Sunday, October 27, 2024

The Fed Is Finally Seeing the Magnitude of the Mess It Created


    by Ryan McMaken, Mises Institute:

    When asked about price inflation in his Sunday interview with 60 Minutes, President Biden claimed that inflation “was up just an inch…hardly at all.” Biden continued the dishonest tactic of focuses on month-to-month price inflation growth as a means of obscuring the 40-year highs in year-over-year inflation. This strategy may yet work to placate the most ignorant voters, but people who are paying attention know that price inflation continues to soar.

    The Gates Foundation is Researching How to Manipulate You Into Taking ‘Future’ COVID Vaccines.


      by Natalie Winters, The National Pulse:

      The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is now funding studies on how to best manipulate people to receive “future” COVID-19 vaccines – including “targeted” messaging and financial compensation – despite studies continuing to show links between the vaccine and myocarditis.

      Clinton-Appointed Judge Maxine Chesney Accused of Trying To Silence The Movement To Expose CPS


        by Patrick Howley, National File:

        A mother named Andrea Wood is calling out San Francisco federal judge Maxine Chesney for trying to stop the mother’s efforts to legally fight against Child Protective Services (CPS). Bill Clinton successfully nominated Maxine Chesney for a federal judgeship on the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California in 1995. Now, Chesney is getting criticized for trying to silence the truth. Andrea Wood, who serves as president of the group California Family Advocacy, explained her legal struggle against Chesney in a recent interview for my Banned Dot Video channel (WATCH THE INTERVIEW HERE).

        Putin’s Gauntlet


          by Karl Denninger, Market Ticker:

          Putin gave a speech and the media is all a-twitter over it.

          “To those who allow themselves such statements regarding Russia, I want to remind you that our country also has various means of destruction, and for separate components and more modern than those of NATO countries, and when the territorial integrity of our country is threatened, to protect Russia and our people, we will certainly use all the means at our disposal,” Putin said in a Wednesday address.

          “It’s not a bluff,” he added.



            from We Are Change:

            TRUTH LIVES on at

            The Great Central Bank Pivot


              by David Stockman, Lew Rockwell:

              The Great Central Bank Pivot is now underway around the globe, but it’s not the one Wall Street has been praying for. Instead of another round of easing juice to brake the obvious fall in economic activity, central banks en masse are racing to goose interest rates by 75 or even 100 basis points at a clip in order to quash the inflation surge.

              Just yesterday, for instance, the heretofore dovish Riksbank of Sweden raised its target rate by 100 basis points, shocking the market. Not that long ago, by contrast, the Swedish central bank appeared to be locking into zero interest rate (ZIRP) policy forever.

              RCMP Member Gets Punished for Donating to Freedom Convoy


                by Jorgen Soby, Activist Post:

                By Jorgen Soby

                Kristina Neilson, a constable for the RCMP, received a misconduct charge for donating money to the freedom convoy in Ottawa.

                The notice of disciplinary hearing alleges Neilson acted in a “Disorderly manner, or in a manner prejudicial to discipline or likely to bring discredit upon the reputation of the Ottawa Police Service by donating money to the ‘Freedom Convoy Fund’ on a website called ‘GiveSendGo.’”

                Is Keeping Money In The Bank No Longer Safe, And How Is “$10,000 Gold” Conceivable Now?


                  from Silver Doctors:

                  Keeping money in the bank becomes uncomfortable for people who turn to precious metals in the search for…

                  by Natalie Laz via Kinesis

                  In this week’s Live from the Vault, the president of BMG Group and author of the “$10,000 Gold” book, Nick Barisheff, joins Andrew Maguire to share his unique approach to the subject of physical gold as a tool of survival and prosperity.

                  Trump Derides Biden Over Ukraine, Warns of World War III


                    from 21st Century Wire:

                    The conflict in Ukraine could spiral into World War III, former US President Donald Trump warned on Wednesday, after Russian President Vladimir Putin said Moscow would use all means necessary to defend itself in the face of a threat to its territorial integrity.

                    Writing on his social media platform, Truth Social, the ex-president said the Ukraine conflict, which began after Russia launched its military offensive in late February, “should have never happened.”

                    Trump claimed that if he had still been in the White House, hostilities would have never broken out between Moscow and Kiev.

                    President of Serbia Believes a “Great World Conflict” Will Take Place Within Two Months


                      by Shane Trejo, Big League Politics:

                      Aleksandar Vucic, the President of Serbia, issued a dire warning for the entire world.

                      He believes that in the next two months the world could be entering a “great world conflict.”

                      Medvedev Says Nukes Can Be Used to Defend New Russian Territories, Warns Hypersonic Missiles Can Hit The EU And US


                        by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation:

                        Former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev said Thursday that strategic nuclear weapons can be used to defend “the Donbass republics and other territories accepted into Russia” and warned the “retired idiots with general’s stripes” at NATO that hypersonic missiles can “reach targets in Europe and in the United States.”

                        From Pravda, ‘Dmitry Medvedev: ‘Hypersonic arms will reach targets in US and EU faster’ “: