Monday, October 28, 2024

The Federal Reserve Is Looking Very Closely At Issuing Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)


    by Arjun Walia, The Pulse:

    • The Facts:
      • Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell explained Tuesday during a panel discussion on digital finance hosted by The Bank of France that they are looking a CBDC very carefully.
      • China has already begun a large trial with millions of people already using their CBDC.
      • Opponents of CBDC, like Snowden, say it takes away more of our rights and freedoms, and puts more power and control over our lives in the hands of the elite in several different ways.

    Germania Delenda Est


      by Philip Giraldi, The Unz Review:

      The Attack on the Pipeline and the Resurrection of the Morgenthau Plan as the Long Arm of Jewish Vengeance

      Within hours of the attack on the September attack on the Nordstream pipelines, a consensus emerged that the Americans did it, in spite of the fact that the mainstream media were united in blaming Russia. Only the Americans had the motive and the means. The evidence was circumstantial but irrefutable. Within hours of the attack on Nordstream, the video of President Biden’s February 2022 press conference with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz was making the rounds on the internet. In response to a question from a reporter in February, Biden said in no uncertain terms that if Russia invaded the Ukraine, America would take out the Nordstream pipelines. The video of Victoria Nuland saying the same thing also started circulating within hours of the attack.

      Little-Known FACT: Nord Stream REPAIRS Were Happening Back in JULY, Well BEFORE The Explosions… Could Something Have Gone Wrong?


        by Dean Garrison, DC Clothesline:

        It’s very difficult for me to write without injecting my opinions, so I will try to keep those to a minimum today. How many people realize that the Nord Stream pipeline was already damaged and desperate maintenance was already being done BEFORE the explosions?

        Canada sent help back in July, about a month and a half before the explosions. Let’s stay out of the ole rabbit hole today and try to focus on facts.

        From, July 18, 2022:

        Americans Suffer from Natural and Government-Created Disasters


          by Ron Paul, Ron Paul Institute:

          Last week Congress passed a continuing resolution and then adjourned until after the election. When Congress reconvenes, it will almost certainly pass a multi-billion dollars aid package for those impacted by Hurricane Ian. This spending will likely be labeled “emergency,” so Congress members will not even have to pretend they are offsetting the new spending with cuts in other, lower priority programs.

          The failure of Congress to offset spending on disaster relief with cuts in other programs is one reason why I always voted against disaster aid when I was in Congress, even when the spending was for disasters that occurred in my district. Of course, I also opposed these bills because disaster relief is unconstitutional and immoral as are all other income redistribution programs.

          Washington Used the “Ukraine Crisis” to Bind Europe to Washington


            by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

            Washington Used the “Ukraine Crisis” to Bind Europe to Washington

            By Michael Hudson, a research professor of Economics at University of Missouri, Kansas City, and a research associate at the Levy Economics Institute of Bard College. His latest book is The Destiny of Civilization.

            Michael Hudson Explains that Washington’s Russian Sanctions Have Freed Russia of Her Delusions that She Had “Western Partners” while Destroying Europe Economically.  Hudson’s article, slightly edited by PCR, is reproduced with permission with final comments by PCR.

            Consumer Debt Delinquencies And Defaults Set To Soar


              by Dave Kranzler, Investment Research Dynamics:

              The following analysis was featured in the September 25th issue of the Short Seller’s Journal.  You can learn more about this newsletter here:  Short Sellers Journal information.

              A survey was done by in which 60% of the respondents said that they have been in credit card debt for at least a year. That’s up from 50% a year ago. Forty percent said they’ve been in credit card debt for over two years. A quarter of those surveyed said that the reason they carry outstanding credit card debt is to cover daily expenses. The Fed’s July consumer credit report (it has a two-month lag) showed that credit card debt hit a record $4.64 trillion. It’s likely that credit card defaults are going to start shooting higher, causing increased stress on bank balance sheets and credit markets.

              WATCH: Establishment Flunkie Jeffrey Sachs Tells Bloomberg America Was Behind The Nord Stream Pipeline Attack.


                by Natalie Winters, The National Pulse:

                During an interview with Bloomberg Television, guest Jeffrey Sachs attributed the recent attack on the Nord Stream gas pipelines to the United States, puncturing the narrative that the incident was propagated by Putin’s Russia.

                Sachs – the Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University and President of the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Solutions Network – made the claim during an October 3rd appearance.

                Construction Spending Ticks up, Non-Residential Hits Record, Residential Stalls after Blistering Boom


                  by Wolf Richter, Wolf Street:

                  Office construction wobbles along at much lower levels, amid a glut of vacant offices.

                  Construction spending – residential and non-residential – in August ticked up to a record $165.5 billion (not seasonally adjusted), according to estimates by the Census Bureau today. Seasonally, construction spending peaks about this time of the year.

                  Sh*t, This Is Getting Very Serious…


                    from Russell Brand:

                    TRUTH LIVES on at

                    The US edges closes to passing digital ID legislation


                      by Ken Macon, Reclaim The Net:

                      The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Committee has approved the Improving Digital Identity Act, a legal framework for digital ID systems for US citizens.

                      We obtained a copy of the bill for you here.

                      The House Oversight and Reform Committee already voted to pass the legislation in July.

                      The “Nuclear Secrets” Hoax Exposed (Ep. 1865) – The Dan Bongino Show


                        from The Dan Bongino Show:

                        TRUTH LIVES on at

                        Pfizer’s “Vaccine” Causes Astonishing Drop in Male Fertility – Men Have Not Been Informed nor Given Their Consent


                          by Rhoda Wilson, Daily Expose:

                          When the Covid-19 vaccine rollout to the public began in late 2020, medical professionals, public health agencies, and government spokespeople all assured the public that the novel mRNA “vaccines” did not cause negative systematic effects on human bodies. They promised the public, many of whom were sceptical about the safety of a drug brought to market at “warp speed,” that the vaccines were “safe and effective.”