconstruction cannot be allowed to continue. Even the people that refrain from voting are watching the elections, just to see if the momentum of the country has shifted even a little. And, many people who tend to refrain are on the independent/libertarian side of things.

                JFK Assassination: 59 years of lies still haven’t buried the TRUTH


                  by Kit Knightly, Off Guardian:

                  President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was not assassinated with three shots from the book depository fired by Lee Harvey Oswald. And almost all of us know it.

                  In opinion polls going back to November 29th 1963, just a week after the shooting, at least a sixty-percent majority has rejected the official line every single time.

                  In short, regarding JFK, the “crazy conspiracy theorists” make up two-thirds of the population, and always have done.

                  Chuck Schumer’s Recent Push to Legalize Millions of Illegals


                    by Rockaboatus, The Unz Review:

                    Last Wednesday, Senate Majority Leader, Chuck Schumer, publicly pleaded for “a path of citizenship” for America’s eleven million illegal immigrants “or however many” there are (November 16, 2022). Eleven million illegals, incidentally, is the low-ball number that democrats prefer to use. There are good reasons, however, to believe that a more accurate assessment would reflect a significantly higher number—around 5 million since Alejandro Mayorkas came into office at the DHS.

                    Electric War


                      by Pepe Escobar, Strategic Culture:

                      Current Russian tactics are the absolute opposite of the military theory of concentrated force developed by Napoleon, Pepe Escobar writes.

                      Footfalls echo in the memory
                      Down the passage which we did not take
                      Towards the door we never opened
                      Into the rose-garden. My words echo
                      Thus, in your mind.
                      But to what purpose
                      Disturbing the dust on a bowl of rose-leaves
                      I do not know.

                      T.S. Eliot, Burnt Norton

                      As The Cacophony Of Winter Commences To Roar And Rage Across This Hapless Land, America’s Facing The Sudden And Solemn Stillness Before The Turbulent Storm


                        by James Howard Kunstler, All News Pipeline:

                        “Ultimately, the Democratic Party is a criminal organization; and to support it is to be a criminal. And since it is the ruling party, unless you oppose it, you support it.” —Curtis Yarvin, The Gray Mirror

                        Here in New England now, the landscape is putting itself to bed, preparing for winter’s long sleep. The grass in the cow pastures never looks greener than in contrast to the barren trees, but that lingering color, too, will soon fade. We did not get smacked here by the deep snows of far-off Buffalo, not a flake, so a sweetly solemn stillness settles over these tender hills as we give vague thanks at Thursday’s gala of gluttony, certain to induce terrors of indigestion in the restless night to come.

                        Gold Repatriation Signals Monetary Reset Is Near | David Kranzler


                          from Elijah K. Johnson:


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                          The Long String of U.S./UK/EU Lies Against Russia


                            by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:

                            This article and its linked-to documentation will expose so many lies from the U.S.-and-allied Governments and their ‘news’-media and hired academics, as to get almost any reader’s head spinning; but, if so, then that will be the case ONLY because their lies are so profuse as to virtually drown out truth regarding geostrategic and international-relations (or “foreign affairs”) matters. These are the types of issues regarding which truthful reporting and analysis are almost non-existent, because billionaires (who control these countries) tend to care far more about such international matters than about purely domestic matters (such as ‘racial relations’, ‘gay rights’, ‘abortion’, etc.), which dominate domestic politics because (unlike billionaires), most people DON’T control international mega-corporations, and are therefore NOT interested in extending an empire. Imperialism is the game in The West, and only the aristocracy (the billionaires) can play it. And they have the media by which to do it — with constant lies. So: here goes the truth-cleansing away of these overwhelmingly dominant lies in The West:

                            Money Supply Growth Rate Sees an Epic Divergence from Previous Years


                              by Peter Schiff, Schiff Gold:

                              Seasonally Adjusted Money Supply in October was negative for a third consecutive month, coming in at -$88B. This came on the heels of the largest drop in Money Supply ever last month.

                              Figure 2 below shows non-seasonally adjusted money supply which is a bit more erratic and is also one month ahead of seasonally adjusted. On a raw basis, there have been seven straight months of minimal or negative money supply growth.