Thursday, March 6, 2025

A Common Misconception in Elections, The RNC and DNC Do Not Represent “Voters”, They Represent the Interests of Their Private Corporations


    from The Conservative Treehouse:

    When it comes to the private corporations in American politics known as the Republican National Committee (RNC) and the Democrat National Committee (DNC), there is a common misconception that the corporations represent the voters, they do not.

    The RNC and DNC corporations represent their interests, which are not necessarily in alignment with the interests of the unpaid voluntary participants, the voters.  As a consequence, when a lawyer is hired by the RNC they are not representing the candidate or voter, they are representing the interests of the corporation. A big difference.

    Accepting the Reality of the Plandemic


      by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Tenpenny’s Eye on the Evidence:

      Beginning in March 2020, we were told the next global pandemic had arrived. That became a 2.5-year travesty, pushing toward the end of Western civilization as we knew it. The World Economic Forum and all its global henchmen wrecked economic havoc so pervasive that no person was untouched. Both television and print media chronicled daily reports to keep us afraid, locked down (imprisoned), masked (tortured), and in a state of impending doom.

      Be Wary of the Balenciaga Satanic Psyop


        from Greg Reese:

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        Shocking Local AZ Election Data: GOP Turnout Up, Dems Down, Yet Dems Won – Here Are the Alarming Numbers


          from Western Journal:

          One of the oddities of the midterm elections in Arizona was Republican turnout was up and Democratic turnout down from 2018 in Maricopa County, yet some of the top-of-the-ticket GOP candidates lost their races.

          The county, encompassing the Phoenix metropolitan area, includes 60 percent of registered voters in the state.

          Republicans outnumber Democrats in Arizona overall by more than 166,000 people.

          Traffickers Exploiting Illegal Child Labor With Social Security Fraud; Underage Migrant: ‘I Started Working’ To Pay Cartel Debt


            from Creative Destruction Media:

            • Frander, Male Migrant: “I cannot work legally here…It’s a small piece of paper that you get to be able to apply for jobs. A social security [card]. You just call the person, and he comes to your home and brings it.”
            • Frander says he was forced to pay “$150” to obtain a fake social security card.
            • Underage Female Migrant: “When I got here [to the United States], I began studying, and then working. I went to school for six months. From a year ago, I began working…I go in [to work] at 4PM and get out at 2AM.”
            • Underage Male Migrant: You go to work “wherever they take you.”
            • Tara Lee Rodas, Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity & Efficiency: “I think most people believe, and I originally thought, that sponsors were families because HHS says, ‘We’re reuniting children with their families.’ In fact, that’s not the case.”
            • Rodas: “This is a terrible thing, and then you look at some of these children who are teenagers, who’ve never been to school, can’t read, can’t write. It’s a very wicked thing to take advantage of these children.”



              from The Salty Cracker:

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              Why globalists desperately need control of Arizona before they unleash the next staged pandemic


                by Mike Adams, Natural News:

                In today’s Situation Update podcast (below), I explore why globalists desperately need control over Arizona. The next stage of their plan is to have Joe Biden sign the WHO’s pandemic treaty, and that will be followed by the release of an engineered “pandemic” which we’ve already established can be staged by dispersing chemical weapons on any given city, accompanied by media hysteria claiming an “outbreak.”

                The Nine Satanic Statements Reveal We Are in A World of Evil Doers


                  by Greg Boulden, America Outloud:

                  Perhaps you feel the energy has shifted in the world. You are aware that after the pandemic, there seems to be something off. I have had this conversation with many people over the past two years but did not know how to best name the experience. There is rampant devaluing and attacking of human life, and the most innocent of creation is being targeted with abusive advertisements.

                  Balenciaga is still under fire for its campaign that was shown to promote the sexualization of children. Their long-time advertising associate has been seen wearing satanic ritualistic clothing and items going back many years. This led me to wonder, what if the war of good versus evil was less hyperbole and instead our reality?

                  Episode 2339: The Greatest Threat For The CCP Are Christians


                  from Bannons War Room:

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                  Here’s How They Did it: Real-time Election Fraud


                    by Jay Valentine, American Thinker:

                    Database latency — a geeky term, but that’s how they did it!

                    A policeman pulls over a speeder.  The police computer reports that three hours ago a similar vehicle and person held up a liquor store — so the police are on alert.

                    No database latency.

                    County election managers change the zip code of 31,000 voters on September 3. Ballots go out that week.  Those 31,000 are undeliverable.  Someone collects those valid ballots.  On September 15th, those addresses are quietly changed back.

                    National Change of Address Database (NCOA) will not pick up those address changes.  They didn’t happen because there is no history.

                    Musk: Twitter Has “Interfered In Elections”


                      from ZeroHedge:

                      Twitter owner Elon Musk on Wednesday confirmed what everyone with two functioning brain cells and intellectual honesty already knew; the social media giant has “interfered in elections.”

                      In a discussion over a Reuters article in which the company’s former head of trust and safety says Twitter is ‘not safer’ under Musk, user @EvaFoxU posted: “Twitter has shown itself to be not safe for the past 10 years and has lost users’ trust. The past team of “trust and safety” is a disgrace, so it doesn’t have any right to judge what is being done now,” adding “They had a chance, but they sold their souls to a corporation.”

                      Gen Flynn-We Are In The Midst Of 5th Generation Warfare,Time To Educate The Children In Leadership


                        from X22 Report:

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                        Despite Being Called the Madoff of Crypto, New York Times Features Sam Bankman-Fried at $2500 a Person Event Today


                          by Pam Martens and Russ Martens, Wall St On Parade:

                          You can’t make this stuff up. After promoting the false story that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and pushing the U.S. into a deadly and costly war through its reporter, Judith Miller; and using its editorial board to shill for the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act to advance the greedy Wall Street ambitions of Citigroup kingpin Sandy Weill, which ended up taking down the U.S. economy in 2008; the New York Times now appears determined to rehabilitate the reputation of the disgraced Sam Bankman-Fried, Co-Founder and recently ousted CEO of the bankrupt crypto exchange, FTX.  Bankman-Fried is being investigated on multiple continents, including North America, for stealing customer assets and looting his private investors. He has been compared, in headlines around the globe, to Bernie Madoff and his Ponzi scheme.

                          ARCH OF HYSTERIA – TIME TO SHOW THE WORLD



                          A SGT SPECIAL REPORT. Satanists. Stolen elections. The battle for the soul of America.

                          The U.S. Economy Just Took A Very Dark Turn


                            by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:

                            The road ahead certainly does not look promising.  For much of 2022, there has been a lot of debate about whether or not the U.S. economy is in a recession, is headed for a recession, or is about to turn in a positive direction.  Unfortunately, virtually all of the numbers are now telling us that economic conditions are starting to deteriorate quite rapidly as we approach the beginning of 2023, and even rabidly optimistic business leaders such as Jeff Bezos are warning us to prepare for harder times.  So now the framework for the debate over our economic future has shifted.  At this point, there are some that expect a relatively minor recession and then a recovery, and there are those such as myself that expect immense pain in the years ahead.  There are so many warning signs that indicate that the entire system is starting to crack and crumble, but a lot of the “experts” are still hoping that our leaders will find a way to turn things around somehow.