Saturday, October 26, 2024

“The Epitome Of Evil” Is Running Operations Out Of Government Facilities “Established To Provide Assistance To Migrants”

by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

Are you ready for the truth?  Since Joe Biden entered the White House, we have witnessed a tsunami of migration that is unlike anything we have ever seen before.  Millions upon millions of people that are not being properly screened are taking advantage of our deeply broken immigration system.  As a result, South American gangs are now absolutely thriving in major cities all over America.  In fact, as you will see below, the most notorious South American gang is literally running operations out of facilities that were originally established by the government to assist migrants.

Interest Of Justice Coalitions Forming to ‘Stop The WHO Pandemic Treaty’

by Interest of Justice, Activist Post:

Interest of Justice invites you to join the coalition against the World Health Organization Pandemic Preparedness and Response Treaty so the Globalists are restrained from profiting from forced unforgiving health regulations in your country!

LT w/ Dr. Elliott: BRICS meeting – next phase of monetary reset on Earth, Understand BIBLICAL times, PRAY!

from And We Know:


Former CDC Director Dr. Redfield compares the #MAHA movement with JFK’s Moonshot.

Honestly, fools, why would anyone not vote for Kamala…..

from State Of The Nation:

…when she’s all in for this awesomeness:

• Cutting off the penises of young boys so they can’t make babies when they’re older, and can’t grow one back no matter how many penis enlargement surgeries they do.

• Slicing off  the breasts of young girls so they can’t breast feed the babies they can’t make because they had their ovaries and uteruses taken out.  And future implants won’t help with breast-feeding either.

Arizona Senatorial Candidate Rubin Gallego Ties to Columbian CARTELS? Fact-Check or Political Spin?

from vivafrei:


Florida Surgeon General Calls for Halt of Covid-19 Vaccine. The Vaccine Affects Millions of Americans. It Should be the Object of Debate Prior to the 2024 Elections

by Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research:

The Covid 19 “Vaccine” narrative is being question n several countries, confirming what we have outlined and document since the vaccine rollout in mid-December 2020.

We recall the recent courageous statement of Japan’s Former Minister of Internal Affairs Kazuhiro Haraguchi:

“‘You Were Right, Vaccines Are Killing Millions of Our Loved Ones” 

“They are trying to block our freedom, our resistance, our power. But we will never lose.”


by Jim Quinn, The Burning Platform:

“Thoughtcrime was not a thing that could be concealed for ever. You might dodge successfully for a while, even for years, but sooner or later they were bound to get you”. – Orwell’s 1984

“They do not even need evidence to condemn someone they believe is guilty”. – Orwell’s 1984

Many people have joked that Orwell’s 1984 wasn’t supposed to be an instruction manual, but now it’s not a joke. Orwell’s cautionary warning about authoritarianism, mass surveillance, and the suppression of free speech through the use of propaganda, censorship, and threat of imprisonment and torture, has come to fruition, especially since the Party’s rollout of the covid plandemic in 2020. Despite virtually every student being required to read 1984 at some point in their schooling, none of Orwell’s strident warnings seem to have been grasped. Therefore, the ruling oligarchy has used virtually every totalitarian tool in the novel to their fullest extent.

Trudeau’s newest SCANDAL will bring down Canada’s government | Redacted with Clayton Morris

from Redacted News:


BREAKING: 🇮🇱🇱🇧 Israel announced it will start bombing HOSPITALS in Beirut


Trump Beating Harris for First Time in Decision Desk HQ Forecast — Takes Massive Ten Point Lead

by Cassandra MacDonald, The Gateway Pundit:

Former President Donald Trump is now beating Vice President Kamala Harris in the Decision Desk HQ/The Hill election forecast for the first time.
Trump has taken a massive ten-point lead over Harris, with a 52 percent chance of winning to her 42 percent.

The Hill reports:

PA Democrats See 103% Rise In Voters Leaving Its Party


by Sarah Arnold, Townhall:

The seven battleground states will ultimately decide on the outcome of the 2024 election, with Pennsylvania being one of the most closely watched states. Former President Donald Trump managed to win the Keystone State in 2016 but lost to President Joe Biden four years later.

The two presidential candidates are neck-to-neck just weeks before the highly contentious election. 

With the next POTUS most likely being determined by just a few votes in Pennsylvania, the candidates have spent much time and money reaching voters. However, that strategy doesn’t seem to work for Harris as more and more Democrats flee the party.

Man Wakes Up While Surgeons Were Harvesting His Organs

from TheSaltyCracker:


The Political Party Illusion

by Jeff Thomas, International Man:

It has been said that every great nation has its rise and fall; that its rise occurs as a result of the population (in general) becoming determined to work hard to create a better life, and that its fall occurs when the population becomes spoiled, then complacent and then finally, apathetic.

Much of the First World has reached this latter stage, all (to varying degrees) at the same time. Unfortunately, from a historical standpoint, the period of apathy is almost invariably followed by a period of bondage – a marked social and economic decline in which the people of the nation become little more than serfs of the state that rules them.