Sunday, October 27, 2024

Shiry Sapir sounds the alarm on the SEXUALIZATION of CHILDREN in our public schools


    from Health Ranger Report:

    TRUTH LIVES on at

    BREAKING: My team and I have been investigating the transgender clinic at Vanderbilt here in Nashville


      JUST IN – New York AG files civil fraud lawsuit against Trump.


        BREAKING: Atlanta Fed Announces Negative 3rd Quarter Growth for THIRD QUARTER IN ROW!


          by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:


          The Atlanta Fed predicted the GDP will have NEGATIVE growth for the third straight quarter this year.

          The recession is real. Depression is increasingly likely.

          How will the fake news spin this?

          2Y Treasury Yields Top 4.00% For First Time Since Oct 2007


            from ZeroHedge:

            For the first time since October 2007, the yield on 2Y US Treasury bonds has topped 4.00%…

            …having soared over 60bps since Fed Chair Powell gave his hyper-hawkish speech at Jackson Hole…

            Meanwhile, the terminal rate for Fed rate-hikes has risen to 4.52% this morning, expected in March 2023…

            Doctors call for end to Vaccine Mandates in Healthcare after deaths of at least 32 Canadian Doctors due to COVID Vaccination


              by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

              As of 3 September, Dr. William Makis had identified 32 young Canadian doctors who “died suddenly” in the past 16 months.  The doctors were fully Covid “vaccinated.” 

              I have now tracked 32 Canadian doctors’ sudden deaths (thank you to all who contributed).

              These doctors were actively practising medicine & were healthy prior to taking illegally mandated Covid-19 Vaccines (2, 3 or 4 doses).

              I’ve sent a letter to Canadian Medical Association (CMA) Presidents Dr. Alika Lafontaine & Dr. Katharine Smart, both of whom supported Covid-19 Vaccine mandates on all of Canada’s 92,000 doctors and I urged them to call for IMMEDIATE termination of all Covid-19 Vaccine mandates in Canada’s healthcare, as well as Investigations & Public Inquiries into these sudden deaths.

              Achtung! Producer Prices in Germany Jump 7.9 Percent in August to 45.8 Percent, Highest Jump in Prices in History of German Economy


                from The Conservative Treehouse:

                The statistics behind the energy impact upon the German economy, the largest economy in the European Union, are almost unfathomable in scale.  There is no way for the German industrial economy to continue with this level of price pressure.  Stick a fork in the current creation of German industrial products and exports, the inflection point of feasibility for continued production has been crossed.  They are done.

                ‘The Dollar Is Once Again The World’s Problem’ – Chinese State Media Urges ‘De-Dollarization’ Amid Fed’s “Financial Looting”


                  from ZeroHedge:

                  On the eve of The Fed’s big decision to hike rates 75bps or 100bps in an effort to shock the system and tamp down out of control inflation, no lesser entity than the CCP-backed Global Times penned an editorial attacking US monetary policy, entitled: “The strong dollar should not become a sharp blade to cut the world.”

                  The editorial begins by noting that tomorrow’s rate-hike will likely further strengthen the US Dollar, which “for many countries in the world,” China says, “might be the beginning of another nightmare.”

                  Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley Have Mysteriously Disappeared from this Week’s Senate and House Banking Hearings


                    by Pam Martens and Russ Martens, Wall St On Parade:

                    There are eight Global Systemically Important Banks (G-SIBS) in the U.S. They are: JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, Bank of New York Mellon, Morgan Stanley, State Street and Wells Fargo. These are the banks that pose the greatest risk to the stability of the U.S. financial system and are monitored under the Federal Reserve’s stress tests.

                    Five of those eight banks pose the greatest risk to financial stability because together they hold $200.18 trillion (yes trillion) in notional derivatives (face amount) or 86 percent of all derivatives held by all of the nation’s banks, according to the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency – the federal regulator of national banks. Those banks are: JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and Bank of America.

                    Economic Collapse Has Arrived In Germany. Will The U.S. Be Close Behind?


                      by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:

                      Things are starting to get really crazy in Germany.  The Germans are dealing with the worst inflation crisis that they have seen since the days of the Weimar Republic, and meanwhile economic activity is starting to shut down all over the nation.  Of course other European countries are facing similar problems, but Germany was supposed to be the economic rock that the rest of Europe could always depend upon.  Unfortunately, the decision by the Russians to cut off the flow of gas through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline is hitting Germany extremely hard.  If we could just get both sides to agree to end the war in Ukraine, that would greatly help matters, but that simply isn’t going to happen.  In fact, it appears that Vladimir Putin has decided to greatly escalate matters, and the western powers will inevitably greatly escalate matters in response.  What this means is that the economic turmoil that we are witnessing in Europe isn’t going anywhere any time soon.

                      THE HECK? FBI whistleblowers say agents are being pulled from “child sex abuse cases” to investigate “domestic violent extremism”


                        from Not The Bee:

                        Choice quotes:

                        • “On July 27, 2022, we wrote to you about protected whistleblower disclosures that FBI officials including an Assistant Special Agent in Charge from the WFO-were pressuring agents to reclassify cases as “domestic violent extremism” (DVEs) even if the cases do not meet the criteria for such a classification. Since then, new whistleblowers have come forward with concerning information about how the FBI is deliberately manipulating the way case files related to January 6 investigations are maintained in order to create a false and misleading narrative that domestic violent extremism is increasing around the country.”

                        Posobiec: Globalists Are Preparing to Launch “Climate Change Lockdowns”


                          by J.D. Rucker, The Liberty Daily:

                          Until recently, much of the nation and the world was under the thumb of authoritarians who demanded Covid-19 lockdowns in a “short-term” effort to “slow the spread.” It was a lie from the start; the two weeks to supposedly flatten the curve turned into two years of hell for tens of millions of Americans.

                          While it seems they are preparing for Pandemic Panic Theater 2.0, they are also getting set up to engage in their longer-term goal of “Climate Change Lockdowns.” That comes from a report by Jack Posobiec reacting to an article by the World Economic Forum touting the successes they had with Covid-19 lockdowns and projecting how they will apply the same practices for climate change.