Friday, September 6, 2024



    from Jim Crenshaw:

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    The Most Splendid Housing Bubbles in Canada, November Update: Fastest 5-Month Plunge on Record


      by Wolf Richter, Wolf Street:

      Down faster during the bust than up during the bubble: special feature in some cities. Vague humor wafts around the charts.

      The overall 11-City Teranet-National Bank House Price Index dropped 0.8% in October from September, and is down 7.7% from the peak in May, the largest five-month drop in the history of the data going back to 1997. It slashed the year-over-year gain to 4.9%, from the 19% range in March and April.

      Charlene Bollinger – [DS] Colluded With Corporations To Censor The People, Propaganda Exposed


        from X22 Report:

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        Whistleblower: Canadian Doctors are Being Directed to Consider Psychiatric Meds and Therapy for ‘Unvaccinated’


          by Kyle Becker, Becker News:

          A Canadian doctor is blowing the whistle on a reported letter sent from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario to doctors directing them to consider psychotropic medications and therapy for those who do not wish to take the Covid shots.

          “Dr. William Makis states that the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario 🇨🇦 is suggesting to Ontario doctors that ‘unvaccinated’ people are mentally ill and in need of psychiatric medication,” Paul Mitchell noted on Twitter.

          Canada to introduce Social Credit System next year with Carbon Counter on Visa Card Purchases


            by Rhoda Wilson, Daily Expose:

            Vancity has become the first Canadian financial institution to offer a credit card that calculates a user’s carbon footprint. It is partnering with climate-focused German fintech Ecolytiq to offer the carbon calculator.

            Starting next year, Vancity Visa cardholders will be able to track their estimated carbon emissions from their credit card purchases. The move is an effort by the credit union to honour its commitment to climate action.

            Powerful Demonstration of ‘We the People’ Happening Now in Brazil


              from Reese Report:

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              Massachusetts’ Department of Public Health Installed Spyware on Millions of Android Phones Without Users’ Consent


                by Ian Rons, Daily Sceptic:

                The U.S. Founding Fathers may not have foreseen the danger of lockdowns being imposed on irrational public health grounds, but they did at least ensure that while dolorously confined in one’s own house, no soldiers could be quartered there without consent, and in the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution they also prohibited “unreasonable searches and seizures” of persons and property. In recent years, the courts have unambiguously held that this fundamental anti-snooping right extends to the bits and bytes stored on computers and mobile phones, so it’s therefore rather surprising to see the plucky little Commonwealth of Massachusetts pull off something so blatantly unconstitutional that even the NSA hasn’t attempted it: the warrantless installation of spyware apps on all the Android phones in the state, granting them access to a wealth of data such as who those residents have been in physical proximity to, as well as phone numbers and email addresses. Because of Covid, you see.

                Mayor and Police Do Antifa’s Bidding, Shut Down Event Showcasing Opposing Speech


                  by Selwyn Duke, The New American:

                  Here’s a scenario: Some extremists don’t like the ideas that would be expressed at an event, so they issue threats of violence via social media. The mayor and police chief of the relevant jurisdiction then shut down the event on “public safety grounds.”

                  If this sounds like a recipe for easily squelching speech you dislike, know that it’s also another thing:

                  Something that just happened, according to Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson. In fact, this is the fifth time it has occurred in just the last few weeks, he says.

                  Episode 2314: Garland’s Witch Hunt Investigations Into President Trump; Getting To The Bottom Of The Brazil Election


                    from Bannons War Room:

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                    DISTRACT from HOUSE investigation! Is it a TRAP? Twitter + TRUMP? The BEE is back! PRAY!


                      from And We Know:

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                      Tip of the Spear: What Our Lack of Military Readiness Portends


                        by Allan J. Feifer, American Thinker:

                        Our military should be more important to progressives than it is to conservatives.

                        Why? Our military is their primary guarantee they can rail against America without fear of retribution. We have enemies (think: China) that want us defanged so that American leadership around the world becomes nothing more than a footnote in history. An America without a strong military to guarantee our place in the world and, at the same time, the rights of snowflakes. It is they who would become the first to be stood up against the wall and shot without the protections our military confers.

                        The Kill Grid Is All Around You!


                          from AlexandraBruce:

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                          It’s all about the pivot


                            by Alasdair Macleod, GoldMoney:

                            Over the last two weeks gold and silver have continued to enjoy a significant rally, but this week has been one of consolidation. In European trade this morning, gold was at $1765, down $14 from last Friday’s close. The correction has been more marked in silver, which this morning was at $21.20, down 48 cents since Friday, though on Tuesday morning it hit a high of a dollar above current levels.

                            Silver volumes on Comex were healthy rather than spectacular, and in gold apart from a spike on Tuesday fell back significantly on Wednesday and Thursday when Open Interest fell back as well. These are bear squeeze conditions rather than bullish sentiment.

                            Judge Orders Unsealing of Names of 8 Anonymous Individuals Relating to Jeffrey Epstein


                              from The Epoch Times:

                              A federal judge on Friday ordered the unsealing of documents featuring the real names of some of the “John Does” relating to deceased sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, according to multiple media outlets.

                              Judge Loretta Preska ruled on Friday to disclose the identities of a number of previously anonymous individuals in documents filed by Epstein victim Virginia Giuffre against the convicted pedophile’s associate Ghislaine Maxwell in a defamation case, according to Insider.

                              GENOCIDE FOR HIRE: Doctors Caught Red Handed Killing Patients w/ Remdesivir/ Ventilators


                                from Tim Truth:

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