Friday, October 25, 2024

Poland Begins Handing Out Iodine Pills On Fears Of Ukraine Nuclear Plant Meltdown


    from ZeroHedge:

    Poland has begun a program of distributing iodine tablets to emergency workers and first responders, starting with regional fire departments – who can in turn hand them out to the general population – in the event of a possible radioactive disaster at Europe’s largest nuclear power plant.

    A Polish deputy minister first announced the plan on Thursday, warning of the possibility of dangerous radioactive exposure amid continued fighting in neighboring Ukraine, where technicians at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant continue to struggle to maintain safeguards.

    As Democracy Dies in the EU, Von der Leyen Reveals its Sins


      by Tom Luongo, Tom Luongo:

      It’s no secret at this point that the EU is an anti-democratic organization. The leadership isn’t elected, but selected from a pre-determined pool of candidates from within the Party structure.

      Everyone with the power to make a decision was placed there not by popular vote but by backroom collusion.

      As we approach this weekend’s Italian elections there is real despair in the air that there is any light out of this dark time. That no matter what decisions we try to make, they are only in service of those that seek total dominion.

      EXCLUSIVE VIDEO INTERVIEW: General Michael Flynn Vs. the Deep State


        from The New American:

        TRUTH LIVES on at

        Episode 2175: The Bottom Is Falling Out On The Markets


          from Bannons War Room:

          TRUTH LIVES on at

          FBI Whistleblower Reveals Widespread Disgust Inside Bureau In Bombshell Bongino Interview


            by Greg Wilson, Daily Wire:

            An FBI whistleblower warned that the bureau has been transformed from a law enforcement agency to an intelligence-gathering operation that spies on law-abiding Americans to help advance a political agenda and said thousands of agents and employees feel betrayed by the bureau’s leadership.

            Kyle Seraphin told podcaster and radio host Dan Bongino over a bombshell, two-part interview that agents are routinely directed to spy on Americans with little or no basis, the bureau’s management ranks are hopelessly politicized by inexperienced corporate climbers, and that hundreds of experienced agents are staying on despite their disgust simply to collect their pensions.

            Why the Mercola Website Is Currently Unavailable


              by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola:

              Many of you are aware the Mercola website disappeared early Friday morning. This outage wasn’t scheduled, but we have been planning & preparing for the possibility that it could happen for some time.

              The past few years have brought many challenges:

              • Our bank accounts were closed
              • Our partners’ Paypal accounts were shut down
              • The media, senators, federal agencies, Attorney’s General, and Big Tech have all been used by the global cabal to illegally shut down our right to free speech

              We Might Be Spared Nuclear War for Now But the Threat of Home Grown Tyranny Remains


                by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

                As readers know, I am convinced that Putin’s toleration of insults and provocations has had the effect of encouraging more and worse provocations and not, as he intended, to downplay conflict.  As you also know, I am convinced that his “limited military operation” in Donbass designed to protect the Donbass Russians, formerly a part of Russia, from horrible abuse by Ukrainian forces and the neo-Nazi militias, was a mistake.  It is a mistake because the West characterized a limited operation as an “invasion of Ukraine,” and used its slow progress as evidence of Russian failure.  It is a mistake because the go-slow nature of the Russian offensive in order to minimize the impact on civilian lives and infrastructure gave the West plenty of time to convince itself to get more and more involved with diplomatic support, money, armaments and ammunition, training, and now with satellite  information for targeting the Russian forces.

                Joe Biden Says More Creepy Stuff About a Woman in Audience, She was 12 and I was 30


                  from The Conservative Treehouse:

                  Joe Biden has made creepy comments and behaved in weird inappropriate behavior around women for quite a while.  While the mainstream media has justified Biden’s inappropriate hair sniffing and touching by saying he’s generally a touchy person, it’s somewhat of a theme that every few weeks something creepy surfaces. {Direct Rumble Link}

                  Continuing with a familiar pattern, during remarks at a DNC event, Joe Biden singled out a woman in the audience and noted their relationship began when she was 12 and he was 30.  “We go back a long time,” creepy Joe stated.  WATCH:

                  The SLIPPERY Slope


                    from WHF Entertainment:

                    TRUTH LIVES on at

                    To Compete with Spiking Treasury Yields, Banks Now Offer 4%+ on “Brokered” CDs of 6 Months to 5 Years


                      by Wolf Richter, Wolf Street:

                      Holy-moly mortgage rates close in on 7%.

                      Earning 4% without taking on credit risk would in normal times sound like a great deal. But these are not normal times, and the rate of inflation is over twice that rate. The Fed has stepped back from the markets for Treasury securities and mortgage-backed securities as part of its QT, and it has raised its short-term policy rates to over 3%. Treasury yields are now 4% or higher for maturities of one year to five years.

                      Gold has never been so attractive


                        by Alasdair Macleod, GoldMoney:

                        In our lifetimes, we have not seen anything like the developing economic and financial crisis. Rising interest rates are way, way behind reflecting where they should be.

                        Interest rates have yet to discount the continuing loss of purchasing power in all major currencies. The theory of time preference suggests that central bank interest rates should be multiples higher, to compensate for the current loss of currency purchasing power, enhanced counterparty risk, and a rapidly deteriorating economic and monetary outlook.

                        First it was covid lockdowns, next it’ll be “climate change lockdowns”


                          by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

                          The covid plandemic might be over, but that does not mean the globalists are done persecuting us under their relentless tyranny.

                          The next phase of their global police state involves another round of lockdowns for “climate change,” according to journalist Jack Posobiec.

                          A Pandemic Panic Theater 2.0 event, to quote Newspunch, is on the agenda for implementation soon. We, too, warned about this back in April.