from The Salty Cracker:
by Ron Paul, Ron Paul Institute:
As we learn more and more from the “Twitter Files,” it is becoming all too obvious that Federal agencies such as the FBI viewed the First Amendment of our Constitution as an annoyance and an impediment. In Friday’s release from the pre-Musk era, journalist Matt Taibbi makes an astute observation: Twitter was essentially an FBI subsidiary.
The FBI, we now know, was obsessed with Twitter. We learned that agents sent Twitter Trust and Safety chief Yoel Roth some 150 emails between 2020 and 2022. Those emails regularly featured demands from US government officials for the “private” social media company to censor comments and ban commenters they did not like.
by John W. Whitehead, Rutherford Institute:
“When the song of the angels is stilled, when the star in the sky is gone, when the kings and princes are home, when the shepherds are back with their flocks, the work of Christmas begins: to find the lost, to heal the broken, to feed the hungry, to release the prisoner, to rebuild the nations, to bring peace among the people, to make music in the heart.”—Howard Thurman, theologian and civil rights activist
The Christmas story of a baby born in a manger is a familiar one.
by Wendell Husebo, Breitbart:
Independent voters doubt President Joe Biden’s mental fitness and believe he is too old to be president, a Harvard/Harris poll found over the weekend.
The poll asked respondents, “Is Joe Biden mentally fit to serve as President of the United States or do you have doubts about his mental fitness for office?”
by Doug French, Mises Institute:
First, they came for the oil, now they’re coming for the cows. Environmentalists have no shame or sense and farmers around the world are, forget the pitchforks, “setting hay bales ablaze and dumping manure on motorways,” report April Roach, Tracy Withers, Jen Skerritt, and Agnieszka de Sousa for Bloomberg.
Never mind that food prices have spiked around the world. For instance, grocery prices are up 13 percent in the US this year. The Dutch government said it would buy out as many as three thousand of the biggest emitters (farmers) in a voluntary one-time offer. While the weather turns cold and gas supplies become scarce the green gang in Holland is setting aside €24.3 billion ($25.6 billion) to fund the transition. “Those who refuse will be forced out of business,” reports Bloomberg.
from 21st Century Wire:
In this episode of TNT Radio which aired on Dec 8, 2022, host Patrick Henningsen exposes the core deception behind the fake ‘green’ agenda and ‘sustainability’ racket being run by elite financial institutions and steered by the World Economic Forum in Davos. While politicians and their hand-picked firms are getting rich and accumulating power from ‘green’ legislation and endless public subsidies – the working and middle classes are being robbed of their income, and small businesses are being ravaged by outrageous energy price hikes. Listen:
by Mark Taliano, Global Research:
It would be obvious and widely accepted that we in the West are responsible for the rebirth and growth of Nazism, if the truth was a staple in our cultural diets.
Beneath veils of distactions and obfuscations, for example, the Canadian government has a long history of quietly supporting nazism. (1)
Drawing false equivalencies between the USSR and Nazi Germany furthers the support for nazism, which, through such operations, is being whitewashed. Canada voted against a UN initiative condemning the glorification of nazism.
from The Alex Jones Show:
by CJ Hopkins, CJ Hopkins:
Well, it has been quite a year, 2022. I’m officially dubbing it “The Year of the Gaslighter.” I was going to dub it “The Year of the Mother of All Mindfucking Global-Capitalist Gaslighters,” but that seemed like a mouthful, so I’m opting for brevity.
Seriously, if there were an Olympics of Gaslighting, GloboCap (i.e., the global corporatocracy) would take the gold in every event. At this point, the majority of the global masses have been successfully gaslighted into a semi-conscious, quasi-cyclothymic state in which they oscillate, on a moment-by-moment basis, between robotic obedience and impotent rage. Those who are not still walking around in their masks and prophylactic face shields and injecting themselves with experimental “vaccines” for reasons they no longer even pretend to be able to articulate without gibbering like imbeciles are genuflecting at the feet of an oligarch huckster who they believe has come to deliver them from Wokeness.
by Jose Nino, Big League Politics:
Texas Governor Greg Abbott is calling for the state’s attorney general to conduct an investigation of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) that are aiding illegal alien invaders who are crossing the border from Mexico.
“With the end of Title 42 just days away, the number of illegal immigrants crossing the Texas–Mexico border has reached an all-time high,” Abbott said to Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton in a letter that was released to the public on December 15, 2022. “Indeed, this past Sunday, over a 24-hour span, over 2,600 illegal immigrants crossed the border near El Paso and illegally entered Texas. These numbers are likely to increase in the coming weeks.”
from WND:
A new study by the Food and Drug Administration confirms the concerns of many physicians worldwide of a link between blood clots and the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.
The researchers examined data covering 17.4 million elderly Americans who had received two doses of the Pfizer vaccine. They found that the incidents of pulmonary embolism, or blood clotting in the lungs, met the initial safety signal, meaning further investigation is warranted, the Epoch Times reported.
by Lincoln Brown, PJ Media:
Back in my single days when the internet was still kind of new, I dated a woman who was a receptionist. But she claimed that her true vocation, however, was as a desktop organizer. That does not mean that she came into your office, rearranged your files, and found a better spot for the stapler. It meant she would sit down at your computer and rearrange the icons on the desktop of your computer for optimal positioning. And she was serious about it. She actually thought she could make a living doing it. Of course, she didn’t, but she married rich, so good for her. She also had a curious habit. She would click on anything and everything that came up on her computer. And it didn’t matter what it was or where it could lead, she would just click on it. I’m sure that while she did not make a career out of moving icons around screens, she probably keeps her local PC repair shop rolling in the dough.