Monday, September 16, 2024

Why Are Farmers Defying Bans to Cultivate GM Crops?


    by Vijay Jayaraj, American Thinker:

    Farmers across the world are desperate to grow genetically modified crops (GM) in their fields. So much so that in some countries farmers have bypassed existing bans on these crops and even made harvests from them.

    Why do these farmers risk being prosecuted, and what compels them to grow GM food crops? The answer is straightforward: GM crops give higher yields, are resilient to deadly plant diseases, and can withstand tough environmental conditions.



      from Tim Truth:

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      A Message from CLINTEL: There is No Climate Emergency


        by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

        The President of Climate Intelligence (“CLINTEL”), Guus Berkhout, has published a message to all the people of the world.  His message is simple: There is no climate emergency.

        For decades, the public has been flooded with fear-mongering stories from climate alarmists who claim “catastrophic doom” due to increasing carbon dioxide (CO2) levels from human activities.  The climate alarmists deliberately cause panic, “time is running out,” they claim.  The solution, climate alarmists say, is the “net zero” policy.

        CV19 Vax Destroys Hearts & Brains of Billions of People – Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi


          by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:

          World renowned microbiologist and virologist professor Sucharit Bhakdi MD has won many medical and scientific awards and has more than 300 peer reviewed research papers.  Dr. Bhakdi was one of the first top global doctors to warn about the deadly and debilitating effects of the CV19 vax.  He was right.  Dr. Bhakdi says there is proof that if the injections reach the heart or the brain, they will be damaged beyond repair.  Dr. Bhakdi brings up one autopsy that found this and explains, “In multiple parts of the brain in this deceased man, the doctor found the same thing. . . .

          Results Of National COVID Vax Survey Are Alarming: More Than 30 Million Adult Americans Harmed By Jabs With 15% Diagnosed With New Medical Condition Within Weeks To Months!


            by Joel S Hirschhorn, All News Pipeline:

            – Survey Did NOT Include Adults Killed By Vaxxes Nor Children Harmed Or Killed

            A new Zogby survey of 1038 American adults in July 2022 reveals a startling truth that merits very serious attention to the health impacts of COVID vaccines.

            The survey found that 67% of respondents received one or more COVID-19 vaccines, while 33% are unvaccinated. Furthermore, among those vaccinated, 6% received one dose, 28% received two doses, 21% received three doses, and 12% took four or more.

            The 67% figure relates to the roughly 90% that are adults within the US population now standing at about 340 million. This translates to about 205 million vaccinated adults. This is in rough agreement with CDC figures, which is 235 million adults.

            Climate Change = Military Strategy


              by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

              COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong,
              As always, thank you so much for your incredible insight to what is happening in the world. You are the first news source I read in the morning because I know your site is always two steps ahead of everyone else! I wished to ask you about something you often reference: that many of these globalists are trying to destroy fossil fuels for “climate change”.



                by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

                This week saw two unusual things happen: both Sweden and Germany indicated that they knew who had blown up the Nordstream gas pipelines, but neither country was going to share that information. Of course, this touched off a serious round of speculation on the alternative media, and even managed to merit a second or two of the always fleeting attention of the lamestream propatainment media. Why wouldn’t Sweden or Germany let the cat out of the bag?

                HUGE: COVID Vaccine Injury Payments EXPLODE in Australia – More than 80 Times Higher than Last Year


                  by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

                  COVID vaccine shots were mandatory in Australia. If you didn’t get the shot, you didn’t work.

                  The Australian government is now paying for your funeral if the COVID vaccine kills you.
                  Now nice is that?

                  Via Tommy Robinson on Telegram.

                  Nolte: WaPo Reporter Admits Media ‘Afraid’ to Tell Truths That Anger the Left


                    by John Nolte, Breitbart:

                    Washington Post media reporter Erik Wemple admitted that he and others at the far-left outlet lacked the courage to tell a truth.

                    In the summer of 2020, the left-wing domestic terrorists in Black Lives Matter and Antifa were burning down countless Democrat-run cities. Those who weren’t burning were looting, murdering, beating, and menacing.



                      from CoreysDigs:

                      TRUTH LIVES on at

                      China Doubles Down On Zero COVID Policy By Expanding Lockdowns


                        by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

                        Millions of people are back in lockdown under the thumb of the rulers in China. Beijing is doubling down on its zero COVID policy and human beings are the casualty.

                        Across the country, around 200 lockdowns have been implemented in recent days, the majority of these affecting communities that have been marked as high or medium risk. Residents in different areas are subject to different rules, depending on whether they are in a low, medium, or high-risk zone.

                        Earlier this month Xi Jinping signaled that there would be no easing up of the zero-Covid policy, calling it a “people’s war to stop the spread of the virus”.  Although we know it’s a war on the people, not a “people’s war.”



                          from The Salty Cracker:

                          TRUTH LIVES on at

                          Last Chance?


                            by Karl Denninger, Market Ticker:

                            There’s a clear divide this time between parties in the upcoming election.

                            Its rather simple from where I sit; you may find this a bit jarring, or even disturbing.

                            You should.

                            It’s this: Is this nation one where we actually have a justice system with deterrents for personal and property crime against ordinary people, or must those of us who are not members of the criminal class conclude that there is no purpose for police of any stripe and settle their own problems in a perfunctory and final manner?

                            RED ALERT!!! Every Covid vaccinated person must watch this video……


                            from State Of The Nation:

                            … so they know how to properly deal with certain precarious circumstances, as well as manage any new medical ailments and/or health conditions triggered by the highly pernicious CV19 injections.

                            SPECIAL NOTE From The Covid Coach:

                            As a COVID-19 Coach and Covid Vaccine Consultant, I have had many clients who have experienced a broad range of serious vaccine injuries including vax-induced death.