from Black Diamond:
from Black Diamond:
by Jerome Corsi, American Thinker:
As Hurricane Ian hit Florida, Michael Mann of the infamous “hockey stick” global warming graph, and Susan Joy Hassol, publisher of Climate Communication’s “Quick Facts,” which are devoted to explaining extreme weather events as anthropogenic catastrophes, rushed an op-ed piece into print. Their opinion piece, published in The Guardian and predictably entitled, “Hurricane Ian Is No Anomaly,” blamed global warming. Mann and Hassol editorialized:
from The People’s Voice:
by Robert Kogon, Brownstone:
Twitter is obviously at the center of what is commonly known as “Big Tech censorship.” It has been busily using the censorship tools at its disposal – from removing or quarantining tweets to surreptitiously “deboosting” them (shadow-banning) to outright account suspension – for at least two years now. And those who have managed to remain on the platform will have noticed a sharp upturn in its censorship activities starting last summer.
by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:
– The Globalists Frenzied Rush To Nuclear War Is To Complete The Democide
While we’ve argued time and again in this space that America is on the fast-track towards dictatorship and only a well aware, well-armed and well prepared population has any chance of putting a stop to it before it completely destroys our children’s futures, we’ll explore within this story what happens to ‘the rule of law’ when despotism arrives, and how we know it’s now on our doorstep.
With the buried CDC bombshell reported on in this America 1st Report story reporting the CDC was recently forced to reveal they had 71 MILLION symptoms reported to them following Covid jabs JUST the TIP OF THE ICEBERG of what Americans are now going through, with this Citizen.News story reporting the jabs have KILLED at least 20 million worldwide while injuring over 2 billion, if there were any REAL ‘rule of law‘ in 2022 America, folks like Joe Biden and Dr. Anthony Fauci and all of the other faces who endlessly pushed the DEADLY JAB would be SITTING ON DEATH ROW this very moment.
from SD Bullion:
by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:
New reports reveal Communist China was stockpiling personal protective equipment and reducing exports to the United States just months before the COVID pandemic was announced. The Communist Chinese were also purchasing PPE stocks in Europe, Australia and the US around that same time.
Then in early 2020 the Wuhan Virus was released on the world.
The new discoveries no doubt give credence to the theory that the COVID virus was created in a laboratory in China and supported by funding from Tony Fauci and the NIH.
by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:
The mainstream media is desperately trying to continue to panic the masses over the common cold COVID-19. There is an apparent new wave starting in Europe.
Reading into these articles a little more you can find the propaganda and it doesn’t take long. In fact, CNN wrote:
Public health experts warning that vaccine fatigue and confusion over types of shots available will likely limit booster uptake.
Omicron subvariants BA.4/5 that dominated this summer are still behind the majority of infections, but newer Omicron subvariants are gaining ground. Hundreds of new forms of Omicron are being tracked by scientists, World Health Organization (WHO) officials said this week.-CNN
The ruling class’s mouthpiece needs everyone to blame the lack of vaccination for any future colds or cases of flu that start circulating.
by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project:
Florida’s Surgeon General, Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo, announced new guidance on messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines on Friday, specifically recommending against mRNA COVID-19 vaccines for males aged 18 to 39.
Messenger RNA is the technology utilized by both the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines, the most administered vaccines in the United States and a number of other countries.
The new guidance came after the Florida Department of Health carried out an analysis to evaluate vaccine safety, the department said in a bulletin on Friday.
from Birch Gold Group:
Right on the heels of a major market correction in late 2018, and the “pandemic year” crisis in late February 2020, comes the current U.S. economic situation.
In fact, this crisis could end up being recorded in history books thanks mainly to historic inflation and trillions of retirement dollars evaporating from the markets in just 6 months.
But if the “tax no one voted for” weren’t enough for Americans saving their hard-earned dollars for retirement, another reality of the current crisis is beginning to reveal itself…
by Derrick Broze, Activist Post:
Derrick and Micah break down two stories relating to facial recognition technology and the advancement of digital identity programs in the United States.
This is a clip from Live Free, Think Free (10/5/22): COVID Lockdowns Changed the Kids + Pedos Go Free.
from ZeroHedge:
Official data suggests that more children and young adults than ever have been hospitalized with colds and respiratory issues, according to the Daily Mail, which notes that “experts have repeatedly warned lockdowns and measures used to contain Covid like face masks also suppressed the spread of germs which are crucial for building a strong immune system in children.”
from 21st Century Wire:
As the various parties involved in NATO’s Ukrainian proxy war against Russia trade various threats and retaliatory statements, it’s very likely that the western powers are preparing for a major false flag in Ukraine – mostly likely the errand deployment of a tactical nuclear weapon. Any such incident would immediately be blamed on Russia by the G7 governments and their media. All this and much more.