Saturday, October 26, 2024

There’s a War for the Fed’s Ear on Inflation Between Larry Summers and Jeremy Siegel – It’s Getting Nasty


    by Pam Martens and Russ Martens, Wall St On Parade:

    Both Wharton finance professor Jeremy Siegel and Harvard economics professor Larry Summers are trolling Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell. Siegel thinks Powell is “talking way too tough” on inflation while Summers thinks Powell is not restrictive enough.

    Siegel appeared on CNBC yesterday and scolded Powell to “offer the American people an apology” for his poor monetary policy over the years. In a Tweet, Summers effectively told the Fed Chairman to shut up, lecturing him on not talking so much at his press conferences. (See Tweets below.)

    5 Major Events That Have Happened Within The Last 100 Hours


      by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:

      If you think that nothing is happening, then you have not been paying attention.  Within the past 100 hours, there has been a mysterious attack on the Nord Stream gas pipeline system, two monster storms have threatened North America, NASA rammed a spacecraft into an asteroid in order to knock it off course, and our ongoing stock market crash reached a new level when the Dow Jones Industrial Average officially plunged into bear market territory on Monday.  I would say that is a pretty active 100 hours, but of course this is just the beginning.  I believe that global events will continue to accelerate during the months ahead, but meanwhile most of the general population is still assuming that things will eventually “return to normal” somehow.

      MUST SEE… New Italian Leader Giorgia Meloni’s Speech Against New World Order: “They attack national identity, they attack religious identity, they attack gender identity, they attack family identity”


        by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

        On Sunday, Georgia Meloni became the first female leader of Italy after her Center Right Party dominated national elections.

        The new leader of Italy is a conservative woman who loves God, her family, and her country.  She shared her thoughts in early 2020 at an event in Rome.

        Europe’s Implosion Gaining Steam with John Rubino


          by Kerry Lutz, Financial Survival Network:

          John Rubino is back… Now they’re running out of wood in Germany. Meanwhile, back in the USA, dollar index 112.95. Highest since 2002.Equities are in a bear market. Tens of trillions of dollars of paper wealth being wiped out worldwide. House prices are about to crash. Illustration of how unafordable houses are at todays’ prices and mortgage rates. Commodities, including gold and silver, are getting crushed. Which means inflation is over in the US. Put another way, the strong dollar is letting us export our inflation to the rest of the world.

          BLACK MIRROR USA? Political criticism of Biden Regime now labeled “domestic terrorism” and punishable with indefinite prison time, just like in Communist China


            by S.D. Wells, Natural News:

            Are you a political dissident? In China, if you criticize the government on social media, you can find yourself locked up in prison and involuntarily donating your organs for black market trading. In America, if you go anywhere near the Capital building in Washington DC to peacefully protest illegal ballot harvesting and the communist Biden Regime, you can find yourself locked up in jail and labeled a “domestic terrorist,” with no trial by jury, possibly ever.

            Episode 2183: The White House Thinks That You Are The Enemy Of The State


              from Bannons War Room:

              TRUTH LIVES on at

              How Far Could Stocks Fall?


                by Jim Rickards, Daily Reckoning:

                The stock market was down again today, the exchanges beginning where they left off last week. But it’s the larger trend that’s really disconcerting.

                Investors don’t need to be told about the stock market collapse in recent months. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is down over 20% since January. The S&P 500 is down 23% since January. And the Nasdaq Composite is down 32% since its all-time high last November.

                If Anyone Gets ‘Advanced Notice Of TEOTWAWKI’ It’ll Be America’s ‘Continuity Of Government’: This Is Where The Globalists Will Hide As They’re Carrying Out Nuclear Genocide


                  by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

                  Over the last decade+ of researching and writing about what the globalists love to call ‘conspiracy theories,’ one of the more captivating topics out there is no ‘conspiracy theory‘ at all but a 52.4 square mile monstrosity, bigger than the Island of Manhattan, the Denver International Airport.

                  The largest airport in North America by land, and the 2nd largest airport in the entire world, as Travel and Leisure reported of the airport back in February of 2020, the DIA is home to a slew of so-called ‘bizarre conspiracy theories‘ though whether they are really just ‘crazy theories‘ or ‘theories cutting too close to the truth‘ is something we won’t come to a clear-cut answer to within this story.

                  Unpayable Debt & Vax Causing Hell on Earth – Ed Dowd


                    by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:

                    Wall Street money manager Edward Dowd made billions of dollars in part by being a skillful number cruncher.  When he applied his skills to the vax, he saw massive fraud, death and economy killing disability everywhere he looked.  Add the vax genocide to the popping debt bubble, and a nightmarish perfect storm is clearly taking shape.  Dowd explains, “It’s my thesis that the vaccines are not only deadly but cause massive amounts of disability.

                    Todd Callendar – Stopping the WHO, Camps & Medical Tyranny with Targeted Strategies


                      from mariazeee:

                      TRUTH LIVES on at

                      How America Is Crushing Europe


                        by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:

                        America creates, imposes, and enforces the sanctions against Russia, which are forcing up energy-prices in Europe, and are thereby driving Europe’s corporations to move to America, where taxes, safety-and-environmental regulations, and the rights of labor, are far lower, and so profits will be far higher for the investors. Furthermore, America can supply its own energy. Therefore, supply-chains are less dicey in the U.S. than in Europe. There is less and less reason now for a firm to be doing anything in Europe except selling to Europeans, who are becoming increasingly desperate to get whatever they can afford to buy, now that Russia, which had been providing the lowest-cost energy and other commodities, is being strangled out of European markets, by the sanctions.