Tuesday, February 4, 2025

The 2023 Economic Trap Has Been Set


    from ITM TRADING, INC.:

    TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

    9-Year-Old Boy from Ontario Dies Suddenly After Suffering a Blood Clot in his Brain


      by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

      The unexpected loss of a Grade 4 student at Scott Young Public School has left the community in grief. The child was remembered as a caring and cheerful young man.

      Colton, 9, from Ontario, Canada died suddenly on Saturday, Dec. 17, after suffering a sudden blood clot in his brain stem, Northumberland news reported.

      Joe Biden Delivers Christmas Address Without Saying the Word ‘Jesus’; Calls for Americans to ‘Drain’ Political ‘Poison’


        by Charlie Spierling, Breitbart:

        President Joe Biden delivered a Christmas address on Thursday but did not speak the name of “Jesus” or “Christ.”

        “How silently, how silently, the wondrous gift is given,” Biden began, as he delivered his address to reporters at the White House.

        It Was Always About Control


          by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

          Early on in March 2020 I was leery of the hysteria surrounding Covid and decided my course of action was to wait and see. At the time I was under the impression that I was a freeborn citizen with a number of unalienable rights, including sovereignty over my bodily choices.

          So when the talk started about new vaccines being imminent, I again decided I would wait and see whether the vaccines were all they were cracked up to be. This was then, and is now, an entirely reasonable position to take, screeching from media and Twitter hounds notwithstanding. I didn’t expect it would turn out to be more like “wait and see how totally out of hand this will get.”

          Selco’s Stories from an SHTF Christmas


            by Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper:

             Have you ever thought about what an SHTF Christmas would be like after an end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it event? I’m not talking about a minor issue that just affects a few people, but a full-on disaster that changes everything.

            Today, we have a first-hand look at what a post-collapse holiday is really like. I interviewed my friend Selco and his answers are really food for thought.  I have learned more about long-term survival from Selco than probably anybody else and have based a lot of my own plans on things I’ve learned from him. For most of us who write about preparedness, it’s research and theory. For Selco, it’s real life.

            Cop Gets Off Scot-Free Despite Video of Her Shooting Unarmed Man in the Back Over Ordinance Violation


              by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project:

              “You have a video that shows our client was shot running away in the back twice. Unarmed. Shot in the back.”

              Chicago, IL — In February 2020, Ariel Roman, 33, while traveling on Chicago’s public transit train, walked from one train car to another. That is all. For this action, two officers, assigned to Chicago’s mass transit unit, chased him and tackled him on the train platform before one of them opened fire. The unarmed man was shot twice. The video was so outrageous even the mayor weighed in, calling it “extremely disturbing.” The FBI was subsequently called in to investigate and multiple videos were released showing what amounts to little more than attempted murder by two of Chicago’s finest.

              US Military Thanks And Praises Retiring CNN “Journalist” For Her Service


                by Caitlin Johnstone, Caitlin Johnstone:

                The US military has been showering CNN’s retiring Pentagon correspondent Barbara Starr with effusive thanks and praise for her lifetime of service, giving some insight into the cozy working relationship between the media and the war machine inside the US empire.

                “Today closes a remarkable career for CNN’s Barbara Starr, a leader in the Pentagon Press Corps,” reads a post by the Twitter account for US Central Command. “Her aggressive reporting and tireless commitment to the truth brought this Nation closer to its military. She will forever be missed.”



                  from Infowars:

                  TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

                  Feverishly Racing Toward Our Own Destruction…


                    by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

                    We are careening directly into an abyss of war, pain and misery, and our leaders are thunderously applauding as it happens.  Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy came to Washington this week because he wanted more money, and our politicians in Washington definitely did not disappoint him.  Even though we had already given Ukraine far more money than the rest of the world combined, our politicians agreed to give him another colossal mountain of cash.  On some level, we all have to respect Zelenskyy’s skills as a con man.  Even though he has banned the main opposition party in Ukraine, and even though he has banned all television stations that were critical of him, and even though he just banned an entire ancient Christian denomination, our politicians continue to worship him like some sort of a pop music star.  Zelenskyy has become an extremely oppressive dictator that has set himself up to rule Ukraine for as long as he wants, but members of Congress from both parties continue to hail him as a “champion of democracy” that deserves our unquestioning support.

                    COP27: Understanding Climate Change and the UN’s Hidden Agenda Behind “Catastrophic Global Warming”


                      by David Skripac, Lew Rockwell:

                      Another United Nations climate conference has come and gone. The twenty-seventh, to be exact.  

                      Its forgettable full name is the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Or COP27, for short.  

                      COP27, like all of the UN’s previous annual climate summits (COP1 through COP26), addressed none of the actual existential issues facing humanity. Instead, its delegates, gathered in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, bombarded the rest of us with endless chatter about how human-induced climate change will spell the end of humanity if trillions of dollars aren’t thrown at this alleged catastrophe.  

                      Digital Surveillance, Privacy, Censorship and Cybersecurity– 2022 Year in Review


                        by Cindy Cohn, Activist Post:

                        EFF believes we can create a future where our rights not only follow us online, but are enhanced by new technology. The activists, lawyers, and technologists on EFF’s staff fight for that better future and against the kinds of dystopias best left to speculative fiction. In courts, in legislatures, and in company offices we make sure that the needs of the users are heard. Sometimes we send letters. Sometimes, we send planes.