Friday, October 18, 2024

Big Tech-Funded Program Covers Part of Salaries for Local Journalists


    from The Epoch Times:

    Local news publications nationwide are taking part in a program that allows them to hire journalists partially sponsored by a project funded by big tech behemoths like Meta, Google, and Microsoft.

    Report for America (RFA), an initiative of The Ground Truth Project, allows newsrooms nationwide to compete for assistance to fill coverage gaps. Once RFA selects a newsroom, they take responsibility to pay part of the writer’s salary while they work for the local publication and receive ongoing training from the Ground Truth Project initiative.

    Why the US will Collapse under Civil Unrest


      by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

      I have been asked about our computer forecast regarding civil unrest that would turn upward from 2014, become critical in 2023, and escalate into 2032. There is the economic breakdown that is being deliberately created by those in the Biden Administration under the misguided vision of Climate Change and how they must end fossil fuels ASAP. The convenient announcement of suddenly the impossible, cold fusion, is highly dubious and even if true, it would be decades away. Nevertheless, it is already being touted as See! Let’s end fossil fuels now! We have an alternative.

      The Crimes Of Mass Murderers And Thieves Quicken Before The Cataclysm, FTX’s Money Laundering In Ukraine For The Cabal The Tip Of The Iceberg, As The Plundering Of America Accelerates


        by Madame Defarge, All News Pipeline:

        The past week has revealed two very interesting situations that will effect us in the near future. One is the revelation that an EU vice president and six of her lackeys have been arrested for taking $1 million in bribes from Qatar. Also two Americans are under a cloud, a retired Marine general is under investigation and an ex American ambassador pleaded guilty to accepting bribes. The gushers of funds keep rising to the surface as desperation of the thieves accelerates before the cataclysm. 

        Antifa terror cell arrested, found with BOMBS… while Bloomberg News headline calls for climate terrorists to carry out “property destruction” nationwide


          by Mike Adams, Natural News:

          Last week, five members of an Antifa terror cell were arrested in Atlanta, where law enforcement reportedly found “bombs, flares and gasoline,” reports the UK Daily Mail. The Antifa terror cell was reportedly throwing gas bombs at vehicles while also carrying out acts of arson and “attacks on locals and government officials.”

          Over the weekend, this author received intel chatter — unconfirmed but worth paying attention — about radical left-wing terrorists planning on carrying out acts of sabotage during the Christmas week deep freeze that’s about to hit much of North America. Acts of sabotage against domestic power infrastructure are multiplied in their chaos effects by sub-freezing weather which makes power loss extremely dangerous for a variety of reasons.



            from Banned Youtube Videos:

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            The Hope of Fusion vs the Pomp of Politicians and Climate Activists


              by Mish Shedlock, Mish Talk:

              If there is a climate problem, science will find the answer, not politicians or activists.

              There was an interesting trio of articles in the Wall Street Journal this week with seemingly conflicting messages.

              Hold the Nuclear Fusion Hype

              Headline Number One: Hold the Nuclear Fusion Hype

              The breakthrough is exciting but its practical use as an energy source may be decades away.



                from THE MEL K SHOW:

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                Drag Queen Performer: Time to “Kick Down Traditional Family Values,” “F**k Family”


                  by Cullen Linebarger, The Gateway Pundit:

                  The radical left long ago declared war on Christmas, traditional values, and Christianity in general.  Now an infamous contestant from RuPaul’s Drag Race is doubling down on the war while shoving a disgusting, anti-Christmas play down America’s throat.

                  Miz Cracker, a biological male whose real name is Maxwell Eiias Heller, is staging a one- “woman” show called Who’s Holiday!. The play mocks a prominent character from the classic Christmas tale The Grinch and the story’s moral lesson.

                  El Paso Mayor Declares Disaster over Migrant Border Surge, End of Title 42


                    by Bob Price, Breitbart:

                    The mayor of El Paso declared a disaster “due to a humanitarian, security, and economic crisis resulting from a mass migration” through the city. The declaration comes as thousands of migrants continue to cross from Mexico into the city in advance of the end of the Title 42 protocol expected on Wednesday.

                    Freezing temperatures in the city of El Paso are in the forecast for the coming week while hundreds of migrants camp out on the streets. The surge of migrant crossings, only expected to increase following the termination of the Title 42 migrant removal protocol on Wednesday, led El Paso Mayor Oscar Lesser to declare a state of disaster.

                    CBDC push will drive users into alternative, parallel financial systems


                      from Health Ranger Report:

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                      U.S. DoD Issued “COVID-19 Research” Contract Months Before COVID-19 Was Announced


                        by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

                        The United States issued a COVID-19 research contract months before COVID-19 was known to exist. The evidence that this was a plandemic designed to get people injected with the “vaccine” is mounting.

                        The United States Government’s “USA Spending” website reveals that it had spent a staggering $4.04 trillion “in response to COVID-19”. A deeper look at the website’s “Award Search” feature uncovers a contract awarded by the Department of Defense to Black & Veatch Special Projects Corp. for “Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services” on September 20, 2012.

                        What Is Happening To Our Wealthiest Cities Clearly Demonstrates America’s Rapid Decline


                          by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

                          The largest cities in the United States are becoming cesspools of crime, drugs, violence and homelessness, and no matter what “solutions” our politicians come up with the problems just continue to get even worse.  Sadly, this is even happening in the wealthiest cities in the whole country.  New York City is the financial capital of the entire globe, and over the past two decades San Francisco has been swimming in giant mountains of tech industry money.  But today the streets of both cities look like something out of a post-apocalyptic horror movie.  If things are this bad while economic conditions are still relatively stable, what will those streets look like two years from now when economic conditions are far worse?



                            from The Last American Vagabond:

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                            Are We “Election Deniers”?


                              by Lew Rockwell, Lew Rockwell:

                              Murray Rothbard was no fan of democracy, and its fallacies are the subject of Hans-Hermann-Hoppe’s great book Democracy: The God That Failed. Hoppe shows that democracy isn’t a good system of government; it’s a bad one that encourages the government to sell out to the highest bidder. But there’s a type of government that’s worse than democracy, if we mean by “democracy” government by majority rule. This is a regime with fake elections. The elites stuff the ballot boxes so that they always “win,” regardless of the way people vote. This is what we have today. You can be sure that brain-dead Biden didn’t win the 2020 election, but the neocon elite that controls him wanted him to win, and that was that.