Friday, September 6, 2024

Australian Doctor Finds Graphene Oxide and Self Assembling Chips In COVID Shots


    by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

    An Australian doctor has discovered the same thing others have: we are being lied to about what is in these injections. Dr. David Nixon, a Brisbane GP, put droplets of the COVID-19 vaccine and the blood of vaccinated patients under a dark-field microscope only to find out that they contain graphene oxide and self-assembling chips.

     According to Sasha Latypova, a scientist with 25 years of experience in clinical trials for pharmaceutical companies, the contract between Pfizer and the United States government prohibits independent researchers from studying the vaccines. They claim it would “divert” these precious resources away from their intended use fulfilling an “urgent” need.



      from Infowars:

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      If Americans Have Lost Faith in the Election Process, Does the Outcome Really Mean Anything?


        by Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper:

        Over the past six years, in particular, confidence in our election process has plummeted. Half the country said that they expected voter fraud in the midterm elections. Only 20% of those polled said they were “very confident” about our elections.

        Much of this has to do with our politicians and our media, who cast doubt on close elections before they even happen. They cry foul before the fouls occur. They scream at the top of their lungs that if they lose, somebody cheated.

        Fake Elections Are The New Normal


          by Dr. Joseph Sansone, Lew Rockwell:

          The predicted red wave in the 2022 midterm elections turned out to be a mere splash. Media analysts will read the tea leaves and decipher what this means about GOP messaging and other apparently insightful lessons to be learned. This is all BS. This election was possibly more fraudulent than the 2020 election.

          In 2020 Trump likely won by 10-12 million votes or more. I make that assertion based on the number of votes Trump received in his reelection campaign above the number of votes that Obama received, the number of votes Clinton was awarded, and the alleged attribution of voted to Biden. Biden allegedly received 81 million votes, Obama received 69 million, and Trump supposedly only 74 million. I have yet to find anyone to explain how Biden could possibly receive more votes than Obama while hiding in his basement. Biden probably received less votes than Hillary Clinton which was about 65 million. In Florida, Trump actually received 1.1 million more votes than DeSantis in his recent landslide victory. Nationwide, Trump received more votes than any sitting president in history.

          Consumer Advocates Warn “a growing number of households on smart meters are being cut off by energy companies”


            by BN Frank, Activist Post:

            Worldwide opposition to “smart” meters (electric, gas, and water) has been ongoing since utilities started deploying them over ten years ago.  In the UK, complaints about them continue to make headlines (see 12345) and earlier this week, a journalist recommended that consumers refuse them.  Actually, that has never been bad advice!



              from Jim Crenshaw:

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              Is There Graphene Oxide Inside the Shots? Mainstream Media Article on Physician Who Filmed Structures Resembling Circuitry and Microchips in Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine


                by Paul Anthony Taylor, Global Research:

                On the outer edges of the World Wide Web, it isn’t difficult to find people making outlandish claims about ingredients contained in the mRNA and DNA forms of COVID-19 vaccines. As a science-based organization, while strongly disputing assertions that these injections are supposedly proven to be ‘safe’, our Foundation steers a strict course well clear of such speculation. A few days ago, however, an interesting article in the Australian edition of The Spectator, a mainstream British magazine focusing on politics, culture, and current affairs, came to our attention. Authored by journalist Rebecca Weisser, it describes how when examining droplets from the Pfizer mRNA vaccine under a dark-field microscope, Dr. David Nixon, a Brisbane GP, observed what appear to be mechanical arms assembling and disassembling glowing rectangular structures resembling circuitry and microchips. Captured on video, what Nixon filmed is certainly thought-provoking, to say the least.

                Report: Elon Musk Brushed Off Twitter Execs’ Suggestion to Fire Enough White Employees to Avoid Legal Trouble


                  by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation:

                  Twitter CEO Elon Musk brushed off recommendations from company executives to structure his mass firings in the interests of “diversity and inclusion,” the New York Times reports.

                  From New York Times, “Two Weeks of Chaos: Inside Elon Musk’s Takeover of Twitter”:

                  SAN FRANCISCO — Elon Musk had a demand.

                  On Oct. 28, hours after completing his $44 billion buyout of Twitter the night before, Mr. Musk gathered several human-resource executives in a “war room” in the company’s offices in San Francisco. Prepare for widespread layoffs, he told them, six people with knowledge of the discussion said. Twitter’s work force needed to be slashed immediately […]

                  CIA Agent ‘We Pay Mainstream Media To Spread Fake News,’ Shocking Exposé


                    from The People’s Voice:

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                    Aussie physician analyzes contents of covid jabs, finds graphene oxide and self-assembling nanocircuits


                      by Ethan Huff, via DC Clothesline:

                      Curious about what is really contained inside those vials they are calling covid “vaccines,” a Brisbane-based (Australia) doctor by the name of David Nixon collected samples and looked at them under a microscope alongside the blood of “fully vaccinated” patients, revealing the presence of graphene oxide and other disturbing ingredients.

                      While the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) claims that all Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) jabs are free from “metals, such as iron, nickel, cobalt, lithium, and rare earth alloys’ and ‘manufactured products such as micro-electronics, electrodes, carbon nanotubes, and nanowire semiconductors,” the fact of the matter is that this is simply not true.

                      International Remote Viewing Panel: Who Controls the World, Nuclear War, Non Human Entities (1of2)


                        from Sarah Westall:

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                        Leftist insists moms and dads confirm transgenderism in kids, or they’re ‘abusers’


                          from WND:

                          ‘I’ve seen what happens when LGBTQ kids don’t have supportive parents’

                          A columnist in the Guardian is insisting that parents affirm any LGBT lifestyle chosen by a child, including transgenderism, or they should be considered “child abusers.”

                          These comments, according to the Christian Institute, are from Owen Jones, a columnist for the publication.

                          The Solution Series: Transitioning into Real Money with Franklin Sanders


                            by Corey Lynn, Corey’s Digs:

                            “The fact is, over time if you stay in dollars they’re stealing from you. That’s the whole point of inflation … they’re stealing from you, and if you keep your wealth in that system, you’re strengthening that system.”
                            ~ Franklin Sanders

                            By Corey Lynn and James White

                            What is money? Depending on who you ask, you will receive a variety of different answers to that very important question. Currency, often confused with real money, is the paper notes we hold in our pockets and use for day-to-day transactions; but do those characteristics make that dollar in your pocket, otherwise known as a Federal Reserve Note, money?

                            BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Poll Pads Caught Adding *Hundreds* of Voters in Real Time as Poll is Being Closed


                              by Brian Lupo, The Gateway Pundit:

                              The Election Oversight Group, who has been investigating and documenting Georgia’s election problems since the 2020 General Election, in conjunction with County Citizens Defending Freedom, has provided The Gateway Pundit with more evidence that our election system should not be trusted.  This time, it’s direct from Texas but has implications and evidence of occurrences in many other jurisdictions.