from TheCrowhouse:
from TheCrowhouse:
by Toby Young, Daily Sceptic:
Oxford County Council is going to trial a scheme whereby the residents of the city are divided into six zones, with movement by car between the zones restricted to 100 trips per year. Eric Worrall on Watts Up With That? has more.
Imagine if your power mad politicians liked Covid Lockdowns so much, they wanted to continue them indefinitely. This is going to be trialled in Oxfordshire in Britain.
by Robert Gore, Straight Line Logic:
If we’re all responsible to everybody, what’s in it for you? How does it work, exactly? Can you claim anything—your production, property, expression, body, mind, life, or soul—for yourself? If you can’t, if everyone else has first claim to them, what can you claim for yourself? Do you give up everything for our eight billion fellow earth-citizens as they give up everything for you? Do you get one eight-billioneth of what’s nominally everyone else’s? Or is this supposed to be pure sacrifice—give up everything and receive nothing in return? If you give up everything, is there any you left?
from Amazing Polly:
by Ron Paul, Ron Paul Institute:
I admit to being skeptical of Elon Musk as a free speech hero. He has moved from one US government-subsidized business to another on his path to becoming the world’s richest person. But there is no denying that his release of the “Twitter Papers” this past weekend, which blew the lid off government manipulation of social media, has been a huge victory for those of us who value the First Amendment.
from WND:
‘Most definitive way’ to determine whether shots were the cause
Dr. Peter McCullough is among prominent cardiologists calling for a halt to the COVID-19 mRNA shots, contending there is a link between the vaccines and the apparent increase in reports of sudden deaths from cardiac arrest.
by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:
Alex Jones is demonized for giving us information that otherwise is withheld from us. Here are white Dutch policemen suppressing with violence the peaceful protests of the white Dutch farmers who feed them. The white Dutch farmers are facing confiscation of their farms on the fabricated grounds that their cows contribute to global emissions that allegedly are causing global warming. In other words, if you drink milk, you are destroying the earth.