Tuesday, July 2, 2024



    from SGT Report:

    This is a SGT Special Report. Bill Gates, his foundation, the World Economic Forum and the United Nations are losing the war they are waging against humanity and they are way behind in their goals as I will show you in this video.

    Ron Paul: America’s First Hyperinflation


      from Birch Gold Group:

      By Ron Paul, for Birch Gold Group

      Today, we’re seeing 40-year record inflation thanks to a combination of irresponsible monetary and fiscal policies. I’ve spoken to a lot of Americans who are seriously worried we’ll see a destructive bout of hyperinflation.

      If we do, you may be surprised to learn it won’t be the first time…

      Today I’m going to tell you the story of America’s first hyperinflationary episode. Our Founding Fathers learned a crucial lesson from it, and tried to ensure it wouldn’t happen again…



      from SGT Report:

      Jason Bermas joins me to discuss the war that’s being waged on humanity, humiliation rituals and the 9/11 false flag.

      The Unvaccinated Have Won


        by Kennedy Hall, via Lew Rockwell:

        Ever the optimist, I thought I would spread a little more hope—or “hopium,” as it is often called.

        As I write this, it has been confirmed that Justin Trudeau—the prime minister who the fact checkers have assured us is definitely not of the Castro lineage—has relented to public pressure and the growing national and international resentment against him and has thusly dropped his insane segregationist vaccine border mandate.



          from Mark Dice:

          TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

          PayPal Goes on Rampage Closing Out Accounts


            by Jorgen Soby, Activist Post:

            PayPal has gone on a rampage by blocking organizations they don’t like access to their services.

            The Free Speech Union (FSU) is one of several organizations that just lost access to the financial platform.

            “PayPal has demonetised the Free Speech Union. It is not uncommon for financial companies like PayPal to withdraw services from individuals or groups who express politically contentious views, but this is the first time an organisation that defends people’s right to express such views has been demonetised. This is a new low and takes us one step closer towards a Chinese-style social credit system in which those who do not toe the party line are shut out of the financial system,” states their press release.

            It’s gonna be a BLOODBATH on Election Day unless……..


              from State Of The Nation:

              There are basically three distinctly different scenarios shaping up for Election Day 2022, each of which will have HUGE repercussions for the continuity of the American Republic.

              First, if the midterm elections actually take place, they will only occur in the midst of so much chaos, confusion and conflict that the Democrat Party really believes they will be successful at stealing every election in sight. In other words, only in the fog of war (that’s why they’re called “campaigns’), and in a national environment of overwhelming distraction and turmoil, will the Democrats be confident of successfully stealing the sufficient number of elections necessary to win majorities in both the U.S. Senate and House. Of course, this scenario implies a series of stunning October Surprises that will be as shocking as they are disorienting, wreaking havoc in all the ways required to provide LOTs of cover for massive vote fraud nationwide—even more than 2020 if you can believe that.

              The Prepper’s Storage Dilemma


                by Pat Cascio, Survival Blog:

                Storage of your voluminous preps can be a real problem. We don’t live in a large house, it is only about 1,600 Square Feet. It has two bedrooms, one is extremely small, and is used as my office. The home we used to live in, on the dry side of Oregon, was quite a bit bigger, it was originally an earth-sheltered house, with most of it underground. And, at some point, in the 1970s, there was another level added and it became a more traditional house. However, the below-ground portion of the house was totally useable. Half of the “basement” was used for my office/dojo — I also taught martial arts classes in the basement. The other half was our oldest daughter’s bedroom, and a great storage room for our Preps. We miss having it!

                Conditioned for War with Russia


                  by Ray McGovern, Consortium News:

                  Ray McGovern reviews key pieces of background that — thanks to the media — few Americans know about the widest war in 77 years that is now on our doorstep.

                  Thanks to Establishment media, the sorcerer apprentices advising President Joe Biden — I refer to Secretary of State Antony Blinken, National Security Advisor Jacob Sullivan and China specialist Kurt Campbell – will have no trouble rallying Americans for the widest war in 77 years, starting in Ukraine, and maybe spreading to China. And, shockingly, under false pretenses.

                  McDonald’s CEO Threatens to Leave Chicago Due to Rising Crime


                    by Shane Trejo, Big League Politics:

                    Is Chicago on the verge of closing up a large portion of the Chicago operations?

                    McDonald’s CEO Chris Kempczinski believes rising crime has made his employees in the Chicago area scared to go to work. Moreover, Kempczinski is of the view that Chicago’s growing crime makes it next to impossible for the fast food giant to hire new employees in its Chicago offices. Tyler Durden of ZeroHedge observed that Chicago has already experienced 494 homicides take place thus far in 2022.

                    Belgium Permanently Shuts Down Nuclear Reactor Amid Power Crunch


                      by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation:

                      The Belgian government is shutting down a major nuclear power plant amid a record power crunch and skyrocketing energy costs to “appease” Green parties who oppose nuclear power.

                      From The Brussels Times, “Doel 3: Shutdown confirmed for Friday despite politicians’ pleas”:

                      Despite calls from members of the Federal Government to postpone the dismantling of the Doel 3 nuclear reactor, both the operator Engie and the reactor’s director have confirmed that it will be permanently shut down on Friday.

                      How Powerful People Use ‘Us vs. Them’ To Divide The Masses—And The Antidote


                        by Joe Martino, The Pulse:

                        • The Facts:
                          • Humans are hardwired to think categorically and basically. With traits that almost instantaneously divide others into Us or Them.
                          • Studies have shown that oxytocin enhances our Us vs Them biological trait. In both ‘good’ ways and ‘bad’ ways.
                          • These biological traits can be reinforced with propaganda.
                          • The good news is, it’s very easy to adjust who we see as Us and Them, and perhaps transcend it all together.