Monday, September 16, 2024

With Cancer’s Skyrocketing Since People Were Coerced Into Injecting The mRNA Bio-weapons, The ‘Vax Everything Agenda’ Is More Than A War Upon Humanity But A War Upon God Himself


    by Alan Barton, All News Pipeline:

    Last time we met we discussed the massive decline in human reproductive potential especially relating to the Western world – or should I say “civilized” world – through technology and poisoning of the biosphere in which we reside. Although most of that column was devoted to the environmental portions, we did mention that the mRNA bio-weapon was making dramatic increases in the loss of fertility everywhere in the world that it is forced upon people. This has only recently been investigated and we are only on the leading edge of this humanitarian disaster that threatens to eliminate our specie from this world. Today we will look at a complimentary (perhaps better stated as coexisting) threat to the world’s population that has existed for some time now but is rapidly increasing in potency and rate of diagnosis that is also being hidden by the world at large.



      from THE MEL K SHOW:

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      Dutch Farming Crisis


        by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

        This is one of those unbelievable stories of who Climate Change is being taken to such an extreme, we will unleash a serious wave of deaths from both starvation and coming freezing temperatures without fuel. The Dutch government actually is planning to buy out and close as many as 3,000 farms in the country, which set off a major protest with growers stood against their insane leaders’ attempt to now cut the country’s nitrogen emissions by 50% according to the EU deadline of 2030. This is all in the face of a total lack of ANY scientific evidence that any of this has ever changed the climate which has historically always changed.

        Celebrity Trainer Dies Suddenly at 53 at His Los Angeles Home


          by Cristina Laila, The Gateway Pundit:

          Eric Fleishman, a celebrity trainer based in Los Angles, died unexpectedly at the age of 53.

          Fleishman died on Thanksgiving at his home in Glendale, California.

          “We are heartbroken to share that Eric Phillip Fleishman passed away unexpectedly on the morning of November 24, 2022. His wife Alysia, son, parents, and close friends/family are deeply saddened by this event,” the family statement read on Instagram.

          No other details about his death were released.

          California Releases Thousands of Convicted Pedophiles Within a Year of Conviction


            by Breccan F. Thies, Breitbart:

            California has released thousands of convicted pedophiles after spending only a few months in prison.

            Such pedophiles have been convicted of “a range of horrific acts, including raping kids under 14,” according to the study investigation conducted by the U.K. Daily Mail.

            More than 7,000 persons convicted of “lewd or lascivious acts with a child under 14 years of age” have been released in the same year they were convicted. Convicts who committed even more heinous crimes, such as sodomy and rape of children, also served short sentences.

            Life Insurance Payouts Hit A Record High In 2021


              by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

              Life insurance payouts hit a record high in 2021, the year of the “vaccine.”  Insurance companies paid $100 billion to families, and the mainstream media and ruling class are blaming COVID-19, not the shots.

              Even though they admit deaths and hospitalizations with COVID have plummeted, and 2020 was the worst year (according to their own data) until the vaccines were released, the common cold is still being blamed. The COVID-19 “vaccines” were released under emergency use authorization at the end of 2020 and this record life insurance payout came in 2021. But it could just be a coincidence.

              Black Friday Was Dark Indeed for Retailers


                by Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper:

                Usually, after the biggest shopping day of the year, I scour the internet for a montage of shocking videos for an annual Black Friday Hall of Shame. This year, there weren’t enough badly behaved people to make an article.

                Unfortunately, it’s not because of a new era of civility. It’s because nobody has the money to shop for Christmas, and if they do, they’re not battling it out in person.

                This is important because it solidifies what we in the Preppersphere and alternative media have said for years: an economic collapse like we’ve never seen before is coming.



                  from World Alternative Media:

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                  Following in Trump’s Footsteps, Biden to Keep JFK Assassination Records Secret


                    by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project:

                    Fifty-nine years ago this month, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. These many years later, the United States government continues to hold in secret piles of information related to the assassination.

                    After the popular theatrical run of director Oliver Stone’s movie JFK that dramatically challenged the Lee Harvey Oswald as “lone gunman” explanation for Kennedy’s assassination, the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992 became law. It created the Assassination Records Review Board tasked with reviewing and releasing records held by the US government related to the assassination. While some US government records have since been released, others remain hidden away.

                    War Cycle Heats Up & Markets Tank in 2023 – Charles Nenner


                      by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:

                      Renowned geopolitical and financial cycle expert Charles Nenner said, back in September, the markets would sink and then go back up.  Both calls happened right on time.  What does Nenner see now?  Nenner says, “Two days ago, we started to take profits again.  So, we are not that bullish. . . . The public we have now do not understand bear markets. . . . They don’t understand that we can have rallies of 15% to 20%, and then it can go down again. . . . So, we took profit and we are mostly in cash again.  We are long in the bond market for a change because it looks like inflation is going to moderate for a little bit.  We are waiting for the gold cycles to bottom, and we are getting very close, but the bull market in gold will come, but it’s still going to take a few more weeks.”



                        from Arcadia Economics:

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                        NATO Doubles Down on Pledge to Eventually Admit Ukraine


                          by Dave DeCamp, Activist Post:

                          NATO on Tuesday doubled down on its pledge to eventually admit Ukraine during a meeting of the alliance’s foreign ministers in Bucharest, Romania, a position that played a major role in provoking Russia’s invasion.

                          The Romanian city was where NATO initially made the promise to Ukraine back in 2008, and at the time, US officials acknowledged that attempting to bring the country into the alliance could spark a war in the region.

                          The Prepper Potential of an Old Cell Phone


                            by Mr. Zipph, Survival Blog:

                            Over the years, I have read many articles on communications in a grid-down situation. Those articles typically focus on using ham radios or CB radios to communicate with other like-minded folks in a TEOTWAWKI scenario. I have also read articles focused on the importance of gathering and accessing important information that you would need if the Schumer hiints the fan (TSHTF). These articles typically discuss the importance of having hard-copy books and printed planning information, contact information, and other important information that would be valuable to have.