Thursday, January 23, 2025

No Thank You Very Much! FDA Claims Lab-Grown Meat ‘Safe To Eat’, But Scientists Disagree Vehemently – Attacks On Farmers Across The World Are To Control Food Supply


    by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:

    Whether an inability to pick one and stick to it, or testing of multiple phrases to see which “appeals” to the masses more, “lab-grown meat” is called a number of different names, including so far, cell-cultured, cell-based, cultivated,  in-vitro, and “clean meat.”

    Recently the Food and Drag Administration (FDA) approved lab-grown meat, claiming it is “safe to eat.”

    Some scientists on the other hand, have a number of concerns about the safety of lab-grown meat, including what they call “inputs”  which are actually “recombinants,” which is described as “manipulated DNA segments,” according to Children’s Health Defense News.

    Germany Ordering Farmers No Fertilizer


      by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

      Germany is to comply virtually immediately with the EU directive to end fertilizer following the same path as the Netherlands. There is just no support in the data for Climate Change Mania. This is part of an agenda that will no doubt reduce the population along with the termination of fossil fuels. These people want war it appears to reduce the population as well and the people are fools to buy into this agenda. The lowest peak average temperature was in the year 2000 at 72.7 degrees. The low in this data set was 1888 and 72.6.and it was 72.8 in 1869. That is when we were rising from the Mini Ice Age all without soccer-moms driving SUVs to take the kids to games and schools.  This does not support the proposition that CO2 from the Industrial Revolution has caused climate change.

      ‘The First Amendment Isn’t Absolute’: Democrat Staffers Wanted Twitter to Censor More


        by Kristina Wong, Breitbart:

        House Democrat staffers wanted Twitter to censor more, arguing the “First Amendment isn’t absolute,” according to internal Twitter emails released by Twitter CEO Elon Musk via Matt Taibbi on Friday evening.

        The emails related to Twitter’s suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story, which broke in the weeks before the 2020 presidential election.



          from The Red Elephants – Vincent James:

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          Pentagon Fails Another Audit, Yet Congress Poised to Approve $847 Billion Budget


            by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project:

            Anti-war advocates blasted U.S. lawmakers on Thursday, one day after it was reported that Congress is expected to pass an $847 billion military budget for the coming fiscal year even though the Pentagon recently failed its fifth consecutive annual audit and nearly 40 million people nationwide are living in poverty.

            Last month, “the Pentagon once again failed to pass a basic audit showing that it knows where its money goes,” the National Priorities Project at the Institute for Policy Studies said in a statement. “And instead of holding out for any kind of accountability, Congress stands ready to give a big raise to an agency that failed to account for more than 60% of its assets.”

            WEF reveals agenda for Davos 2023 ruling class gathering


              by Jordan Schachtel, The Dossier:

              The World Economic Forum (WEF) has released the major themes for its upcoming January 2023 Davos conference.

              Each year, the WEF brings together a well-connected cadre of powerful public and private individuals and organizations behind heavily secured and invite-only doors for their annual meeting in Switzerland. Through this gathering, the global “elite” is provided a physical space to form narratives and ideas to bolster their power. The WEF is led by a comic book villain-like character in Klaus Schwab, its president. Schwab has dedicated his life to the advancement of a fascist agenda through which all power is controlled by the merger of the state and select corporate interests.



                from A_Warrior_Calls:

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                Major Web Browsers Drop Mysterious Authentication Company After Ties To US Military Contractor Exposed


                  by ZH, Activist Post:

                  This week several major web browsers quickly severed ties with a mysterious software company used to certify the security of websites, three weeks after the Washington Post exposed its connections to a US military contractor, the Post reports.

                  TrustCor Systems provided “certificates” to browsers to Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Edge, which vouched for the legitimacy of said websites.

                  “Certificate Authorities have highly trusted roles in the internet ecosystem and it is unacceptable for a CA to be closely tied, through ownership and operation, to a company engaged in the distribution of malware,” said Mozilla’s Kathleen Wilson in an email to browser security experts. “Trustcor’s responses via their Vice President of CA operations further substantiates the factual basis for Mozilla’s concerns.”

                  The WEF reveals the agenda for Davos 2023


                    by Sikh for Truth, Truth Talk:

                    What can I say? I dipped in and out of various sessions this year at the Davos event with much interest. Unfortunately, Davos 2023 will be held in less than 44 days. Can you believe it?

                    This year’s event was titled “History at a Turning Point” and we all remember when the Swiss Military were ordered to protect Schwab and the Global Elites with 5,000 troops. Schwab also warned those who trivialized or hijacked the event’s key messages, like the often-mentioned Great Reset, that they would be treated with contempt.

                    RONALD BERNARD (2018) – THE END-GAME CAN BE FINISHED IN 2028


                      from FireMedic8:

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                      By far, THE MOST DANGEROUS MAN IN THE WORLD today is………………..


                        from State Of The Nation:

                        But why?

                        Because truly conservative Christian men and woman in America are authentic Patriots.

                        And most Patriots are well-trained GUN OWNERS.

                        Patriots are fiercely ANTI-GLOBALISM.

                        CBDC in Beta Mode: Get Ready for ‘Fed Coin’


                          from 21st Century Wire:

                          While Americans were preparing for Thanksgiving last Wednesday afternoon, the Federal Reserve moved forward with its “Central Bank Digital Currency” program, and that wasn’t the only controversial policy that was rolled out while you weren’t watching.

                          On the radio program, Glenn Beck reviewed the latest financial stories you may have missed over the holiday weekend, including how Biden’s pause on student loan payments may be extended again and yet another sketchy Hunter Biden investment.

                          Is Media Lying About China COVID Protests?


                            from The Jimmy Dore Show:

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                            Ukraine – Russia War: Is a Doomsday Scenario Looming? Or Is There Reason for Hope?


                              by Peter Koenig, Global Research:

                              Everybody predicts we are going to face an ice-cold winter in the Global North, especially in Europe and particularly in Ukraine. In the meantime, Russia is amassing along the northern Ukrainian border some half a million-plus troops and about 1,500 tanks and massive-massive artillery.

                              Ukraine is already devastated by knocked out electricity, causing blackouts in about 60% of the country, no heating, due to lack of gas and petrol supplies from Russia and / or (auto-)destroyed internal delivery systems, with expected low sub-freezing temperatures of -15 degrees C and more, literally converting millions of people into refugees – towards western Europe.

                              Lior Gantz – The [CB] Globalist System Is Coming To End, A New Economy Is Being Born


                                from X22 Report:

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