Friday, September 6, 2024

Western Civilization Is Ceasing to Exist


    by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

    I often explain that we are losing civilization. The risks come from many sources.  Among them is the growing risk of nuclear war; the rising police state in which behavior protected by the Constitution is criminalized despite the Constitution; unity supplanted by a Tower of Babel; fomented race and gender hatreds that serve Identity Politics; soil destroyed by glyphosate with consequent reduction in the  food value of plants and meat and milk from animals fed GMO products; the corruption of science and education; rejection of the accumulated culture in literature, art, music, morals, and behavior; drastic policies to remedy perceived threats, such as climate change, that might or might not be real; ideological-driven reshaping of society such as the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset; intentionally created and released plagues for the purpose of population control; the weaponization of weather.

    The 1001 Imploded Stocks of 2022 (Down 80% or More)… So Far


      by Wolf Richter, Wolf Street:

      The massacre, stock by stock, all 1001 of them, listed right here.

      The Everything Bubble, the greatest speculative bubble in history by most any metric, became the Everything Bust this past spring when the Wild Bull Stumbled Into a Hibernating Bear.  Documenting the bust, Wolf Street began reporting on high-profile “Imploded Stocks” – case studies in speculative excess, subsequent revaluation and Creative Destruction.

      Destroy the Economy, Win a Nobel Prize


        by Ron Paul, Ron Paul Institute:

        Former Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is a 2022 recipient of the Nobel Prize in economics for his writings on how government should respond to bank failures. Honoring Bernanke for his advice on what government should do when banks fail is like giving a fire safety award to an arsonist.

        Bernanke was Fed chairman when the housing bubble, created by his predecessor Alan Greenspan in the wake of the bursting of Greenspan’s tech bubble and the 9-11 attacks, exploded. When the housing market collapsed, Bernanke worked with Congress and the Bush administration to bail out big banks and Wall Street firms.

        Netherlands’ Land Grab: Government’s Proposal to Seize Up To 600 Farms Within a Year, by Force if Necessary


          by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

          Tens of thousands of farmers have taken to the streets to oppose new government climate goals that will force thousands of farmers out of business. Despite all of these protests, the Dutch government is now talking about state-forced buyouts of 500-600 farms as early as within the next year. In other words, the state could be forcing farmers to sell their land to the state.

          “Our criminal government has announced [on Wednesday, 5 October] that they’ll be speeding up the theft of our farmers’ land. 500-600 farmers will be forced to sell their land to the state in the next year. The farmers have announced new protests, so stay tuned, tweeted Eva Vlaardingerbroek.

          Tom Fitton: HHS Running Propaganda Campaign to Promote Covid Shots


            from The New American:

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            HERE WE GO: CDC Will Likely to Vote this Week to Add Experimental COVID-19 Vaccines to the Childhood Vaccination Program


            by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

            The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) under CDC is scheduled to vote on Thursday on whether or not to include COVID vaccinations in their routine pediatric immunization schedule. As a result, companies may have total liability protection and be able to impose more mandates on children.

            “This will allow the vaccine makers to escape product liability for the adult vaccines which means the “emergency” can end, but the liability protection lives on,” Steve Kirsch wrote.

            Fauci Edited Paper on Bat Virus Research at Wuhan Lab — 2 Weeks Before COVID Outbreak


              by Eva Fu (The Epoch Times), via Childrens Health Defense:

              Dr. Anthony Fauci edited a research paper by scientists who worked with a high-profile lab in Wuhan, China, to study dangerous bat viruses, while at the same time pushing back on concerns the Wuhan lab could be the source of the COVID-19 pandemic.

              Anti-Trump FBI Hack Embarrasses Himself On MSNBC (Ep. 1875) – The Dan Bongino Show


                from The Dan Bongino Show:

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                Exclusive: CRISPR Technology Is a ‘Recipe for Disaster’ — Not a Solution for World Hunger


                  by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., Childrens Health Defense:

                  Bill Gates, the World Economic Forum and Silicon Valley investors routinely tout CRISPR gene-editing technology as the solution to global food security, but scientists told The Defender there are better — and safer — ways to produce enough food for everyone.

                  Confirmed: Metrics show internet disrupted in multiple regions of #Ukraine amid reports of Russian missile attacks targeting energy infrastructure


                    Schools Cancel Halloween Citing Inclusivity Concerns (New Cultural Trend?)


                      from Zoon Politikon:

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                      South Africa Confirms Likelihood of Saudi Arabia Joining BRICS Economic Alliance


                        from The Conservative Treehouse:

                        South African President Cyril Ramaphosa held a two-day summit with Saudi Arabia on mostly economic matters.

                        At the conclusion of the summit, he confirmed the intent of Saudi Arabia to join the BRICS economic coalition, which should not come as a surprise given the previous statements by Saudi leader and Crown Prince Mohamed Bin Salman (MbS).

                        Former Democrat mayor of Arizona city sentenced to jail for ballot harvesting in 2020 primary


                          by Matt Lamb, LifeSite News:

                          Guillermina Fuentes faced other allegations of election fraud.

                          PHOENIX (LifeSiteNews) — A judge sentenced former Democratic mayor Guillermina Fuentes to 30 days in prison for ballot harvesting during the August 2020 primary election.

                          “Fuentes this week received a 30-day sentence for that crime, as well as two years’ worth of probation,” Just the News reported.