Monday, October 28, 2024

Global Monetary System Is Close To Collapse


    by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

    The current monetary paradigm is ending, and we will enter a new one as the elites attempt to “reset” the system. The endgame is complete control over every single human being living on this globe, and in order to do that, a central bank digital currency (CBDC) is necessary.

    We’ve often called the CBDC the “endgame.” Compliance with it will permanently end your chance at ever living freely and sovereign. Others will have total control and a higher claim over your life and property than you. It will be the dystopia to end all other dystopias.

    DEVASTATION: Here’s How the Energy Crisis Will ACCELERATE the Food Crisis


      by Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper:

      The cost of living is going nowhere but up. Everyone has been touched by skyrocketing inflation, high fuel prices, and the availability of certain supplies. And now, we’re facing a massive energy crisis. We’ve seen the signs for a while, as Fabian wrote last year in this article, but theory is quickly becoming reality.

      Energy prices in Europe have catapulted to dizzying heights, leaving some folks facing bills of up to $10,000. And the United States is not untouched. Prices for power are already escalating here. Anecdotally, my own utility bill for September was double the price of my bill for August, and I used less energy. This upward trend is growing more common if my inbox is any indication.

      USDA Now Asking People to Register Their Vegetable Gardens for National Database


        by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project:

        In a move that has many folks scratching their heads, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has renewed its push for the People’s Garden Initiative which now includes registering vegetable gardens nationwide. According to the USDA, the move is to foster a “more diverse and resilient local food system to empower communities to address issues like nutrition access and climate change.” But those who have been following the USDA closely for years know that they couldn’t care less about your health and nutrition.

        Proof That the CDC Is Deliberately Ignoring the Safety Signals from the Covid Vax


          by Steve Kirsch, Lew Rockwell:

          I told the CDC that the formula they use to trigger safety signals was seriously flawed in Aug 2021. They ignored me. But even using their own flawed formula, “death” should have triggered a signal.

          Executive Summary

          If you want objective proof of total ineptitude by the CDC and the medical community in monitoring the safety of the COVID vaccines, this is the article you’ve been waiting for. We use their numbers and their own algorithm and show that it should have triggered a safety signal for “death.” There is no way they can argue their way out of this one. There is no rock that is large enough for them to hide under.

          The Great Reset: Planning the Theft of Canada?


            by Robert McCarter, Activist Post:

            What we now know as “The Great Reset” has been in the works for a while. I first learned of the Great Reset for Canada back in August 2019 when I had a chance dinner conversation with a senior officer in the Canadian military.

            While waiting to load up our plates, I asked what he had been doing in Ottawa between stints with NGOs and embassies. He told me that he had been working on an advisory group to the Trudeau government. The agenda was not the development of five-year policies, the usual event horizon for a government, but to extend the vision into the further future, 20 to 40 years out.

            Dr. Michael Yeadon: The Most Important Single Message I’ve Ever Written


              by Dr. Mike Yeadon, New Eastern Outlook:

              Dear everyone, who is nervously looking around and is asking “What the hell is going on?”

              I hope this isn’t too controversial. It’s certainly frightening, but I believe we are still on the right side of disaster & if enough of us become aware of what is happening here & everywhere in the democratic world, we can recover the situation. We really don’t have long. I believe it’s likely things will change irretrievably over this coming winter. Hence this urgent and unusual request.

              Everything that’s happened and is happening becomes much simpler and it all makes sense, only when you force yourself to think the impossible.



                from Computing Forever:

                TRUTH LIVES on at

                QUI BONO? From 9/11 to Nordstream – A New Geopolitical Game Changer


                  from 21st Century Wire:

                  The final week of September 2022 was as eventful as any, with all eyes on the Baltic region, as the world tries to make sense of the events that have unfolded since the gas leaks first appeared emanating from the Nord Stream 1 and 2 natural gas pipelines in the Danish straits.

                  Never in living memory has the world been this close to a WWIII escalation.

                  While most governments and experts agree this was an act of sabotage, how to identify those who did it is still an open question.

                  Be Concerned: COVID Jabs ARE Causing Infertility


                    by Fed Up Texas Chick, The Tenpenny Report:

                    In 2021, there were countless journal articles professing that we were being silly because we had nothing to worry about regarding the COVID-19 jabs and human fertility.

                    • In May, authors wrote this title, COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Are Generally Safe in the Short Term: A Vaccine Vigilance Real-World Study SaysThe title speaks for itself.
                    • In August, a separate group of researchers assured us no issues were found, even though they admitted that male infertility had not been addressed during any of clinical trials.
                    • In October, researchers shamed people for having jab hesitancy based on concern over fertility even though they admitted that effects on future fertility were not studied. They called on the medical profession to be well informed to counteract the ‘trust in misinformation.’
                    • In December, researchers assured us that despite reports of serious adverse events, we should trust ‘several fertility societies’ that announced COVID-19 vaccines were unlikely to affect fertility. How did they know? Did that have scientific back up? No, they just had opinions. Incredulously, these researchers actually said this in their paper:

                    Spanish Equality Minister Claims Children Can Consent to Sex: ‘These are Recognized Rights’


                      by Shane Trejo, Big League Politics:

                      Spanish Minister for Equality Irene Montero has sparked outrage by claiming that children have the ability to consent to sex. She made the comment while defending the right for children to have abortions without the consent of their parents.

                      “Every boy, every girl, every trans child in this country has the right to know their own body, to know that no adult can touch their body if they don’t want them to, and that if they do, then that is a form of violence,” Montero said.

                      British PM Liz Truss: “I am a Huge Zionist and a Huge Supporter of Israel”


                        by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation:

                        Newly appointed Prime Minister Liz Truss declared her undying support for Zionism and Israel during a conference with the Conservative Friends of Israel on Sunday.

                        “I am so pleased to be here for the first time at the CFI event as your Prime Minister,” Truss said. “As you know, I am a huge Zionist, I am a huge supporter of Israel, and I know that we can take the UK-Israel relationship from strength to strength.”

                        “Believe me, the UK will never allow – together with our allies – Iran to get a nuclear weapon,” Truss pledged, echoing a top Israeli priority.