Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Putin Takes Decisive Step to Turn World Away from Armageddon


    by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

    Putin has come to my conclusion of 8 years ago that the only way to avoid a dangerous war between the West and Russia likely to end in Armageddon is to incorporate the Donbass and liberated areas of Ukraine into Russia.

    This means “game over,” as Paolo Raffone, director of the Belgian CIPI Foundation, put it.  Once the areas are part of Russia, the conflict cannot continue without the West committing aggression directly against Russia.–nato-backers-analysts-say-1101056726.html 

    Interview with FBI Whistleblower Kyle Seraphin, Part. 2 (Ep. 1858) – The Dan Bongino Show


      from The Dan Bongino Show:

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      The Train Wreck is Already Happening


        by David Haggith, The Great Recession Blog:

        Today the market paid back some of its delusional holdings. It has a lot more left to pay back. You see, the market believed the Fed all of last year when the Fed said inflation was transitory. Or, at least, market leaders sold the Fed’s narrative, accelerating us into a heck of wreck.

        It’s not clear whether the market leaders actually believed that narrative or even if the Fed did. Maybe the Fed just hoped it would be true. What is clear is that the Fed, which also sold everyone on the belief that it is data dependent, had almost no data all of last year upon which to base its “transitory” narrative and all kinds of data that said it wasn’t even close to being transitory. This I know for a data-based fact because I kept pumping that data along as I came across it myself; and, if I could see it in such overwhelming abundance, so could they. Or, at least, so should they.

        Jovan Pulitzer: Uniparty Breaking Electoral System


          from The New American:

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          This Inflation Will Be Tough to Get under Control


            by Wolf Richter, Wolf Street:

            It’s like a dam broke. And now higher interest rates and mortgage rates for much longer, with lower asset prices, as the Everything Bubble gets repriced.

            So now the media suddenly focuses on this big problem I’ve been screaming about for many months: Inflation has shifted from energy and from goods tangled up in supply-chain issues to services where there are no supply chain issues.

            Pfizer COVID Vaccine alters your DNA according to Study


              by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

              A Swedish study has demonstrated and confirmed that the mRNA in the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid injections infiltrates cells and transcribes its message onto human DNA within 6 hours, altering our own DNA.

              A previous study published in October 2021 from Sweden found that the spike protein enters our cells’ nuclei and impairs the mechanism our cells have to repair damaged DNA. We’ve included this study here as The Highwire made an easy-to-understand video explaining it, including graphics, and so it is a good starting point to help understand the significance of the latest study from Sweden.

              WORLD REPORT: One World Digital Currency & Servitude – The Plan Explained w/ Kent Lewiss (2of2)


                from Sarah Westall:

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                Could Impossible Burger’s Key GMO Ingredient Cause Weight Gain, Kidney Disease in Humans?


                  by GMWatch, Childrens Health Defense:

                  A rat-feeding study commissioned by Impossible Foods suggested the Impossible Burger’s key ingredient — genetically engineered soy leghemoglobin — caused the rats to develop unexplained changes in weight gain, changes in the blood that can indicate the onset of inflammation or kidney disease, and possible signs of anemia.

                  Deported Immigrants Say They Want to Return to ‘Beautiful’ Martha’s Vineyard


                    from The Epoch Times:

                    Some of the roughly 50 illegal immigrants who flew to Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts last week only to be deported, said they would like to return to the “beautiful” elite island home of wealthy families in the summer.

                    Catholic Charities in the Diocese of Fall River told the National Catholic Reporter newspaper that three out of the dozens said they wouldn’t mind returning to Martha’s Vineyard given “how beautiful” the island is, after being bussed away to a nearby emergency shelter in Barnstable County last Friday.

                    Gardens Are Growing Due to Food Shortage


                      by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola:

                      STORY AT-A-GLANCE
                      • It’s estimated that more than 20 million Americans planted a vegetable garden for the first time during the pandemic
                      • Gardening has taken on a sense of novelty as many view it as a hobby or leisure activity, but in relatively recent history — prior to industrialization — nearly all Americans grew food

                      Checkbook Economics, Household Expenses Rise $961 Per Month, $11,532/yr, While Incomes Remain Flat


                        from The Conservative Treehouse:

                        With most financial media being intentionally obtuse with the Biden economic impact upon Main Street, it is refreshing to see analysis that cuts to the heart of the matter.  HatTip to ZeroHedge who provides a link to a great article outlining reality for blue and white-collar working families.

                        The folks at NerdWallet have taken the inflation date from the Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS) and applied the math to real life.  The result is a good encapsulation of checkbook economics and how the Biden economy is painful for the working class.

                        Powell Will Pivot… But When with Craig Hemke


                          by Kerry Lutz, Financial Survival Network:

                          Craig Hemke comes on the show to give a comprehensive update on precious metals—which have been sinking. Craig says that it’s remarkable that they’re not even more down based on interest rates, the stock market, and the Fed’s recent decisions. There seems to be a sense of complacency with the Fed, but it’s time to acknowledge that they can’t fix everything, and many of their recent moves have worsened the problems we’re currently facing. Listen in for more insight from myself and Craig.

                          THE MAJOR BATTLE IN THE SILVER MARKET HAS BEGUN: Control Of Silver Metal Will Lead To Much Higher Prices


                            by Steve St. Angelo, SRSRocco Report:

                            I believe we are in the beginning stages of a Major Battle in the Silver Market.  As Institutions, Hedge Funds, the Rich, and Retail Investors move into silver to protect wealth, the control over getting access to metal will lead to much higher prices.

                            My analysis shows that the massive surge of Global Debt propping up the markets will Pop as the world heads over the ENERGY CLIFF.  This is when it is crucial to hold physical gold and silver metal that protect wealth in a future of energy scarcity.  We are seeing a lot of silver leave London and head to India and other countries.  It seems as if this Battle of the control of Silver Metal has indeed… BEGUN.