Saturday, September 21, 2024

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13 Years Ago Julian Assange Published Collateral Murder: Now He Faces 175 Years For Exposing War Crimes


    by Arjun Walia, The Pulse:

    Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange has been in prison for several years experiencing torture while he awaits possible extradition to the United States. All this for exposing truth.

    Yesterday marked the 13th anniversary of WikiLeaks’ publication of the Collateral Murder video. The video, which you can see below, shows how two US Apache helicopters participated in the unprovoked slaying of 11 Iraqi people including two Reuters journalists. Two young children involved in the incident were also seriously wounded.

    Julian Assange & Edward Snowden Are Heroes: There’s No Debate


      by Arjun Walia, The Pulse:

      A recent poll conducted by Elon Musk asked, “Should Assange and Snowden be pardoned?” The answer was an overwhelming yes, with 80.5 percent of approximately 3.3 million people voting.

      “Julian Is Free!” Assange Released After ‘Time Served’ Plea Deal With DOJ, Departs For Home


      from ZeroHedge:

      Update(2124ET)WikiLeaks has released its first footage showing Julian Assange as a free man, emerging from Belmarsh prison looking triumphant and joyous, and soon after boarding a plane to his native Australia…

      Below is the official statement from WikiLeaks:

      The Extraordinarily Deceived U.S. & UK Publics About Assange

      by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:

      The only international poll that sampled many countries simultaneously about Assange or his WikiLeaks so as to be able to compare the opinions internationally was by Reuters, headlining on 26 April 2011 “WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange is not a criminal: global poll”, and it showed that by far the most hostile public in opposing WikiLeaks was in America, the only public that was more anti-WikiLeaks than pro. 61% of Americans opposed WikiLeaks, and the second-worst was in UK, 38% opposed. Third-worst was Canada, 33%. Fourth-worst Poland at 32%. The four most favorable to Wikileaks were South Africa 12%, and then India, Russia, and Spain tied at 15%.

      The Assange Case: An Innocent Man Pleads Guilty, While the Criminals He Exposed Are Still Committing War Crimes

      by Harley Schlanger, LaRouche Organization:

      One can’t help feeling happy for Julian Assange, who was freed on June 26 after five years spent mostly in solitary confinement, in Belmarsh Prison near London, a venue known as Britain’s Guantanamo.  His time there was preceded by seven years spent in asylum in uncomfortable quarters in the Ecuadorian embassy in London.  On June 27, he was reunited with his family in Australia, freed at last from a Kafkaesque ordeal.  The last five years were spent fighting extradition to the U.S., where he was facing 17 new charges from a May 2019 indictment under the U.S. Espionage Act, which carried a maximum sentence of 170 years (1).  With his guilty plea, he was given a 62 month sentence, but released for time already served in prison.

      US Intelligence Kept Assange in UK Dungeon for Exposing War Crimes – CIA Analyst

      from Sputnik News:

      The firebrand transparency activist will soon be free, but his years of confinement have caused untold damage to his mental and physical health.
      Press freedom advocates claimed a significant victory this week when it was announced Wikileaks founder Julian Assange would be released from prison.
      The journalist had been held in the UK detention facility, often called “Britain’s Guantanamo Bay,” for five years after police stormed the Ecuadorian embassy in London where he had taken refuge. The incident was a shocking turnabout after former leftist leader Rafael Correa first offered Assange asylum in 2012. The raid was reportedly spearheaded by Trump Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who drew up plans to kidnap and kill the firebrand transparency activist during his time at the Central Intelligence Agency.

      Assange Free, Invitations from World Leaders, Dignitaries Have Begun

      from 21st Century Wire:

      The WikiLeaks co-founder receives a state invitation from the Colombian President, following his released from UK’s maximum security prison.

      Currently, Julian Assange is expected to finalize his release at a court in the Northern Mariana Islands, a US territory in the Pacific, after safety concerns were raised by his team about being taken to the continental United States.  

