Sunday, October 27, 2024

BIVALENT SLAUGHTER? 20 Year Old DIES Day After Coerced Booster Shot From Myocarditis/ Cardiac Arrest


    from Tim Truth:

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    While One Democrat-Run City After Another Falls Like Dominoes Into Crisis, Transformed Into Crime Ridden Cesspools, They’ll Become Unlivable Wastelands Once The First Nuke Goes Off


      by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

      – The Breakdown Of Society Already Being Seen In Democrat-Run Cities All Across America

      While it’s been mentioned many times that only 9 meals separate a civilized society from complete and total lawlessness and anarchy, that ‘jump‘ from ‘civilized‘ to ‘lawlessness‘ clearly won’t happen ‘overnight‘ unless an obvious TEOTWAWKI moment occurs, such as a nuclear strike, and will instead ‘play out‘ over a period of time, arguably much as we’re witnessing across America now.

      Illustrated perfectly in a series of three different stories being featured right now by the Daily Mail, the first story titled “‘The birthplace of liberty is a cesspool’: Crime wave sweeps ‘lawless’ Philadelphia with more than 750 people shot dead since Memorial Day and rampant smash-and-grabs wrecking businesses” had a video within it from one Philly store showing an endless stream of hoodlums streaming in, grabbing whatever they wanted, before streaming out as quickly as they entered.

      U.S. Government Likely Perpetrated Biggest-Ever Catastrophic Global-Warming Event


        by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:

        On September 28th, the AP headlined “Record methane leak flows from damaged Baltic Sea pipelines” and reported that “Methane leaking from the damaged Nord Stream pipelines is likely to be the biggest burst of the potent greenhouse gas on record, by far. … Andrew Baxter, a chemical engineer who formerly worked in the offshore oil and gas industry, and is now at the environmental group EDF …  said, ‘It’s catastrophic for the climate.’” The article pointed out that methane “is 82.5 times more potent than carbon dioxide at absorbing the sun’s heat and warming the Earth.”

        Trump Warns of Nuke War, Ian the Destroyer, Vax the Killer


        by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:

        President Trump is openly warning about the possibility of nuclear war with Russia over Ukraine.  Trump has offered to negotiate a peace deal, but no one is taking him up on his offer.  Instead, the U.S. Congress has approved a fresh $12 billion to keep it all going.  There are zero peace talks going on now, and Biden and NATO do not want them.  They want war, and it’s only a matter of time with the latest blowing up of the Nord Stream Pipelines that carry natural gas  from Russia to Germany.

        Bob Kudla – [CBDC] Is Hitting A Roadblock,People Will Not Allow It To Happen,Structure Change Coming


          from X22 Report:

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          Bank of England to Buy Bonds on Whatever Scale Necessary to Halt Crisis


            by Mish Shedlock, Mish Talk:

            To restore orderly bond markets, the Bank of England is stepping in to halt a disorderly crash.

            In a news release, Bank of England Announces Gilt Market Operation.

            The Bank is monitoring developments in financial markets very closely in light of the significant repricing of UK and global financial assets.

            NEW Bioweapon Tyranny: UN & Global Powers Move Forward With Covid Camps, Interrogations, and More


              from Stew Peters Network:

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                by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

                This story is a big “we told you so moment,” because a major world government, in this case, Spain has apparently admitted to spraying the atmosphere in its airspace with aerosolized heavy metals.  What’s also interesting here is that this article, which was shared by T.M. includes a document or bulletin of Spain’s Ministry of the Interior from 2020, which in turn cites Royal Decrees from the same year:

                NATO leverages Nord Stream crisis. UK, remote control sabotage. EU sanctions Dugin. Update 1


                  from Alex Christoforou:

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                  Who Sabotaged the Nord Stream Pipelines?


                    by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

                    I rarely believe in coincidences. Everyone is perplexed as to why there are sudden leaks in the Nord Stream pipelines in the Baltic Sea connecting Russia to Germany. The first explosion was recorded on Monday near the Danish island of Bornholm. The second blast happened later that evening and was so powerful that scientists equate it to a 2.3 magnitude earthquake.

                    This Looks a Lot Like the Dot-Com Bust With One Big Difference — Inflation


                      by Michael Maharrey, Schiff Gold:

                      This is starting to look a lot like the popping of the dot-com bubble with one big difference — inflation.

                      Beginning in mid-June, we saw a significant bear market rally in stocks. But the recent declines have wiped out those gains and more. For instance, the Dow jumped 14% during the 2-month rally. By the close on Friday, Sept. 23, it was once again down 20% from its all-time high. That same day, the NASDAQ closed just 2% off its June low after a 23% rally.

                      BIVALENT MRNA: DOUBLE THE MASS MURDER? — Hope & Tivon


                      from SGT Report:

                      Watch My Videos On Bastyon Here!
                      Comment twice on my posts and Bastyon and receive 2 Pocketcoins as a gift

                      Researchers Hope & Tivon return to SGT Report, this is PART 2 of our 90-minute discussion about the new BIVALENT mRNA “vaccines”. Double the mRNA stands, double the mass murder?

                      Amazing EMF Protection Products

                      WE MUST TAKE AMERICA BACK NOW — Dr. Peter Navarro


                      from SGT Report:

                      Dr. Peter Navarro join me to discuss his new book ‘Taking Back Trump’s America’ and the steps we must take to do just that as the Biden administration continues to gut our once great nation.

                      Philosophy and (Un)Common Sense


                        by Claudio Grass, Claudio Grass:

                        Interview with Jakub Bożydar Wiśniewski

                        In today’s world, dominated as it is by the ephemeral, the superficial and the inconsequential, it can be hard for a rational, dispassionate observer to make sense of what is going on – politically, socially, economically and philosophically.

                        It is that last aspect that gets the least “oxygen” in mainstream media, in public education and in pretty much all debates and disagreements we grapple with as a society. Perhaps the very discipline of Philosophy, academically speaking, has grown too “foreign” and intimidating for most citizens, or maybe the idea of tackling problems that are greater than or exclusive to ourselves or the “here and now” has tumbled to the very bottom of our list of priorities. Both explanations seem plausible, given the current state of public education and discourse, as well as the fact that the media, social and otherwise, have convinced the body politic that short-term goals, spite and rent-seeking are legitimate means to any end.

                        BREAKING: First Arrest Made in Utah Ritualistic Child Sex Abuse Case – Authorities Expect More Arrests (VIDEO)


                          by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

                          Utah County Sheriff Mike Smith

                          Back in July, Utah County Sheriff’s office announced that County Attorney David Leavitt and his wife were subjects of a child sex abuse investigation approximately 10 years ago involving ritualistic sexual abuse. Dozens of victims stepped forward at the time to make allegations against at least 15 members of the community.

                          The alleged sex ring operated in Utah, Juab, and Sanpete counties in Utah between 1990 and 2010.