from The Alex Jones Show:
by Ethan Huff, via DC Clothesline:
Appearing on “Ask Dr. Drew” the other day for an interview about Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines,” pathologist and virology expert Dr. Ryan Cole, whose name you will probably recognize from our earlier jab coverage, revealed that the spike proteins in the injections cause prolific damage to the circulatory system.
The two started out discussing where spike proteins tend to lodge throughout the body. In Cole’s estimation, they go anywhere and everywhere they choose, including in the brain.
“It’s in the brain tissue,” Cole explained during the segment – watch below:
from Vigilant Citizen:
“The Watcher” is based on the true story of a New Jersey family that received disturbing letters from a stalker asking for “young blood”. While the actual culprit was never found, the Netflix series raises a possibility: A satanic cult that extracts adrenochrome from babies is behind the letters. Here’s a look at the dark meaning of “The Watcher”.
by Avi Gilburt, Gold Seek:
Here’s the latest in our “Is Your Bank Safe?” series at — this one on Wells Fargo.
Over the last few months, we have written several articles outlining our views of banks in general. We explained the relationship that you, as a depositor, have with your bank is in line with a debtor/creditor relationship. This places you in a precarious position should the bank encounter financial or liquidity issues. Moreover, we also outlined why reliance on the FDIC may not be wholly advisable. And, finally, we explained that the next time there’s a financial meltdown, your deposits may be turned into equity to assist the bank in reorganizing.
by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:
If the Federal government lied about their censorship, what other election initiatives are they lying about?
Let’s look at their program created to gain access to local election data.
Around 2011 DHS created their own intrusion detection system called the ALBERT Sensor. It’s part of the larger Einstein System that protects federal agencies from cyber risks. ALBERT is a “black box” server installed on a County’s network. It collects the traffic flowing on their election network and transmits this data to a nonprofit in NY. DHS selected this non-profit to monitor all the election data from across the United Sates. It is analyzed around the clock with the hope they can alert jurisdictions if they find any malicious traffic on their network. Few election networks had the system before 2016.
by Kyle Becker, Becker News:
Twitter kept secret “blacklists” that included a doctor at Stanford and several prominent conservative voices that suppressed their ability to be found or heard on the social media platform, according to journalist Bari Weiss, founder and editor of The Free Press and former Wall Street Journal and New York Times columnist, who launched the second chapter in Elon Musk’s so-called “Twitter Files” Thursday evening.
by Ken Macon, Reclaim The Net:
Another push for CBDCs.
Brazil plans to launch its central bank digital currency (CBDC) in 2024, following a closed pilot in 2023 with financial institutions, said the president of the Central Bank of Brazil, Roberto Campos Neto. He added that Brazil’s model had gained international recognition.
Neto made the announcement at an event hosted by news outlet Poder 360. He claimed that the CBDC’s design would encourage financial institutions to tokenize their assets with the added benefit of efficiency.
by Steve Watson, Summit News:
“It is alleging that a person is criminal somehow and engaged in criminal acts merely because of their gender identity, their sexual orientation”
During a Congressional hearing on ‘anti-LGBTQ violence,’ a Democratic Representative parroted the same claim as several LGBTQ activists that the terms ‘groomer’ and ‘pedophile’ are discriminatory against sexual preferences and gender identity.
by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:
We know the contents of Covid injections are inconsistent and vary from batch to batch. However, there is debate among independent researchers about some of the ingredients being found in “vaccine” vials, for example, graphene oxide and nanotechnology.
Last week we published an article about two sessions of the International Crimes Investigative Committee where researchers from both sides of the debate had their say. Now Dr. Ryan Cole adds his knowledge and experience to the debate during an episode of The HighWire.
from The Conservative Treehouse:
The logic within the research outline is silly. Unvaccinated people have a 72% higher rate of severe vehicle accidents than vaccinated drivers according to the study.
Could it be the difference between rural vs metropolitan populations; one drives frequently, for longer durations and distances, while the other does not?