Thursday, September 19, 2024

Fighting Over Food Rations: Diesel Fuel Shortage Will Decimate An Already Damaged Supply Chain – Expert Warns ‘Next Lines Not At Gas Stations, Next Lines At Grocery Stores’


    by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:

    With politics dominating the news due to the fact that the stakes of the midterm elections on November 8th are quite high, and just three days until tens of millions of Americans head to the polls to vote, there are other stories being buried under the flurry of last minute pitches as to who should be in control of congress for the Biden regime’s next two years occupying the White House.

    One of these heartbreaking stories are the amount of Americans about to become homeless, as NBC News reports that evictions are piling up all across the U.S. as government assistance has come to an end, and the eviction moratorium ended some time ago.

    Treasury Prepares for Another Debt Ceiling Saga


      by Peter Schiff, Schiff Gold:

      The Treasury added $309B in new debt during October, but $260B of it was Non-Marketable debt. The Non-Marketable debt was focused on Medical Insurance Trust Fund ($166B), DoD Retirement Fund ($26B), Child Enrollment Contingency Fund ($18B), and Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund ($14B).

      The increase in Non-Marketable debt is likely in preparation for the debt ceiling debate. The Treasury did the same thing last October, increasing Non-Marketable debt by $226B.



      from SGT Report:

      Sasha Latypova is an ex-pharma/biotech professional with 25 years of experience in clinical trials, clinical technologies and regulatory approvals. She knows exactly what Pfizer is up to – and it’s the great culling of humanity which continues unabated despite the overwhelming evidence of premeditated genocide/democide.

      HUGE: Top Detroit Election Official Forced to Admit UNDER OATH who the Thugs Were Who Harassed-Threatened GOP Poll Watchers at Detroit’s Former TCF Center [VIDEO]


        by Patty McMurray, The Gateway Pundit:

        100Percent Fed Up exclusive- On August 2, 2020, Braden Giacobazzi, an Independent poll challenger, was thrown out of the absentee counting center in Detroit by “men in black” for allegedly asking too many questions,  including why one of the monitors used to process the ballots had an icon in the corner that indicated it was online.

        Nolte: About Those Three Bizarre Media Retractions in the Paul Pelosi Story


          by John Nolte, Breitbart:

          Over the past week or so, the corporate media have retracted three stories inconvenient to the Paul Pelosi narrative.

          Moreover, San Francisco District Attorney Brooke Jenkins refuses to release any video associated with the alleged assault on Mr. Pelosi. We won’t even be allowed to hear the 911 call.



            from The Salty Cracker:

            TRUTH LIVES on at

            In Defense of “Crazy” Conspiracy Theories


              by Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper:

              Conspiracy theories. What to some is a sign of critical thinking is, to others, a sign of dangerous insubordination.

              I was taught by my father that a good argument can stand up to criticism and that finding someone who disagreed was a fine way to test your theory. I’ve never been too bothered when folks disagree with me. In fact, I’m eager to know why. I want to learn whether or not I’m missing something.

              California is About to Release GMO Mosquitoes on its Population and Environmentalists are Furious


                by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project:

                “People have not consented to being part of this open-air biopesticide experiment,” said the co-director of Californians for Pesticide Reform.

                As environmental advocates call on regulators to “lead with sound science” regarding the proposed release of thousands of genetically engineered (GE) mosquitoes on a weekly basis in central California, eight Democratic lawmakers on Thursday demanded that officials reject the proposal without an in-depth review of its potential impacts.

                Biden Administration Again Plants False Nuclear Scare Stories


                  from Moon Of Alabama:

                  Last month I dissected the fear mongering the Biden administration released over alleged Russian nuclear threads:

                  [The report] quotes Biden as saying: “[Putin] is not joking when he talks about potential use of tactical nuclear weapons or biological or chemical weapons because his military is you might say is significantly underperforming.”Fact is that Putin has not talked about the “potential use of tactical nuclear weapons or biological or chemical weapons.” Not. At. All.

                  All the war mongering talk and reports about Russia’s alleged threat of nuclear weapon use in Ukraine is totally unfounded. That ‘western’ media suddenly engage in it shows that it is part of a well directed propaganda campaign.

                  I speculated that the intent of the campaign was to prepare for some false flag incident in Ukraine.

                  FBI Agents Reporting Havana Syndrome” Symptoms on U.S. Soil Hire Lawyers to Investigate


                    by B.N. Frank, Activist Post:

                    Experts have been claiming for years that “Havana Syndrome” (diagnosed in American government employees and their family members) is likely being caused by exposure to electromagnetic and/or microwave energy also known as radio requency (RF) (see 123456789). In August the Biden administration started providing financial compensation to some victims; however, allegedly few if any of them are employed by the CIA.  In September FBI agents who reported symptoms also claimed they were being ignored by the government and recently some of them hired lawyers.



                      from Press For Truth:

                      TRUTH LIVES on at

                      They Know They Will All Be………….. HANGED LIVE ON THE INTERNET


                        from State Of The Nation:

                        OPERATION PANDEMIC AMNESTY: The Biggest CON JOB in Covid History

                        As for the utterly ridiculous
                        and audaciously insulting
                        call for a Pandemic amnesty…
                        Only the “Father of Lies”
                        would hope so very much
                        that we are all that stupid.
                        But why? Really?!



                          from World Alternative Media:

                          TRUTH LIVES on at

                          How US Government is Deceiving the Public on Aid to Ukraine


                            from 21st Century Wire:

                            By Scott Ritter

                            NBC News has reported that, according to four people familiar with the incident, a phone call between US President Joe Biden and his Ukrainian counterpart, Vladimir Zelensky, turned testy after the Ukrainian leader pressed Biden for more assistance.

                            On June 15, Biden called Zelensky to inform him of the recent release of some $1 billion in assistance (this included the drawdown of arms and equipment from US Department of Defense inventories valued at $350 million, and $650 million in additional assistance under the department’s Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative). This type of person-to-person communication had become commonplace since Russia’s decision to send troops into Ukraine in February 2022, with Biden informing Zelensky of each major assistance allocation in a program that had, as of June 15, seen the dispatch of some $5.6 billion in American military aid.