Monday, October 28, 2024

Bill Gates Now Shilling ‘Magic Seeds’ Made with His Foundation’s Funding


    by Warner Todd Huston, The Gateway Pundit:

    Tech giant Bill Gates is now pushing crop seeds that he thinks could help put an end to famine, but while these genetically engineered seeds may be a great advancement, Gate’s past savior complex has to raise caution over his actions.

    Our headline about “magic seeds” is not hyperbole. In fact, in a recent op-ed on the Gates Foundation website, Gates himself actually admitted that he has called these genetically manipulated corn seeds “magic seeds.”

    “Fourteen years ago, our foundation began supporting a group of African crop researchers. Their goal was to develop a new type of maize — what I started calling ‘magic seeds,’” Gates wrote.

    California to Ban Natural Gas Heaters and Furnaces by 2030


      by Joel B. Pollak, Breitbart:

      The California Air Resources Board (CARB) voted unanimously last week to pass a plan to ban natural gas heaters and furnaces by 2030, ostensibly to reduce smog to meet federal ozone standards, and to lower greenhouse gas emissions.

      The plan, which was adopted unanimously by the board, raises questions about how the state’s power grid will handle new demand from electric space heaters in the winter. California homes are generally less insulated than homes in states with colder climates, meaning that the use of space heaters is popular when temperatures dip at night in winter months. The interior regions of the state, which are poorer than the coastal regions of the state, would be more affected by the new standard.

      For The First Time Since The Cold War, Nuclear War Is “Possible”


        by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

        Navy Admiral Charles A. Richard, who is the United States Strategic Command chief confirmed that the Pentagon is taking the Russian nuclear threat seriously. He said that for the first time since the Cold War, nuclear war is possible.

        He began by acknowledging that “All of us in this room are back in the business of contemplating competition through crisis and possible direct armed conflict with a nuclear-capable peer.” Richard made the comments while speaking at a national security panel event titled: “America Under Attack—Defending the Homeland” held in Maryland. He also responded to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s remarks in which Putin claimed Russia would use “all defense methods” if its territorial integrity is threatened.

        Masters of Deceit: The Government’s Propaganda of Fear, Mind Control & Brain Warfare


          by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project:

          This is how you persuade a populace to voluntarily march in lockstep with a police state

          “It is the function of mass agitation to exploit all the grievances, hopes, aspirations, prejudices, fears, and ideals of all the special groups that make up our society, social, religious, economic, racial, political. Stir them up. Set one against the other. Divide and conquer. That’s the way to soften up a democracy.”― J. Edgar Hoover, Masters of Deceit

          The U.S. government has become a master of deceit.

          It’s all documented, too.

          Oh, You Want A ‘Secure’ Border?


            by Karl Denninger, Market Ticker:

            You see, many claim we need “more money” for such, one being John Kirby:

            UNITED NATIONS, New York – The U.S. border will need “record” investment to ensure that criminal or terrorist elements do not slip in, Fox News Digital learned during an interview with National Security Agency Strategic Communications Coordinator John Kirby.

            That’s nonsense.

            The Left Plot Against Election “Deniers”


              by Lew Rockwell, Lew Rockwell:

              Did you think there was something wrong with the 2020 election? If you do, did you say anything on Facebook about your doubts? You could be in big trouble with the FBI. According to a story in the New York Post, September 14, 2022, “Facebook has been spying on the private messages and data of American users and reporting them to the FBI if they express anti-government or anti-authority sentiments — or question the 2020 election — according to sources within the Department of Justice.

              London Banks Prepare For Possible Blackouts


                by Tsvetana Paraskova, Activist Post:

                Banking and financial firms in London are closely studying and updating contingency electricity supply plans to protect themselves and their customers in case power outages hit the UK this winter.

                Some banks are discussing the idea of again encouraging the work-from-home policies from previous Covid lockdowns or using offsite locations, representatives of the trade association UK Finance, coordinating the talks, told Bloomberg.

                French cycling pro has stroke at 32; German footballer Boetius has testicular cancer (the 4th member of his league to get it just this season); Italian rapper Livio Cori felled by “mysterious illness”


                  by Mark Crispin Miller, News From Underground:

                  Italian singer Blanco, 19, halts concert (due to chest pains), 8 “vaxxidents” in Germany, 6 more in Italy and 1 in Belgium also are among this week’s “NON-fatals” throughout Europe

                  French national road race [cycling] and time trial champion Audrey Cordon-Ragot, who raced in the first edition of the revamped Tour de France Femmes in July, suffered a stroke last weekend. The 32-year-old Trek-Segafredo rider revealed the news in a social media post today, writing that she requires an operation to address the heart condition behind last Sunday’s stroke – which occurred just a week after she finished second overall and won a stage of the Simac Ladies Tour in the Netherlands. Earlier this week Cordon-Ragot dropped out of France’s elite women’s squad for the upcoming UCI road world championships simply citing medical reasons, but she has now confirmed that she was diagnosed after an MRI scan confirmed the fears of the French team’s medical staff.

                  The Smartphone’s Role In Dumbing Down America


                    by Bruce Wilds, Bruce Wilds Blogspot:

                    The smartphone has begun to play a huge role In dumbing down America. Rather than being a source to move us forward, it has become an albatross around the necks of many weak-minded souls that depend on them. People turn to these devices for all kinds of unneeded updates including performing simple math problems so they don’t have to think.

                    Originated in 1933, the term “dumbing down” was movie-business slang, used by screenplay writers, meaning: “to revise to appeal to those of little education or intelligence.” For those with little drive or purpose, the tendency to seek distraction and relief from unpleasant realities, especially by seeking entertainment or engaging in fantasy find great comfort in the constant flow of dribble a cell phone can provide. In short, dumbing down is the deliberate oversimplification of intellectual content in education, literature, cinema, news, video games, and culture.

                    BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Clinton Foundation Auditor Sanctioned – Numerous Material Issues Including the Clinton Foundation and Its Auditor Ignoring $483 Million Error


                      by Joe Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

                      Arkansas Sanctions Clinton Foundation’s Auditor in Landmark Case

                      Guest post by Bob Bishop 

                      The Clinton Foundation is America’s largest unprosecuted racketeering and charity fraud case. Investigations of the Clinton Foundation, shelved by the corrupt and partisan DOJ, FBI, and IRS leadership, demonstrate a two-tier justice system with exemptions for the political elite.