from GoldSilver (w/ Mike Maloney):
from GoldSilver (w/ Mike Maloney):
by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:
Will 2022 go down in history as one of the most important economic turning points that we have ever seen? All over the planet, economic activity is beginning to decelerate and uncertainty about the future is in the air. Meanwhile, the cost of living continues to escalate and a very painful energy crisis has begun. Unless there is some sort of an economic miracle, it appears that 2023 will be a very difficult year, and the long-term outlook beyond next year is even more ominous. Suddenly, many of the talking heads on television are openly speculating about the hard times that are coming, and the word “recession” is being thrown around quite frequently.
by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:
A little more than a week ago, International Crimes Investigative Committee (“ICIC”), hosted by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Dr Mike Yeadon, held a discussion with four experts on nanotechnology and self-assembling structures in mRNA injections. The panel of experts comprised Dr. David Nixon, Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, Karen Kingston and Shimon Yanowitz.
Yesterday, ICIC Dr. Fuellmich hosted a second discussion, following on from the first, to discuss with Holger Reißner and Klaus Retzlaff what the observed phenomena and structures in the blood of people who have had an mRNA injection are all about.
from The Babylon Bee:
U.S. — This weekend, Twitter CEO Elon Musk directed the release of documents and emails showing collusion between the media and the DNC to suppress a major news story. The DNC and media have responded to the DNC/media collusion story by colluding to suppress the story about their collusion.
“It’s important to understand this story of how we colluded with the DNC to suppress important information about Presidential candidate corruption is a big nothingburger,” said a member of the DNC, reading several talking points given to him by the media. “We have been assured by our partners in the media that they will not be covering this story, exactly as we requested.”
by Hannah Bleau, Breitbart:
Dr. Anthony Fauci feigned ignorance throughout his November 23 deposition as part of Louisiana and Missouri’s lawsuit against the Biden administration and federal officials, asserting that he is disassociated from social media. Yet, the public health official admitted he talked to Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg about pushing vaccines and noted that one of his daughters worked as a software engineer at Twitter.
Fauci, who said “I don’t recall” 174 times throughout the deposition, faced questions on his own personal concerns about “what people might be saying on social media” about the Chinese coronavirus’s origin. Yet, Fauci feigned ignorance, claiming to be “disassociated” from social media.
by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:
Award-winning journalist Alex Newman, author of the popular books “Deep State” and “Crimes of the Educators,” says Deep State globalists had a two-week conference in Egypt called COP27 that outlined the plan to enslave the planet with a New World Order globalist agenda. It was a huge conference in mid-November that most Americans knew nothing about because the Lying Legacy Media (LLM) would not cover it. Why did the LLM lie by omission and not show Americans what was going on when the entire world covered this conference? Newman, who attended COP27, contends, “This is an incredibly significant story, and anywhere else in the world you would have seen very extensive coverage in the press, in the fake news media as we call it. There were thousands of journalists there. I call them the cheerleading section from all over the world. Conspicuously absent, though, was the American media. . . . If Americans knew what was going on . . . they would put a stop to it almost immediately. So, there was almost total radio silence in the U.S. This was very, very significant because you had 125 prime ministers, kings, dictators and presidents, including Joe Biden, show up. I actually ran into John Kerry there, and he was not very talkative. . . . It was just Americans that were kept totally in the dark about this. This was the most significant thing going on in the world until the G-20 started. . . . There were world leaders from all over the planet. We are talking about wealth redistribution. We are talking about stealing money from middle-class and poor Americans and redistributing that to the very wealthy, uber elites and the kleptocrats who have kept the third world impoverished.”
— Chloe Cole
(@ChoooCole) December 6, 2022
by Ethan Huff, Natural News:
The World Health Organization’s (WHO) Intergovernmental Negotiating Body has officially converged for the next several days to discuss the conceptual zero draft of its proposed “Pandemic Treaty.”
From Dec. 5-7, 2022, WHO officials will refine their scheme to erase national sovereignty and stamp out all remaining traces of personal freedom around the world – all in the name of keeping people “safe” against disease threats like “covid,” of course.
by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:
Twenty years ago, the New York Times knowingly published on 7 September 2002 a lie by George W. Bush saying that the IAEA had just issued a new report which said that Iraq was only six months away from having a nuclear bomb; and not only did that mainstream ‘news’-medium issue no correction when the IAEA repeatedly said that it had issued no such report, ever, but the IAEA was able to get only one obscure news-story published anywhere saying only that the IAEA had not issued any new report about Iraq’s alleged nuclear program — and that news-report, in turn, was not republished elsewhere; so, the IAEA’s denial of what America’s President had said that the IAEA had said — the very fact of Bush’s having lied to allege that the IAEA had said this — went virtually unpublished anywhere.
by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:
The Abrahamic Family House in Abu Dhabi is nearly complete and mere weeks away from opening its doors to Chrislam and the One World Religion
The world now accepts the idea of a Roman Catholic peace covenant brokered between a pope and an imam, and within this covenant a room is reserved for the Jews. Like all movements of man, it has a palatial headquarters, known as the Abrahamic Family House in Abu Dhabi, which is now just week away from being completed. It is considered one of the marvels of our age, alongside of the Abraham Accords. The stage is almost set, the players are all present and accounted for, all we need now is our 23 Skidoo.
by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:
“Pattern deaths” has been and will remain one of those topics blogged about on this site, because (1) they are patterns and (2) the ultimate perpetrators and (3) the ultimate motivations remain a mystery. “Pattern deaths” for our purposes may be defined as a sudden cluster of “suicides” or otherwise mysterious deaths of people working in certain areas, and whose deaths would otherwise be considered coincidental if they were not clustered in certain times, or exhibiting similar patterns.