by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, LifeSite News:
Abp. Viganò: Trump’s endorsement of LGBTQ Republicans is a grave mistake
US Government in Full Scale Implosion Because of Corruption – Catherine Austin Fitts
by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:
Catherine Austin Fitts (CAF), Publisher of The Solari Report and former Assistant Secretary of Housing (Bush 41 Admin.), says the U.S. government is so fraudulent that it will self-destruct much sooner than later. CAF predicts, “If you look at FTX, my question is how much of the money sent to Ukraine got laundered right back for the (2022 midterm) election? So, to me, Ukraine is not a destination point, it is a through put point. . . . At this point, and I hate to say it, but we are in full scale implosion. The corruption is that bad. That’s why I am telling you what we need is sovereignty. The federal government is not going to deliver. . . . The financial coup has reached a point where if you want sovereignty, the only person who can deliver that is your state governor and your legislature. . . . If you’ve got a great state AG, if you have great legislature, if you have a great governor, you better start supporting them. They are the people that can protect your sovereignty. You need governmental sovereignty if you are going to have individual sovereignty, and you better do it now. You have no time to be entertained by Joe Biden, Trump and Hunter Biden.”
from TheCrowhouse:
Deutsche Bank: “A Certain Degree of Eco-Dictatorship Will Be Necessary”
by Toby Young, Daily Sceptic:
Izabella Kaminska, formerly the Editor of the FT’s Alphaville and now the Editor of the Blind Spot, has flagged up an alarming passage in a document published in January 2021 by Deutsche Bank Research entitled ‘What we must do to Rebuild’. Eric Heyman has written the section about the tough choices the EU must face it if’s to meet its goal of achieving ‘climate neutrality’ by 2050 – Net Zero, in other words – and says the following:
Actor Tim Robbins expresses remorse about turning on the unvaccinated and the unmasked: ‘We turned into tribal, angry, vengeful people’
by Joseph Mackinnon, The Blaze:
Leftist actor Tim Robbins appeared on British comedian Russell Brand’s podcast this week to retroactively denounce the politicization of health policies during the pandemic and to express remorse about his uncritical acceptance of the media’s COVID-19 narrative.
In the Dec. 18 episode of Brand’s podcast, Robbins, an Academy Award-winning actor, explained his journey from strict compliance with government edicts early in the pandemic to one of doubt about the inerrancy of so-called health experts and the official narrative constructed around COVID-19, vaccination, lockdowns, and masking.
Episode 2386: Live From Am Fest: Taking Down The Intelligence State
from Bannons War Room:
NATO Decides to Attack Russia in Ukraine
by Kurt Nimmo, Kurt Nimmo on Geopolitics:
Ukraine is unable to defeat Russia. The next step is for direct NATO involvement.
If Olga Lebedeva and can be believed, NATO is on the verge of entering the war in Ukraine. “Such announcements were heard from officials of the Polish Ministry of Defence, the General Staff of the NATO alliance, officers of the French army and (of course) the Ukrainian Ministry of Defence,” according to Lebedeva.
“The main reason would be the very next Russian general offensive that NATO is planning and which according to it would decimate the Ukrainian army not only in the Donbass but also on the Kiev side (many Russian units are in combat situation in Belarus at the borders with Ukraine),” explains, a Russian website.
Teachers Brag as Liberal Indoctrination Takes Effect
from Moonbattery:
The primary survival mechanism for humans is socialization. We need each other to stay alive. This results in an instinct to conform, which is particularly strong during the formulative years of childhood. Liberals have exploited this to bully children into conforming to the sickest ideology ever devised — namely, moonbattery.
Leftist teachers openly boast about their success in indoctrination:
Why Did the FBI Want Joe Biden to Become President?
by John Leonard, AmericanThinker:
Just imagine for a moment that Donald Trump, Jr. (or Eric) sat on the board of directors for a foreign company and “earned” millions of dollars for literally doing nothing. He didn’t know the industry and didn’t speak the language. The only thing Junior brought to the table was his last name. He made deals with foreign agents and foreign corporations to acquire rare materials like cobalt (used in electric cars) that was sold to Chinese interests for profit. While on an extended drug binge, he took a computer with lots of incriminating evidence to a repair shop and forgot or didn’t care what he’d done with it. Then he ignored all the calls from the shop telling him to come pick up his computer. That would be huge news, wouldn’t it?
Lol! This is a good example of why people need guns, this lady with a gun stops a bad guy with a gun!
Lol! This is a good example of why people need guns, this lady with a gun stops a bad guy with a gun!
— Johnny Midnight (@its_the_Dr) December 21, 2022
Kyle Bass: China’s Xi Intentionally Crashing Housing Market, Preparing for War
from The Epoch Times:
Dallas-based hedge fund manager Kyle Bass is predicting big economic issues for China throughout 2023, stemming from an overleveraged financial system, collapsing property market, and unsustainable birth rates.
China, a nation accustomed to greater than 7 percent real GDP growth for the past 10 years, is seeing signs of economic sluggishness. “The volume of exports could actually shrink by 6 percent on average in 2022 and 2023,” predicted the BlackRock Investment Institute in an October report.
Mr. Gensler, the U.S. Stock Market Structure Is an Institutionalized Wealth Transfer System
by Pam Martens and Russ Martens, Wall St On Parade:
The Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, Gary Gensler, announced in June that he was going to tackle the structure of the U.S. stock market – ostensibly to make it fairer to the little guy. His plans were released last Wednesday in a mountain of paper that even Wall Street veterans are having difficulty digesting. (See here, here, here, here, and here.)
While the overall thrust of the proposed changes appears to be to provide more transparency to order execution, the proposals fail to address key structural issues that have allowed the U.S. stock market to operate as an institutionalized wealth transfer system — moving vast sums of money from the pockets of average Americans to the richest one percent.