Monday, October 28, 2024

California Plans to Outlaw Natural Gas


by Lincoln Brown, PJ Media:

As if residents of the Golden State did not have enough to make them miserable with wildfires, mudslides, mounting crime, high prices, energy shortages, and homeless people leaving various substances on city streets. Now the California Air Resources Board, or CARB (good grief, even the acronyms are ridiculous), is gearing up to rid the state of natural gas heaters and furnaces. According to The Hill, last week, the board passed a proposal that will lay the groundwork to phase out space heaters and water appliances by 2030. The Hill notes that the move is part of an effort to meet the  “federal 70 parts per billion, 8-hour ozone standard” within the next 15 years. The article also says that the California Public Utilities Commission has eliminated subsidies for new natural gas hookups. So some people and businesses will not even access natural gas while it’s legal.

Jan. 6 Prisoner Beaten til He Lost an Eye, Later He Was Tied to Chair for 12 Hours, Now He Has Blood Clots and Precancerous Growths, Government Won’t Allow Him Medical Treatment – They Want Him Dead – EXCLUSIVE AUDIO


    by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

    Ryan Samsel was arrested in January 2021.  He was blinded by DC prison guards in one of his many beatings since his arrest.

    Ryan Samsel attended the January 6, 2021, protests in Washington DC.

    Samsel pushed the flimsy bike racks and stormed the US Capitol after Ray Epps was seen whispering in his ear. Samsel allegedly injured a female police officer.

    Review of the Preview: THE GREAT AWAKENING: PLANDEMIC 3


      from The New American:

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      Major London Department Store Gives Up on Calling Police to Catch Shoplifters


        by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News:

        London department store Fortnum and Mason has given up on calling police to catch shoplifters and is instead using its own private detectives to apprehend thieves.

        The upmarket brand has “lost faith in the police” in response to rising levels of shoplifting, partly driven by the cost of living crisis.

        Responding to Fortnum and Mason’s decision to use its own security to catch thieves, the Metropolitan Police said businesses were “entitled to employ security companies to provide additional safety for themselves or their premises.”

        Strategy for Building Local Networks


          by Corey Lynn, Corey’s Digs:

          It’s 2022, and it’s time to have a plan. We face uncertain times, but that doesn’t mean there’s nothing we can do, especially when we work together. Building a local network is one of the aspects of our reality we can control. Many of us have realized the importance of building relationships with those around us. We don’t have to face the future alone, and we don’t need the federal government to provide for us, we can rely on each other! But where do we start?

          Blasts detected near Nord Stream pipelines amid leak – Swedish seismologists


            from RT:

            The pipelines suffered at least three major leaks, due to suspected sabotage

            Scientists in Denmark and Sweden registered underwater explosions near the Nord Stream pipelines on Monday, when several major leaks were reported.
            Sabotage is now suspected as a key reasons for the damage.

            “There is no doubt that these were explosions,” seismologist Bjorn Lund with Sweden’s National Seismology Centre (SNSN) told public broadcaster SVT on Tuesday.

            La Quinta NEW FINDINGS Reveal Graphene Based Nanotubes, 2 Teenage boys MURDERED by Pfizer shot


              from Stew Peters Network:

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              Paper vs Physical Gold And Silver And Why The Precious Metals Sector Should Rally


                by Dave Kranzler, Investment Research Dynamics:

                I had an interesting dialogue with a couple of long-time colleagues about this commentary by Wall Street On Parade.  The Martens do an admirable job exposing the corruption on Wall Street, the Fed and Congress. But they exhibit a profound misunderstanding of the architecture of the global market for gold and silver. In the title to that article, the Martens suggest that “the typical safe havens of gold and t-notes are losing money.”  Well, yes all flavors of fixed income securities are losing money because that’s how bond math works when interest rates and bond yields rise. However, the Martens fail to understand that the gold and silver market is bifurcated.

