Saturday, October 26, 2024

CIA Discussed Assassination of Fidel Castro with UK Officials


    by John McEvoy, New Eastern Outlook:

    Fidel Castro’s secret service chief once estimated that 634 attempts were made against the Cuban leader’s life. 

    From exploding cigars to poisoned pills, Washington’s campaign to assassinate Castro remains an infamous case of Cold War covert action.

    The presence of a revolutionary government in Cuba, just 90 miles off the coast of Florida, was intolerable for the US government.

    What is less well known is that Britain collaborated with Washington’s anti-Castro operations in the early 1960s.

    A Foreign Office document, classified for six decades and only recently released at the National Archives, reveals British diplomats discussed the “disappearance” of Castro with the CIA.

    Poland Begins Handing Out Iodine Pills On Fears Of Ukraine Nuclear Plant Meltdown


      by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News:

      Poland has begun a program of distributing iodine tablets to emergency workers and first responders, starting with regional fire departments – who can in turn hand them out to the general population – in the event of a possible radioactive disaster at Europe’s largest nuclear power plant. 

      A Polish deputy minister first announced the plan on Thursday, warning of the possibility of dangerous radioactive exposure amid continued fighting in neighboring Ukraine, where technicians at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant continue to struggle to maintain safeguards.

      The GOP Is Expecting Payback Post-2022


        by Timothy Meads, Townhall:

        Simply put, we deplorable semi-fascist monsters who are racist no matter what color we are or whether we actually are racist, and who merely built, fed, fueled and defended this country, want our pound of flesh from the progressives who have screwed with us. Maybe two pounds, or for sissy metric system people, round it up to a kilogram. The House redo on the Contract with America is fine, I guess, but we all know that a GOP Congress can’t pass laws without Gumby in the White House signing the bills, and that is not happening. Yet we still want action. More specifically, we want vengeance, and if we help the Republicans take Congress in 2022, we better see some payback pronto.

        CNN to Be Sold to Fox News? That Would Be Hilarious


          by Matt Margolis, PJ Media:

          Angelo Carusone, the president and CEO of leftwing media “watchdog” site Media Matters, expressed a fear to SiriusXM host Dean Obeidallah. Carusone is worried about the potential for CNN, under the leadership of new chief executive officer Chris Licht, to be taken over by Fox News owner Rupert Murdoch.

          CNN is in the middle of a shakeup right now, and between the loss of leadership and the firing of longtime anchors, the future doesn’t look particularly bright for the former undisputed champion of cable news.

          The Fed Is Aiding the Democrat’s Coup


            by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

            The Federal Reserve is not conducting an anti-inflationary policy.  It is conducting an anti-people policy. 

            The rising prices are not due to excessive consumer demand that needs to be curtailed by choking off credit.  The rise in prices are the direct consequence of the idiot Biden regimes’ unnecessary Covid lockdowns and the idiot Biden regime’s Russian sanctions which have disrupted the globalism on which the Washington fools have based our economy.  Putting people out of work cannot prevent higher prices due to supply constraints.  The Federal Reserve is causing higher prices by further reducing supply.

            Germany to nationalize struggling energy firm Uniper amid worsening financial crisis


              by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

              After bailing out one of the country’s largest private utility companies, Germany is now considering nationalizing it.

              Uniper, which is being hit exceptionally hard by the ongoing European energy crisis, needs a lot of help if it is going to survive. The company has seen tremendous losses ever since the West imposed sanctions against Russia over its invasion of Ukraine.

              Silver From Comex Depleting! Where is The Silver Going? 🚨 – Ed Steer


                by Ed Steer, Silver Seek:

                Ed Steer joins us today to talk about the COMEX Silver withdrawals continuing as registered totals remain at the lowest levels since 2018. Furthermore, we discuss about Gold, Banks shorting the metals, silver squeeze, and more.

                We just love silver. Period. The Reddit community Wall Street Silver discusses precious metals, mining stocks, ETFs, memes, entertainment and business news around those topics. We have 130,000+ members and growing.

                The Bear-Market Rally in Stocks, Bonds, Mortgages Wiped Out: Why This Nails the Parallel to the Dotcom Bust


                  by Wolf Richter, Wolf Street:

                  But this time, there’s over 8% inflation.

                  The Dow Jones Industrial Average on Friday closed about 300 points below its June 16 low, thereby having more than wiped out the bear-market rally gains. For the Dow, the bear-market rally started on June 17 and ended on August 16. During the two-month rally, the Dow had jumped 14%. By Friday at the close, it was again down 20% from its all-time high.

                  Lavrov UN masterclass. EU forbids Cyprus to meet Lavrov. Iran CCTV. Collective Jacinda. Update 1


                    from Alex Christoforou:

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                    Meloni’s Right-Wing Alliance Wins Clear Majority In Italian Elections


                      from ZeroHedge:

                      First Sweden, now Italy.

                      Europe’s unelected authoritarian ruler, Ursula von der Leyen, is not going to be happy: according to early exit polls out of Italy’s national election, the right-wing bloc of Giorgia Meloni – which the ultra-left wing press just can’t stop comparing to Mussolini – is set for a historic, if largely expected, victory and a clear majority (if, however, not a super-majority) which will propel Meloni to the top of the Italian government as the country’s next prime minister, ushering in a historic right-wing shift for a country that – like Sweden until two weeks ago – has traditionally been very left-wing.

                      Russia Vows ‘Full Protection’ for Any Annexed Territory as Nuclear Threat Grows


                        from The Epoch Times:

                        Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says that regions of Ukraine where referendums are being held will be under the Kremlin’s “full protection” if they are annexed by Russia, raising the prospect of the use of nuclear weapons.

                        Residents of four Russian-occupied areas in eastern and southern Ukraine continued voting on whether to join Russia.

                        “Following those referendums, Russia of course will respect the expression of the will of those people who for many long years have been suffering from the abuses of the neo-Nazi regime,” Lavrov told reporters on Sept. 24 after addressing the United Nations General Assembly. He was referring to the Kyiv government.

                        GoldSeek Radio Nugget — Nick Barisheff: $10,000 Gold is Now a Realistic Target


                          from GOLDSEEK RADIO:

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