Monday, October 28, 2024

Housing Bubble Woes: Mortgage Demand Plunges, Rates Near 7%, Spread Between Mortgage Rate & 10-Year Treasury Yield Blows Out Most since Dec. 2008 and 1986


    by Wolf Richter, Wolf Street:

    But even these highest-since-2007 mortgage rates are still far below the highest-since-1981 inflation.

    In the week ended September 30, demand for mortgages to purchase a home plunged by 13%, seasonally adjusted, from the already beaten-down levels in the prior week, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association today. Compared to the same week last year, purchase mortgage applications dropped by 37%. They fell through the lows during the lockdowns and hit the lowest level since October 2015! Purchase mortgage applications are an indication of housing demand over the next few weeks.

    WEF Insider Reveals ‘Bug-Eating Agenda’ Is About Destroying the Human Soul


      from The People’s Voice:

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      Eric Metaxas: ‘Silence’ of American churches echoes 1930s Nazi Germany


        from WND:

        ‘We are going down precisely the same path’

        About 3,000 of the approximately 18,000 Protestant pastors in Germany in the 1930s openly supported Adolf Hitler, and about the same number ended up opposing his tyrannical rule.

        But it was the vast majority of ministers, about 12,000, who chose to remain silent – arguing it wasn’t their place to engage in politics – who enabled the Nazis to “crush the heroic 3,000” who stood up against the dictator, points out Eric Metaxas in his new book “Letter to the American Church.”

        The Real Reason They’re Freaking Out Over Elon (Ep. 1867) – The Dan Bongino Show


          from The Dan Bongino Show:

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          Watch: Planned Parenthood Cartoon Touts Puberty Blockers For Children


            by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News:

            “Puberty blockers are safe and can give you more time to figure out what feels right for you, your body, and your gender identity”

            Not content with staying in its lane as abortion champions, Planned Parenthood has produced a cartoon, aimed at children, promoting the virtues of puberty blocking pharmaceutical drugs.

            1920 Rockefellers’ Goal to Mold You Hasn’t Changed


              by Corey Lynn, Corey’s Digs:

              This is the transcript of the 1920 newspaper clipping. The actual clip is at the end.

              August 28, 1920

              “Dream” of Montclair Man

              Frederick T. Gate’s Vision Cited in Report Advocating Elimination of Rockefeller Boards

              The repeal of the State laws granting charters to the Rockefeller Foundation and the General Education Board is included in the program of educational reform outlined by the Committee on Education of the New York State Federation of Labor. This report was read Tuesday at the Federation convention in Binghamton. The committee, of which Peter J. Brady is chairman, says:

              Cargo Shipowners Cancel Sailings, Container Spot Rates Plunge Amid Reversal In ‘Bullwhip-Effect’


                from ZeroHedge:

                In May, we outlined that a reversal of the “shortage of everything” bullwhip effect was nearing, as skyrocketing inventories (the result of Covid-era overordering due to snarled supply chains) was about to hit a faltering economy, and prices of goods would decline as companies would be forced to liquidate excess inventories into a recession (see “Bullwhip Effect Ends With A Bang: Why Prices Are About To Fall Off A Cliff” from May 23). We reminded readers about this a few times over the summer (“Bullwhip-Effect Reversal Is The Major Downside Growth Risk” and “Container Rates Slump As “Bullwhip Effect” Enters Terminal Phase“).

                It’s happening.


                  from Paul Joseph Watson:

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                  JUST IN – Twitter is rolling out its Birdwatch “collaborative fact-checking” program ahead of the U.S. midterm elections.


                    Here We Go: Moderna and Pfizer Start Phase 3 Trial of mRNA Flu Vaccine


                    by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

                    The same technology that was used to treat COVID-19, which has seriously harmed millions of people and, in the worst cases, has caused death, will now be used to cure influenza.

                    The Phase 3 trial of an mRNA influenza vaccine has begun at two major pharmaceutical companies, Moderna and Pfizer.

                    DHS is spending millions to combat “misinformation” and “disinformation”


                      by Tom Parker, Reclaim The Net:

                      Using taxpayer dollars to fund games, VR projects, and other projects that combat “disinformation.”

                      Despite shutting down its “Disinformation Governance Board” after First Amendment violation concerns, the United States (US) Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is still handing out millions in grants in order to combat “misinformation,” “disinformation,” and “conspiracy theories.”

                      The DHS has previously claimed that online misinformation is a terror threat and these grants were made in a similar vein and doled out as part of a “Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention Grant Program.”

                      Expert Claims Covid Vaccines Will Kill 700 million People Around the World


                        by Rhoda Wilson, Daily Expose:

                        During an interview with USA Watchdog in June, Dr. David Martin predicted that 700 million people will die worldwide due to the Covid injections.  He based his estimation on the World Health Organisation’s vision of the ‘Decade of Vaccines’ (“DoV”).

                        WHO’s DoV vision led to a collaboration in which Bill Gates’ GAVI serves on the leadership council.  The Global Vaccine Action Plan (“GVAP”) – endorsed by the 194 Member States of the World Health Assembly in May 2012 – came out of the collaboration. The “leadership” that produced the GVAP are the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, GAVI Alliance, UNICEF, United States National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases and the World Health Organisation (“WHO”).

                        More Women Than Men Reported Injuries After COVID Vaccine, V-safe Data Show


                        by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., Childrens Health Defense:

                        Data collected from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s V-safe app reveal that women and also recipients of the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccines were disproportionately affected by adverse events following their vaccination.