Saturday, October 5, 2024

“Censorship Killed Millions. Free Speech Saves Lives”: Celebrating the Return of Dissenting Voices to Twitter


    by Sean Flanagan, Daily Sceptic:

    Voltaire, the clearest of Enlightenment thinkers, wrote in 1765: “Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.”

    250 odd years later, these words resonate possibly louder now than they did then. Controlling ‘the Narrative’ via propaganda and suppression of dissent has always been central to enacting tyrannical measures, but never before have those in power had at their disposal such potent levers of ubiquitous modern technology and communication to enforce global censorship. As the world begins to wake up to the devastating effects of the past three years surrounding the emergence of COVID-19 and the response measures enacted by our governments, it is now beyond doubt that this censorship has cost the lives and livelihoods of millions of people across the globe.

    Top Cancer Expert: Aggressive Cancers Appearing After Vaccine Boosters “Not a Coincidence”


      by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News:

      Covid boosters appear to be causing cancers.

      There follows the transcript of a new video put out by top cancer specialist Dr. Angus Dalgleish, who is very concerned that the Covid boosters appear to be causing cancers, an adverse effect which he says “does not look like a coincidence”.

      Major Hit To Fertility After Ivermectin: 6 Studies Show A Dramatic Decrease In Reproductive Health


      from Tim Truth:

      TRUTH LIVES on at

      UK plans to allow departments to more easily share more citizens’ personal data for digital ID verification


        by Ken Macon, Reclaim The Net:

        Potentially including the most highly sensitive details.

        The UK government plans to update the 2017 Digital Economy Act to allow departments to more easily share citizens’ personal data in an attempt to support the rollout of One Login, a new digital platform for accessing public services that is expected to roll out in the next two years.

        BILL GATES ATTACKS FOOD SUPPLY! – GMO Livestock & Destruction Of Farm Land! – Rations CONTINUE!


          from World Alternative Media:

          TRUTH LIVES on at

          Doctors declare: “Our bodies, our families, our choice. No medical mandates.”


            by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

            Six months ago, Dr. Robert Malone was one of a group, on behalf of 17,000 doctors and medical scientists worldwide, who held a press conference to call for a halt to covid “vaccines.”

            Last month, he was one of a group of doctors and experts in Austria who wrote a doctors proclamation declaring the importance of human dignity, integrity, personal sovereignty, and the fundamental rights to assemble, speak freely, and to protect future generations.

            GOAT Predictions for 2023 – Losing My Religion


              by Tom Luongo, Tom Luongo:

              Consider this, Consider this the hint of the century
              Consider this, the slip, that dropped me to my knees, failed.
              What if all these fantasies come flailing around?
              And now, I’ve said…. too much
              — R.E.M. – Losing My Religion

              I probably should have codified these before the turn of the new year but I didn’t even think of doing one of these lists until someone mentioned it on Twitter a few days ago.

              So, here it goes.

              The Court of Public Opinion Turns on the Authorities: 90% of Nursing Home Workers Stop Taking Vaccines


                from The Vigilant Fox:

                TRUTH LIVES on at

                Neil Oliver Describes a Life of Pretending in a Potemkin Village


                  from The Conservative Treehouse:

                  I like Neil Oliver a lot. I like his perspective, his deliberate nature, his refusal to accept the bullshit, and this monologue is one of the reasons why.  I have said it before that in the era of great pretending, the influential people will be those who do not play the game of pretense.  Neil Oliver is one of those people who refuses to play.

                  In this monologue Oliver uses two of my favorite metaphors to describe modern western civilization.  First, the Potemkin Villages constructed by political elite in their effort to make it seem like the world is something it is not. Second, the great pretending that is needed in order to sell it.



                    from Dr. Jane Ruby:

                    TRUTH LIVES on at

                    Republican Warmonger Wins Contest to Become House Speaker


                      by Kurt Nimmo, Kurt Nimmo on Geopolitics:

                      The squabble on the House floor was partisan political theater, nothing more.

                      Yawn. Another warmongering statist is elected to head up the “right” side of the corporatist uniparty in the House of Representatives. The other side of the uniparty—the “woke” contingent, segregated on the “left” side of the aisle—condemned his appointment as a victory for Trump.

                      Ron DeSantis Takes Woke Bull by Horns


                        from Moonbattery:

                        Unelectable, backward-looking candidates (not opposition to abortion) caused the promised Red Wave to peter out. Republicans barely managed to retake the House, and struggled mightily just to elect a Speaker. But there is hope: Ron DeSantis.

                        DeSantis squeaked into office in 2018. He governed so well that in 2022, facing a more serious candidate than Andrew Gillum, he won in a landslide. He continues to take the moonbat establishment bull by the horns.



                        from Jim Crenshaw:

                        TRUTH LIVES on at



                          from The Alex Jones Show:

                          TRUTH LIVES on at

                          Medicaid Fraud, Patient Coercion, and Unreported Vaccine Injuries Across California


                            by Jodi O’Malley MSN, RN, America Outloud:

                            Let’s continue the dialog with an anonymous Utilization and Review Nurse (UR) who reached out to Nurse April and me after hearing about our show on 12/28 with the following email:

                            April and Jodi-

                            I just listened to your episode from December 28th. You guys are awesome! I’m a new gardener, owner of 4 chickens, and also an RN (formerly critical care then L&D but now I work for a major insurance company in utilization review from home). Like you all, I’ve been in total disbelief over the last few years at what I’ve been seeing from our colleagues. I knew from April 2020 that something was seriously wrong. In my current job which I’ve been in since 2015, I review medical records of inpatient admissions all day long. I was on maternity leave when covid hit and went back to work early thinking surely they must need me- instead I came back and we had hardly anyone in the hospital (and we review for the entire state of California- a supposed hot zone). In the beginning, I was reviewing H&Ps of docs giving hydroxy for COVID.