      Assange took off for Saipan after a refueling stop in Bangkok on Tuesday night, and will touch down in Saipan just after 6am local time (8pm GMT), according to data from Flightradar24.

      Assange Plea Deal Includes Free Flight Home On A Boeing

      from The Babylon Bee:

      NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS — US authorities recently confirmed that Wikileaks founder Julian Assange will finally get to end his 14-year long legal battle by accepting a plea deal which will include a complimentary flight home on a Boeing airplane, paid for by the US Department of Justice.

      Sources say that the Justice Department is doing its best to make sure that Assange, a whistleblower whom the US government has been seeking to take down ever since he released thousands of confidential documents back in 2010, will be perfectly safe as he travels back to see his family.

      Assange to be Freed!

      by Harley Schlanger, LaRouche Organization:

      At long last, Julian Assange will be freed.  Those who held him in prison for the last five years, however, are still free to unleash wars and chaos, outside of any accountability.  The deadly ATACMs strikes on a beach in Crimea, done with full U.S. complicity, shows why the fight that was waged by Assange, and on his behalf — to expose war crimes — must escalate.  The peace plan offered by Putin is a place to begin negotiations, which must occur before it is too late.

      The Empire Slowly Suffocates Assange Like It Slowly Suffocates All Its Enemies

      by Caitlin Johnstone, Caitlin Johnstone:

      Helping Israel starve Gaza while slowly pretending to work toward solutions. Drawing out a proxy war in Ukraine for as long as possible to bleed Russia. Slowly killing Assange in prison without trial under the pretense of judicial proceedings.

      The British High Court has ruled that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange may potentially get a final appeal against extradition to the United States, but only within a very limited scope and only if specific conditions are met.

      The Most Astounding Feature of the Assange Case

      by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

      The most extraordinary thing about Julian Assange is that he is being treated as if he were an American citizen. “Treason” was the original cry, now converted to “espionage.”

      There was no espionage. Wikileaks published, and made available to the New York Times, The Guardian, and other media organizations leaked information. The media organizations published the information, just as did Wikileaks, but they are not charged. Neither is Wikileaks charged. Only Julian Assange is charged.

      Assange Final Appeal – Your Man in the Public Gallery 2 – Craig Murray.

      by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

      Today is day two and the last day of the final hearing for the appeal against the extradition of Wiki Leaks founder Julian Assange. Yesterday crowds showed their support for Assange which included Craig Murray who also attended the hearing and said that although Julian Assange was given permission to attend in person or by video link, sadly he was too unwell to do either. Murray also said that the hearing was held in a disappointingly small court which was unable to seat more than just a few people.

      Assange Judge Worked for MI6 & Defence Ministry

      by Mark Curtis and John McEvoy, Consortium News:

      As with previous judges who have ruled on the WikiLeaks publisher’s case, Justice Jeremy Johnson raises concerns about institutional conflicts of interest, write Mark Curtis and John McEvoy.

      One of the two High Court judges who will rule on Julian Assange’s bid to stop his extradition to the U.S. represented the U.K.’s Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) and the Ministry of Defence, Declassified has found.

      Assange Approaches Five Years Of Incarceration Without Trial

      from Activist Post:

      (People’s Dispatch) Famed publisher and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is approaching five years of imprisonment without conviction for his role in exposing information regarding war crimes committed by the United States government. Currently held in a small cell within London’s high-security Belmarsh Prison—once referred to by the BBC as the British Guantanamo Bay—Assange and his supporters are endlessly fighting the British courts’ decision to allow his extradition to the United States.

      RFK Jr. vows to pardon Assange, Snowden, and other whistleblowers if elected President


      by Dan Frieth, Reclaim The Net:

      “I’ll pardon brave truth-tellers like Julian Assange and investigate the corruption and crimes they exposed.”

      If you’re tired of censorship, cancel culture, and the erosion of privacy and civil liberties subscribe to Reclaim The Net.

      In the race for the 2024 US Presidential Elections, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has made a significant campaign pledge: to pardon WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.