Monday, September 9, 2024

Warning About Vaccines From Doctors Back in 1985


    from The New American:

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    Twitter Stops Enforcing COVID-19 Misinformation Policy


      from ZeroHedge:

      Twitter will no longer enforce its Covid-19 misinformation policy, under which users who deviated from prevailing establishment narratives frequently had their accounts locked or suspended.

      The longstanding policy did not apply to misinformation from government officials, who regularly lied about things such as transmission, masks, vaccine efficacy, side effects, or any of the other ‘science’ which turned out to be patently false.

      Economic Hit Men Are the First Line of Defence for World Shadow Government


        by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

        “We economic hit men have been the ones responsible for creating this first truly global empire. And we work many different ways,” said John Perkins.

        “We … are the first line of defence.  We go in, we try to corrupt the governments and get them to accept these huge loans which we then use as leverage to basically own them.  If we fail … then the second line of defence is: we send in the jackals.  And the jackals either overthrow governments or assassinate them.”  If that fails then they send in the military.

        Woman Files Lawsuit Accusing Ex-Hedge Fund Exec Leon Black of Raping Her Inside Jeffrey Epstein’s Townhouse,


          Meloni v. Macron – The Colonial End Game


            by Tom Luongo, Tom Luongo:

            Sometimes the internet being eternal works to our advantage. Recently, there’s been a dustup in European politics over a three-year old video of now Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni stepping on the third rail of European politics.

            In that video she openly explained that colonialism in Europe isn’t over and she tied it to African immigration into Europe, which Italy has born the brunt of thanks to the EU’s rules which force countries to accept anyone that shows up on their shores.

            Jay Dyer and Mike Adams discuss the global human resistance movement against obedience and tyranny


              from Health Ranger Report:

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              3 Federal Agencies Hit With Lawsuits in Ongoing Quest to Uncover Origins of COVID


                from Childrens Health Defense:

                U.S. Right to Know last week filed three new Freedom of Information Act lawsuits against federal agencies as part of an ongoing effort to uncover what is known about the origins of COVID-19, leaks or mishaps at biosafety labs and the risks of gain-of-function research.

                U.S. Right to Know (USRTK) last week filed three new Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits against federal agencies as part of an ongoing effort to uncover what is known about the origins of COVID-19, leaks or mishaps at biosafety labs and the risks of gain-of-function research.

                Disney Kids: We Love You Satan


                  from Moonbattery:

                  This might have been almost funny once. But given that it is coming from increasingly sinister Disney, not everyone is laughing. From a new series called Santa Clauses:

                  For context, Disney aggressively promotes the depraved sexual corruption of children as a matter of corporate policy. It assists employees to genitally mutilate their own children in the name of LGBT ideology.



                    from Free Your Mind:

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                    Netherlands to forcefully shut down 3,000 farms


                      by Keane Bexte, The Counter Signal:

                      The Great Reset is in full gear in the Netherlands as the country’s government moves to shut down thousands of farms.

                      To comply with the European Union’s radical climate laws, the Dutch government of World Economic Forum acolyte Mark Rutte will force up to 3,000 farms to shut down for good.

                      Farmers will be made an offer on their farms, which the government claims is “well over” market value.

                      According to nitrogen minister Christianne van der Wal, the government purchase will be compulsory.

                      Dramatic Recovery in Global Sea Ice Confounds the Net Zero Catastrophists


                        by Chris Morrison, Daily Sceptic:

                        It’s a mystery. Why has Arctic sea ice cover roared back so quickly over the last few years? Nobody knows – not one scientist on the planet can tell you, writes Willis Eschenbach in a short essay on the climate site Watts Up With That? It might be noted, of course, that there was no shortage of explanations when there was a cyclical downturn, mostly to do with humans having something to do with it. Ice melting at the Poles is still one of the crucial supports for the entire command-and-control Net Zero political agenda.

                        New Twitter Sign Ups Hit All-Time Record Despite Cancel Campaign


                          by Jonathan Turley, Jonathan Turley:

                          Since Elon Musk bought Twitter with a pledge to restore free speech protections, the media and political establishment have maintained an unrelenting campaign to use pressure from corporations and foreign governments to force him to restore censorship policies. Reporters have covered seemingly every celebrity declaring that they are leaving the site or even selling their Teslas in protest. As companies joined the boycott, commentators gleefully announced the “death,” “collapse,” and “demise” of the social media company with some mocking Musk risking billions of dollars for free speech principles. New figures, however, appear to show that the public is solidly with Musk on the free speech issue. New signups at Twitter are at an all-time high with two million new signups per day.

                          Exposing the Big Lie Against Dumb Energy – It’s a Global Scam!


                            by Dr. Jay Lehr, America Outloud:

                            The big lie is that wind and solar are competitive with other sources of electricity. The reality is that wind and solar are subsidized by seventy percent. The scam is clever. Taxpayers and consumers of electricity are swindled with the cover story that they are saving the Earth. Wind and solar electricity are renewable energy. How nice to pluck energy out of the air and the sky. Its a global scam. Big-money corporations and uneducated dreamers, often called environmentalists, cooperate to keep the scam going.

                            Episode 2333: Mike Lindell Announces Run For RNC Chair; Attempting To Certify A Flawed Election


                              from Bannons War Room:

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