Sunday, October 27, 2024

More About Yale’s Fraudulent Report that ‘Sanctions Are Crippling the Russian Economy’


    by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:

    This is a follow-up to my prior reports, “Fraudulent Yale School of Management Report Says Russia Will Be Crushed by Western Sanctions”, and “How the Fraudulent Yale Study Showing That Russia Will Be Crushed By Western Sanctions Was Reported In The Press”.

    On September 16th, The Kremlin headlined “In conclusion of his visit to Uzbekistan, Vladimir Putin answered journalists’ questions.” In that press conference, Putin said: “Our trade stood at US$140 billion last year. … This year’s mutual trade is expected to reach some US$180 or even US$190 billion.” That would be a 29% increase for the entire year of 2022. This prediction by him stands in obvious contrast to the Yale prediction. What will be the consequences if either prediction turns out to be true?

    Jim Rogers Interview 2022


      from GoldCore TV:

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      Denver Tests Basic Income on Homeless


        by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

        Governments love to conduct social experiments on the masses. What would happen if we gave the most financially vulnerable in our population cash every month? The Denver Basic Income Project just approved a new general basic income program for a select number of homeless people who will now receive $1,000 per month in cash. The money came from the American Rescue Plan Act at the cost of $2 million.

        Peak #inflation? Not in #Germany! German Consumer Prices (CPI) are likely to rise further after Producer Prices (PPI) increased by almost 46% in August, the strongest increase since 1949