                Biden Gets Wrecked By The Facts (Ep. 1860) – The Dan Bongino Show


                  from The Dan Bongino Show:

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                  UK Bond Yields Do Monster Spike, Pound Plunges as Bond Vigilantes Rise from Graves, Go after Government’s Fiscal Recklessness


                    by Wolf Richter, Wolf Street:

                    Bank of England: won’t “hesitate” to hike rates “as much as needed.” Bond market fears much higher inflation and interest rates, for much longer.

                    It was thought that central banks, with their QE and interest-rate repression, had killed off any remaining bond vigilantes that used to hound governments that trafficked in reckless fiscal policies and high inflation rates. Under these conditions, bond vigilantes – big institutional investors that were tired of getting beaten up by government policies – refused to buy bonds at low yields, thereby pushing up interest rates and imposing high costs of borrowing as punishment. But maybe these dreaded but long-buried bond vigilantes are now rising from their unmarked graves as central banks have turned away from propping up bond markets, have turned to QT, and have started raising policy rates.

                    This Is A Global Metacrisis: Markets Risk Replaying 1987, 1994, 1997, 2000, 2008, The Arab Spring, 2012, 2015, And 2020 All At The Same Time


                      from ZeroHedge:

                      By Michael Every of Rabobank

                      Even the neoliberals don’t want neoliberalism

                      “Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the Neoliberal Party?”

                      Markets were roiled Monday, with another epic surge in bond yields. “Stocks and bonds have worst half in history” was the Bloomberg headline; as our own Christian Lawrence points out, it was the worst 60/40 portfolio return in 90 years, and the second worst in 122 years. Ouch! Then we saw a massive bear steepening of the US curve on the day, with 2-year yields +14bp to 4.34% and 10-year yields +24bp to 3.92%, the highest since 2010. Ouch again!

                      Steve Quayle warns the FIRST cities to be targeted for nuclear annihilation will be in the United States


                        from Health Ranger Report:

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                        Breaking News: Edward Snowden Granted Russian Citizenship


                          by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

                          Today Edward Snowden was granted Russian citizenship. Snowden had to flee his country, because he released information that proved that the NSA was, and still is, illegally spying on US citizens. The presstitutes will use Snowden’s grant of citizenship as proof that he was a Russian spy, not a patriotic whistleblower trying to alert his countrymen to their danger.

                          I would like to give some background. Edward Snowden was the second American who blew the whistle about illegal NSA spying on American citizens.

                          Pro-Vaccine Cardiologist Now Calls for Immediate End to COVID Vaccines


                            by Robert W. Malone M.D., M.S., Childrens Health Defense:

                            The Journal of Insulin Resistance published a two-part research paper, “Curing the pandemic of misinformation on COVID-19 mRNA vaccines through real evidence-based medicine.”

                            This was written by one of the U.K.’s most eminent cardiologists, Dr. Aseem Malhotra, who was one of the first to take two doses of the vaccine and promote it on “Good Morning Britain.”

                            Malhotra now says that since the rollout of the vaccine, the evidence of its effectiveness and true rates of adverse events have changed and now, “There is a strong scientific, ethical, and moral case to be made that COVID-19 vaccines rollout must stop immediately until raw data has been released for fully independent scrutiny.”

                            Big Pharma Company Pays $900 Million Settlement For Allegedly Bribing Doctors


                              by John Hugh Demastri, The Daily Caller:

                              Biogen, a Massachusetts-based pharmaceutical company, will pay $900 million to settle allegations that it bribed doctors to prescribe the company’s multiple sclerosis drugs, the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced Monday evening.

                              The suit was initially brought by former employee, Michael Bawduniak, who alleged that the company offered or paid out kickbacks in the form of speaking fees and consultancy fees, which resulted in false claims being made to Medicaid and Medicare, according to the DOJ. The Civil War-era False Claims Act allows private individuals to file on behalf of the federal government in exchange for a portion of the recovered funds, netting Bawduniak approximately $250 million of the $843.8 million awarded to the federal government, while $56.2 million will be divided amongst 15 states, according to The Wall Street Journal.