Thursday, January 9, 2025

Fed Defending Dollar No Matter What Crashes – Catherine Austin Fitts


    by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:

    Catherine Austin Fitts (CAF), Publisher of The Solari Report and former Assistant Secretary of Housing (Bush 41 Admin.), says what is coming for the economy is pain–and lots of it.  CAF explains, “We are either in a major correction or we are going to go into a bear (market), and a lot of it depends on many different politics.  If you look at the money being pumped out . . . on climate change, on green energy, environment and all theses and all these different new sort of scams, it depends on how they inject money.  It’s either a major correction or it could turn into a bear (market).  There is no way to tell because it is purely political.”

    With America Transformed Into A Land Of Lifeless Zombies And Biden And His Leftist Mob Taking A Sledgehammer To Our Constitution, ‘Moral Relativism’ Has Replaced Our Nation’s Soul


      by John Scotto, All News Pipeline:

      Moral relativism is the idea that there are no absolute rules to determine whether something is right or wrong. Many “progressives” have become adept in using this moral relativism ideology to reshape American society. This type of view of the world has provided many people with the ultimate cop-out. Choosing a life of existence, rather than truly living has become commonplace. Living requires some moral fiber and the ability to genuinely care. Taking the time to defend your principles every now and then. Today, most Americans choose to refrain from becoming engaged. A vast majority of US citizens just prefer not to “make waves.” The modern day marxist liberals have made it clear, if a conservative dare give his or her opinion about anything which is contrary to the radical leftist viewpoint, it will not be tolerated.

      Kanye West – Can the Banks Cancel Someone?


        by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

        Kanye West is a polarizing character, which is part of his celebrity. He says things to shock people and counter the current societal norms. He has long spoken out against the woke agenda, making waves by appearing with Candace Owens in “White Lives Matters” shirts. He was temporarily banned from social media platforms after talking poorly about the Jewish community while also saying black people are also Jewish. The man admits to having a mental illness. Still, they put microphones in his face and promote what he has to say as shocking and offensive to sell a story. It is no surprise that he was temporarily canceled from social media as all the major platforms cancel dissenters on a mass scale for much less. However, what happened next was a wake-up call for coming social credit scores.

        Watch Bill Gates’ Reaction


          Election Integrity Experts Identify Privacy Flaw Affecting All ICP/ICE Dominion Voting Systems Across 21 States.


            by Natalie Winters, The National Pulse:

            J.Alex Halderman, Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Michigan, claims to have identified a critical privacy flaw in the election infrastructure sold by Dominion Voting Systems in the United States.

            Halderman, a non-partisan analyst whose work has been cited by both left and right wing news sources, shared the website on his social media channels on Friday.

            “The British people are politically homeless – Part I”


              by Claudio Grass, Claudio Grass:

              Interview with Godfrey Bloom: Part I of II

              A lot has been said and written about Britain’s political and economic woes since Brexit, and even more so over the last two years. Overwhelmingly, mainstream media coverage has been negative and many of the nation’s problems have been blamed on Brexit itself. The role of the lockdowns, the forced business closures and especially of the extreme fiscal and monetary interventions during the Covid crisis has been downplayed, or often gone entirely unmentioned.

              U.S. Receives Lowest Economic Freedom Ranking Since 1975


                by Vance Ginn, Activist Post:

                The Fraser Institute recently released the 2022 Economic Freedom of the World (EFW) Report, reflecting data and rankings for 2020. The findings show that economic freedom in the U.S. fell to its lowest level since 1975, from 6th place to 7th. Although all countries in the report were negatively affected in terms of economic freedom by the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent shutdowns, the U.S. decline is considerable and indicative of pressing problems that will continue to erode our liberty and prosperity if left unresolved.

                My Ten-Day Test-My-Preps Adventure – Part 2


                  by St. Funogas, Survival Blog:

                  (Continued from Part 1.)

                  I started a to-do list for when the test is over. It started with:

                  • Can 12 quarts or more of water.
                  • Figure out how much water the plumbing pressure tank holds from 50 psi down to 0 psi
                  • Many others, mentioned below.

                  I went to bed that night at 21:30. In the fifteen seconds it took for me to fall asleep, a quick thought passed through my head: How nice it was to have complete darkness, able to see all the stars out of my loft window with no little lights from the television and DVD player, the computer’s power strip, the night light downstairs.



                    from Infowars:

                    TRUTH LIVES on at

                    NWO Globalists Brazenly Float a HUGE Trial Balloon……….


                      from State Of The Nation:

                      …Which Then Pops Like a Supernova

                      SOTN Editor’s Note: Just when you thought you saw and heard it all, PayPal crawls out from under its rock and appoints itself: Grand Inquisitioner of the Cyberverse—Wow!!! Just WOW ! ! !

                      By asserting it’s unlawfully arrogated power and falsely presumed right to fine PayPal account holders up to $2500.00 for perceived violations concerning the dissemination of misinformation, the global payment platform totally crossed every line—ON PURPOSE.

                      We’re Coming For You


                        by James Howard Kunstler, Kunstler:

                        Slip slidin’ away… Slip slidin’ away… You know the nearer your destination… The more you’re slip slidin’ away…. —Paul Simon

                        Have you noticed, as the election looms, the Party of Chaos trips deeper into its own self-created chaos? Turns out that the effort to make Ukraine the fifty-first state is not going over so well with the voters. Nor is the campaign to convince children to switch sexes. Or the crusade to sell ever more mRNA “vaccines” that the CDC knows good-and-goshdarn-well are killing and maiming credulous citizens by the millions. Or the program for importing limitless alien “vibrance” across the open border with Mexico…. As the venerable Rolling Stones sang more than a half century ago: “Rape… murder… it’s just a shot away!” This is the kind of country that the Party of Chaos has been grooming you up for.

                        The War Moves Forward as Outlined by the RAND Corporation on Behalf of the Pentagon. “NATO is Not Part to the Conflict”


                          by Manlio Dinucci, Global Research:

                          The United States, the European Union, and other countries have so far “donated” about 100 billion euros of military supply to Ukraine. It is money directly or indirectly coming out of our pockets. This figure is constantly increasing. The European Union will train 15,000 Ukrainian soldiers in two camps in Poland and in another member state.

                          At the NATO summit of Defense Ministers, Secretary General Stoltenberg reports: “Following the sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipelines, we have doubled our presence in the Baltic and North Seas to over 30 ships”. The matrix of the attack is confirmed by the fact that the Russian Gazprom co-owner of Nord Stream was prevented from participating in investigations into underwater explosions.