Saturday, October 26, 2024

Sunday Talks, Neil Oliver – Those with Trumpets are Not Going to be Silent in the Fight Against Tyranny and Nihilistic Collectivism


    from The Conservative Treehouse:

    It took an extra 12-hrs before the powers that be permitted the full video of Neil Oliver’s remarks from this week to be presented for replay (yesterday only a 4-minute segment was available).  However, that said, Mr Oliver speaks for many people when he outlines the nature of the political turmoil between the ‘elites’ and those they consider the ‘proles.’  WATCH:

    There is raw evil in the top levels of power in the USA, using federal agencies to terrify America’s best citizens


      by Steve Jalsevac, LifeSite News:

      We don’t just need government agents with a conscience to not obey these unjust orders: we need them to actively help us save the United States from those who are obviously committed to destroying it from within.

      Yesterday we sent out a Red Alert email indicating the now serious need for a large increase in donations to our Fall Campaign that ends next Friday. That is the time left to reach the minimum goal of $500,000. Also be sure to view the brief video of John-Henry Westen explaining why we do these quarterly campaigns and need these funds and more that I am sure you will find enlightening.



      THIS IS THE END GAME — Tom Luongo


      from SGT Report:

      Tom Luongo returns to SGT Report to explain what he believes to be the FED’s end game.

      The Situation in the Ukraine Is an Historical Event of Immense Magnitude


        by Philip Giraldi, The Unz Review:

        Recently, some readers have complained to me that we are covering the Ukraine situation too closely, saying they are bored with the topic.

        In fact, I’m not really covering it that closely. I’m really just giving the broad strokes, and giving people a basis upon which they can do further investigation into what is going on if they are so inclined.

        If readers find the coverage boring, they can skip over it. There is a lot of other stuff on this site. I am covering the Ukraine the exact right amount. I am obligated to do this because so few outlets are covering the war with any truth or honesty. In the English language, the pro-Russia perspective is very difficult to find, with most conservatives who are against the war simply saying that they don’t care either way. “I do care and I actively support those fighting against the Washington and Brussels elite” is an important perspective that must be in the public conversation.

        Europe’s Biggest Enemy Isn’t Russia Nor Islamic Terrorism, but Israel


          by Martin Jay, Strategic Culture:

          The Iran deal is the ultimate test of just how much Joe Biden loves the old continent, Martin Jay writes.

          When Joe Biden took office, many pundits said that at least relations between the U.S. and EU would be restored. But the Iran deal is the ultimate test of just how much he loves the old continent.

          Just how far will Israel go to scupper the so-called Iran deal from being signed by both Iran and the West? And will it play a fair game or use underhand and covert tactics to achieve its goal of the deal never being signed? Recently, we have seen the talks in Vienna progress as even the Americans say that certain key negotiating points have been taken out of the deal from the Iranians which has made the negotiations move closer to an agreement; we have also seen though Israel pulling out all the stops, from a PR and lobbying perspective at least.



            from Full Spectrum Survival:


            TRUTH LIVES on at

            ANALYSIS: Europe to become “ECONOMIC WASTELAND” as industry dies, banks fail and food production plunges


              by Mike Adams, Natural News:

              Europe’s economy, currencies and industries are in free fall, plunging toward “economic wasteland” status that’s less than a year away if natural gas supplies from Russia aren’t quickly restored. That’s the conclusion of numerous experts who have spoken to Natural News over the last two weeks, including war correspondent Michael Yon, Finnish economist Tuomas Malinen, global agricultural trends researcher David Dubyne, and Italian-American author Leo Zagami.

              How Many Bitcoins Are Irretrievably Lost, and What Does that Mean?


                by Mish Shedlock, Mish Talk:

                Let’s discuss the role and meaning of lost Bitcoins on future price actions.

                How Many Bitcoins Will There Be?

                The maximum number of Bitcoins is 21 million. But if 30 percent of them are lost the actual available supply of usable Bitcoins is 21 – (.3 * 21) = 14.7 million.

                Get Cash Out of The Bank Now! Red Flags Warn Of Devastating ‘Black Swan Event’ To Lead To Complete Economic Collapse


                  by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:

                  There have been rumblings, online and off, throughout the world of finance that “something” is going on, but rumors being what they are, one must take that chatter with a grain of salt.

                  With that said, anything adding more weight to the camels back is going to contribute to the economic crisis we already face.

                  The Issues We Already Know Of:

                  Gas still above what it was before Joe Biden started occupying the White House (Expected to rise again after the November midterms). Food inflation causing more and more people to food banks, and others to change their eating habits because they get less food for more money at the grocery store. Overall inflation already costing American families more than 4K in annual income, according to the most recent reports.

                  Do You Feel Safe in America?


                    by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

                    Crime has been rampant across America over the last two years. The economic downturn hurt low-income communities the most, and some are turning to crime for quick money. The borders are open, and anyone can enter America from the south. Laws have been repealed to permit an assortment of crimes, sweetheart deals for violent offenders are common, and nearly every city has reported a sharp uptick in crime under the Biden Administration.

                    Price Analysis: Support Becomes Resistance


                      by Peter Schiff, Schiff Gold:

                      The price analysis last month titled Caution Warranted in the Short Term, highlighted the potential risk in gold and silver even after a rough July and early August. It concluded the path now is much less clear. Gold could be range bound again between $1750-$1800. Or, a hawkish Fed at the Jackson Hole summit could potentially crack $1750 and open up the door for new lows. The gold miners are definitely anticipating this!

                      Bill Gates Now Shilling ‘Magic Seeds’ Made with His Foundation’s Funding


                        by Warner Todd Huston, The Gateway Pundit:

                        Tech giant Bill Gates is now pushing crop seeds that he thinks could help put an end to famine, but while these genetically engineered seeds may be a great advancement, Gate’s past savior complex has to raise caution over his actions.

                        Our headline about “magic seeds” is not hyperbole. In fact, in a recent op-ed on the Gates Foundation website, Gates himself actually admitted that he has called these genetically manipulated corn seeds “magic seeds.”

                        “Fourteen years ago, our foundation began supporting a group of African crop researchers. Their goal was to develop a new type of maize — what I started calling ‘magic seeds,’” Gates wrote.