Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Lessons Learned From a Winter Storm


    by Michael X, Survival Blog:

    I have often bugged my wife to let us try a “long weekend without power”. I wanted to test my preps, byt so far she has not taken me up on my offer. However, recently Fate stepped in and gave me what I wanted. I am writing this to document my experience and my analysis of what I need to do to further my readiness.

    I have been interested in Prepping for many years. My early introduction to prepping was on this website, and by reading the Patriots novel series by James Wesley, Rawles. Many, many books followed that rounded out my prepping education. My go-to book is “How to Survive the End of the World as We Know It”. I also like “The Prepper’s Blueprint” by Tess Pennington. I have the List of Lists and I had thought that I was making progress. But using the preparedness tools and supplies is much different than checking the items off a list.



      from The Salty Cracker:

      TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

      Do vaccines cause autism? It sure looks like it to me.


        by Steve Kirsch, Steve Kirsch’s newsletter:

        I was watching a Susan Oliver video claiming it’s just coincidence. So I decided to take a look for myself. It seems clear from the source data that she’s giving you false information.

        This one VAERS query which took me all of 10 seconds to do is all you need to know.

        And do you see the most interesting thing in this chart?

        The COVID19 vaccine isn’t associated with a single case of autism! However, upon further investigation, that’s because the symptom Autism is now entered into VAERS as Autism Spectrum Disorder. There were just 34 cases.

        San Francisco Business Owners Demand Tax Refunds Because of Chaos on the Streets


          by Jose Nino, Big League Politics:

          According to a report by Bryan Jung of The Epoch Times, several San Francisco business owners created a new association with the aim of getting the city government to provide tax refunds for its inability to contain the city’s growing crime and homelessness problems.

          The “Tenderloin Business Coalition” comprises 135 businesses and property owners in San Francisco’s Tenderloin district and is calling for the city government to grant businesses tax refunds for 2022 after having to cope with a surge in crime, drug use, and homelessness that disproportionately hurts the neighborhood’s economic activity.



            from FireMedic8:

            TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

            In Bid to Avoid Ban, TikTok Forms ‘Content Moderation’ Bureau to Work in Concert With U.S. Govt


              by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation:

              As part of an effort to avoid being banned and/or taken over in the United States, TikTok has formed a “content moderation” bureau headed by a former US Secret Service agent that will be reporting to the US government.

              From Reuters, “Exclusive: TikTok steps up efforts to clinch U.S. security deal”:

              Popular short-video app TikTok is offering to operate more of its business at arm’s length and subject it to outside scrutiny as it tries to convince the U.S. government to allow it to remain under the ownership of Chinese technology company ByteDance, according to people familiar with the matter.



                from The David Knight Show:

                TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

                The Government Funded Group Pushing Facebook Censorship


                  by Jow Martino, The Pulse:

                  Back in 2018, thousands independent media Facebook pages were removed in what is often referred to in indie-media as ‘The Great Purge.” This moment caused an uproar in the war against independent media, one that increased with the COVID pandemic.

                  At the time of The Great Purge, my inbox flooded with messages as friends and other Facebook page admins began asking me if we lost anything or when I thought we were going to be next. To think a business I had spent 10 years building (at the time) could be erased instantly because ‘someone said so’ was a bit scary.

                  ‘Monster’: 10-inch blood clot removed from live person who got COVID shot


                    from WND:

                    ‘Anyone ever seen this before vax rolled out?’

                    It’s already documented that a study by the Food and Drug Administration confirms a link between blood clots and the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.

                    Embalmers across the country are reporting the emergence of bizarre “fibrous” clots in a substantial portion of their cases since the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines.



                      from Arcadia Economics:

                      TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

                      Murder They Wrought


                        by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

                        As readers know, I am concerned that the neoconservatives’ drive for US hegemony is the road to nuclear war.  But we also face demise from other directions.  In this column I share thoughts on the use of orchestrated pandemics to destroy economic independence and civil liberty and to reduce the world population, a declared goal of Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab.  In subsequent columns I will address other threats that go unattended.

                        The FBI is the Tool the Globalists Used To Kill America


                          from The New American:

                          TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

                          Special Guest Sean from SGT Report – 9/11 Cover-Up – Why the U.S. Planned the Attack


                            from Deprogramming With Graces Dad:

                            TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

                            Elon Musk Says He Is ‘Open’ to Idea of Buying Out Major Media Companies, Drops Another ‘Fauci Bomb’


                              by Kyle Becker, Becker News:

                              Billionaire tech CEO Elon Musk is entertaining the idea of buying out top digital media companies.

                              Journalist and media commentator Dave Rubin started a Twitter thread discussing the tremendous influence that Google and YouTube have on the nation’s politics.

                              “Let me get ahead of this one right now…” Rubin tweeted. “I think YouTube’s (and Google’s) manipulation for political purposes is FAR worse than Twitter’s.”

                              $1.7 trillion spending bill requires platforms to verify ID of those earning $5,000 revenue per year


                                by Didi Rankovic, Reclaim The Net:

                                And collect sellers’ other sensitive data including bank account details and tax ID.

                                A massive, $1.7 trillion funding bill was approved in the US Congress last Friday and will become law once signed by President Biden.

                                And once that happens, it will bring into force proposed legislation introduced last year, INFORM Consumers Act, designed to regulate a sensitive segment of online marketplaces, delving deep into and disclosing sellers’ personal data under some circumstances.