from The Highwire with Del Bigtree:
from The Highwire with Del Bigtree:
by Martin Jay, Strategic Culture:
Scholz and his colleagues are worried not about Putin winning. They are worried about the unthinkable. Putin losing.
The question of Germany’s role in a militarized Europe won’t go away. It keeps popping up or returning like a bad rash assisted by the posse of geopolitical commentators who can see what many everyday folk cannot: Germany returning to its once military super power roots.
by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:
I swear, it has happened again; I went to sleep, and woke up in a dream world, and discovered something almost as odd and strange as scientismists wanting to solve global warming by refreezing Poles, or as unique and unprecedented as Germany wanting to solve its energy woes by seizing Russian assets. This time, however, the bizarrerie might be on the “sane” end of the spectrum, because a hole of sanity has suddenly opened up in the cloud of nitrous oxide and other gasses that usually hovers over Ottawa, Canada, a city and country which in recent years has been vying with San Franfreakshow, Nuttyfornia, USSA, for the title of looniest city in the looniest country of the world, under its lunatic Prime Minister, Justin Turdeau, who almost single-handedly accounts for all that gas usually seen over Ottawa and all the lunacy seen in that country.
by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:
When we see references to “global” issues such as inflation, food shortages, and energy costs just to name a few, and we are warned that we will see “people on the street” globally as society breaks down if inflation continues at its present rate, they are not just talking about “other” countries, but America is included in these dire warnings.
There will be “people on the street” globally unless steps are taken to protect the most vulnerable from inflation, International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) chief Kristalina Georgieva warned on Wednesday.
“It is important to think that this compounded impact of multiple crises is already testing the patience and resilience of people. And if you don’t take action to support the most vulnerable, there would be consequences,” she told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour.
from Zoon Politikon:
by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:
The U.S. Government no longer designs nuclear weapons to prevent WW III, but instead to win WW III.
Whereas both the Soviet Union and the United States used to design their strategy and weapons so as to prevent a Third World War so that neither side would win but both sides (and much of the world) would be destroyed as thousands of nuclear warheads would suddenly be exploding during a nuclear war which would be completed within around an hour or so, the U.S. Government has gradually shifted away from such a “M.A.D.” or “mutually assured destruction” meta-strategy, and been replacing it with the “Nuclear Primacy” U.S. meta-strategy, in which Russia will be totally destroyed but the U.S. will emerge afterward as being sufficiently strong so as to hold unchallengeable sway over the entire planet (which hegemony has been the actual goal of the U.S. Government ever since 25 July 1945).
by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:
The Bank of England (BoE) all but admitted the UK is officially in a recession. Bank Governor Andrew Bailey stated weeks ago that there was nothing the central bank could do to prevent a recession at this stage. The Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) voted to raise rates by half a percentage point to 2.25%, marking the highest level since 2008. The markets were expecting a 75 bps hike, but the central bank is moving slowly and aiming to avoid panic.
by Mish Shedlock, Mish Talk:
Central banks cut in unison in response to Covid. They are now hiking in unison. What can go wrong?
Super Thursday Actions
The Wall Street Journal reports Interest-Rate Hikes Come Thick and Fast
from SGT Report:
Author William Ramsey joins me to discuss his books and his research into Aleister Crowley and the children of darkness. Support the author and get the books here:
by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News:
Today’s Sutton excerpt comes from his 1986 book, The Best Enemy Money Can Buy.
As usual, the detail is shocking. So are the names of the men.
The question is why: why are these men doing this?
Are they bankrolling and supplying both sides of a war for the money? Is because they want to make both sides equal, in hopes that a standoff will avert a global catastrophe?
from SGT Report:
We are SUING GOOGLE to defend free speech! Our attorney Cris Armenta joins me to discuss the crimes of Google and the lawsuit we intend to take all the way to the US Supreme Court.
by Peter Schiff, Schiff Gold:
The dollar index is at 20-year highs. This has led to talk of the dollar getting “too strong,” even as some worry that a “post-dollar” world could be on the horizon.
What explains this dichotomy?
In a nutshell, it’s not so much that the dollar is “strong.” It’s just the cleanest dirty shirt in the laundry basket.
from Greg Reese:
from Graham Phillips