Saturday, October 26, 2024

Updated Boosters Are ‘Destined to Fail in Humans’: Those Accountable Need to be Brought to Justice


    from The Vigilant Fox:

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    Following Decades And Decades Of The US Government Radically Printing Money, Americans Are Now Facing Financial Armageddon


      by MN Gordon, All News Pipeline:

      The LORD sends poverty and wealth; he humbles and he exalts.” – 1 Samuel 2:7

      Holy Roll

      An enterprising entrepreneur did a comedic graphic of Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell captioned: “IN JPOW WE TRUST.”

      You may have seen it.

      The image shows Powell flamboyantly wearing a preacher’s robe and making an esoteric hand gesture with his right hand. His face is grimacing like he’s passing a kidney stone.

      As Few as Ten Congressional Districts May Decide the 2022 Midterm Elections


        by Mish Shedlock, Mish Talk:

        If Democrats manage to hold the House and pick up a single Senate seat, they will unleash a wave of very inflationary Progressive legislation.

        Like Nate Silver or not, the above 538 House Forecast is a reasonable starting point for discussion.

        Silver has the Republicans a slight favorite (68-32) favorite to win the House. That margin seems more than “slight” but use your own definition.

        Poisons, Theft & Flame: Widescale Economic UN/ EU Sabotage To Bring Down The World Population


          from Tim Truth:

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          High School Football Players Are Being Raped And Sodomized By Their Fellow Teammates As Liberal Public Schools Devolve Into Dystopian Horror Movie


            by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

            Can you imagine high school football players being raped and sodomized by their teammates, what type of world has this become?

            Someone had told me a few weeks ago the story of how a high school football player was raped in the back of the bus on the ride home from the ‘big game’, and the two coaches on the bus as well as the bus driver did nothing to stop it. How could that be, I wondered, that just didn’t seem possible. So today I googled it and what came back was not the one story I was looking for, but many articles on how high school football players all across America are being sexually assaulted by their male teammates.

            STUNNING Report in The Atlantic: Did Famous Doctor’s COVID Shot Make His Cancer Worse?


              by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

              There is a stunning report this week in the irredeemably partisan and highly influential magazine, The Atlantic, this week.

              The title of the article is “Did a famous Doctor’s COVID shot make his cancer worse?”

              The report in The Atlantic published today is not shocking in its content, Gateway Pundit readers have known for over a year now about the dangers of the experimental COVID “vaccines.” We have reported on the deaths, hospitalizations, and dangerous side effects since early 2021.

              Report: FBI SWAT Raids Home of Catholic Pro-Life Activist as ‘Screaming’ Children Watch


                by Paul Bois, Breitbart:

                The FBI subjected a Catholic pro-life activist’s children to a fully-armored SWAT raid this week under the order of the DOJ.

                Mark Houck, the founder and president of The King’s Men – a group that helps men overcome pornography addiction – was arrested at his rural Pennsylvania home on Friday for allegedly violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act during his regular sidewalk counseling outside of an abortion clinic in 2021. Speaking with LifeSiteNews, Houck’s wife, Ryan-Marie, said that around 25 to 30 fully-armored FBI agents stormed their property early Friday morning, aiming their rifles as the children screamed in horror.

                War is Hell: New Report Suggest Veteran Suicides Far Higher than VA Claims


                  by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project:

                  A new report by a suicide prevention group has found that veterans are committing suicide at a 37% higher rate than the Department of Veterans Affairs claims.

                  The ‘exhaustive’ study which was four years in the making examined suicides and “self-injury mortality” – or deaths classified as accidental or undetermined, in those aged 18-64, over the period between 2014 and 2018, Stripes reports. The VA, meanwhile, gets its suicide figures from county authorities where the deaths occur – which fails to identify veterans around 18% of the time.

                  How Deceptive U.S.-and-Allied ’News’-Media Are


                    by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:

                    On September 18th, a columnist for America’s largest-circulation newspaper, USA Today, headlined “If you care about your country and your rights, don’t vote for any Republicans in 2022”. She said that “the Republican Party is on a dark path and should not hold power anywhere until it comes back into the light.” She warned that “If there is just one more Republican than Democrat in the House or Senate, a power-obsessed party in thrall to election deniers and conspiracists will control committees, agendas, investigations and leadership positions.” She pretended (in contradiction of the findings by the scientific empirical investigations by political scientists as well as of all other empirical indicators of whether the U.S. Government is, in actual fact, a democracy) that it IS a democracy (and will remain one unless the Republican Party wins control of both houses of the U.S. Congress in November’s elections). She pretended that America’s dictatorship isn’t actually bipartisan — imposed and enforced by BOTH of the nation’s political Parties and reflecting the collective will of both the billionaires who own the Republican Party, and the billionaires who own the Democratic Party — in other words: the consensus of the billionaires’ class, which contains around a thousand individuals — and NOT any significant representation of the public (which contains around 330 million individuals).

                    JUST IN – Italy’s center-right bloc heads for election victory. Giorgia Meloni to become next prime minister — exit poll


                      Government Pushs A “Digital Dollar” So It Can Seize Assets At Will & Enslave Humanity


                        by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

                        The digital dollar is the endgame. No matter what side of the political spectrum you fall on, this will be the permanent and inescapable enslavement the ruling classes of the globe desperately need in order to remain in power.

                        You will own nothing, while a handful of people will own everything. You will exist if they allow it, be stolen from if they don’t like what you said, and be ruled over in a dystopia that makes our current situation pale in comparison.

                        Collapse Incoming? Pope Francis Orders Holy See to Transfer ALL Assets to Vatican Bank

                        Japan Makes Big Steps Towards a Cashless Society


                          by Didi Rankovic, via Activist Post:

                          If all goes to plan, by the spring of next year, companies in Japan will be able to use a system to pay salaries digitally, bypassing bank accounts and using payment apps instead.

                          This is the Japanese government’s plan that shows the country is trying to catch up with others in Asia when it comes to moving towards a cashless society, says a piece published on the World Economic Forum (WEF) website.

                          Japan’s stated goals of introducing a digital salary payment system are to help foreign workers who cannot open a bank account in the country, as well as to boost growth, financial services market and deregulation, and lower administrative fees, the blog post says.

                          The US Empire Is Accelerating Toward Global Conflict On Two Fronts


                            by Caitlin Johnstone, Caitlin Johnstone:

                            Vladimir Putin has announced that referenda will be held in four regions of the eastern part of Ukraine whose populations will now vote on whether to join the Russian Federation, much like the Crimea referendum of 2014 which resulted in Russia’s annexation of that territory. Putin announced that 300,000 additional troops will be mobilized for the war to help facilitate this action, which is a major escalation in the conflict by any measure.